Title: Davis Weekly December 711
1Davis Weekly December 7-11
Dec. 15th- FIELD TRIP Dec. 16th- Christmas
Party Dec. 17th- Mystery Lagniappe
I wish we could put up some of the Christmas
spirit (and excitement) in jars and open a jar of
it every month. Harlan Miller
Monday is the deadline for new or gently used
toys. Send something if you can!
McWane Center Rules 1. Students must stay with
their chaperones. 2. Please walk at all times. 3.
The following items are not allowed CD players
and Book Bags Carbonated Beverages Gum and
Candy Remember Please be at school by 630 IN
THE GYM, buses will leave _at_ 645. We will return
to Leon Sheffield after the buses run. PLEASE
PICK STUDENTS UP AT 315. Bring your lunch in a
sack with your name on it, unless pre-ordered
from the cafeteria. No carbonated drinks - Bring
water or juice drinks. We will wear our Turkey
Bowl shirts, if you have one. Please bring
things to do on the bus ride. Books are great! If
you bring hand held video games it will be at
your own risk. These must be left on the bus when
we arrive at the museum. The bus will be parked
in a satellite lot away from the McWane Center,
but will be locked.
There will not be a newsletter next week, so let
me take this opportunity to wish you all a safe
and happy holiday time. We have had an amazing
first semester journey and I expect some grand
adventures next year!
HOLIDAY CONTRACTS- Next week the children will
bring home a Holiday contract. They will make a
decision about how diligent they wish to be with
their Reading, Writing, and Math facts during
their vacation time. It is a simple goal setting
sheet that will perhaps provide some incentive to
continue the great work habits we have begun.
THANK YOU so much to the moms, aunts, and
grandmothers that helped us with crafts! We had a
great time and I hope the packages are enjoyed by
all. I still have a little paper mouse and a
macaroni picture frame (painted gold) that my
children made when they were small. These hang on
my tree every year and are quite priceless.
Next week Monday will be our last normal day!
Tuesday is the Field Trip. Wednesday is the
Christmas party! Thursday is Mystery Lagniappe
and the Faculty vs. Fifth Graders Volleyball
game. We will probably have only a few more
grades, folks. Although we are very excited about
Santa, most of us are still managing to behave
very well! Great job, kiddoes!
Funny of- the- Week
(This was an answer written on last weeks vocab.
Test) I was hired by McDonalds. Then they
fired me. Apparently they do not like it when you
eat the fries.
Read Aloud
Old Yeller