Title: Easy Grade Pro 3'6 Part 7 Intermediate Skills
1Easy Grade Pro 3.6 Part 7Intermediate Skills
- This presentation will probably involve audience
discussion, which will create action items. Use
PowerPoint to keep track of these action items
during your presentation - In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button
- Select Meeting Minder
- Select the Action Items tab
- Type in action items as they come up
- Click OK to dismiss this box
- This will automatically create an Action Item
slide at the end of your presentation with your
points entered.
2Part 7 Intermediate SkillsMore on
- Items up to now have covered notes, comments, and
attendance for individual students but
Now, lets look at
- Summaries for both Student and Class
- These summaries can be seen on the computer
screen or created as a hard copy printout.
3Part 7 Intermediate SkillsMore on Summaries
- The Summaries Panel contains many evaluation
tools for measuring - Classes against each other
- Students within a Class
- Student to self
- Assignment to other classes
- Assignment within a class
- And so on
4Part 7 Intermediate SkillsMore on Summaries
- Remember there are 4 ways to get to the Summaries
part of the EGP Gradebook - The Menu Bar
- The Tool Bar Icon
- The Tool Palette Icon
- The Number Column of the Scores, Attendance,
Student, or Assignment Data Sheets
5Part 7 Intermediate SkillsMore on Summaries
- The Menu Bar
- The Tool Bar Icon
- The Tool Palette Icon
- The Number Column
6Part 7 Intermediate SkillsMore on Summaries
7Part 7 Intermediate SkillsMore on Summaries
- These categories ONLY allow for Class and
Class-Term selection for overall Class Average
8Part 7 Intermediate SkillsMore on Summaries
- This creates a graphic reflection of a class
9Part 7 Intermediate SkillsMore on Summaries
- This is the Summary - Classes - Scores Panel
- This reflects the students overall scores and
points for a class and related statistical data
10Part 7 Intermediate SkillsMore on Summaries
- Summaries - Classes - Attendance
- This panel allows for the selection of any
of the attendance categories to be viewed of a
11Part 7 Intermediate SkillsMore on Summaries
- Summaries - Classes - Notes
- This allows for notes to be creation of notes
that a teacher wants to male up for classes - It also can be used for instructions for Guest
Teachers - Or other notes regarding a class
12Part 7 Intermediate SkillsMore on Summaries
13Part 7 Intermediate SkillsMore on Summaries
- Summary - Student - Graph
- This allows for the selection of classes for
all of the Summaries - Student Sub-Listings
14Part 7 Intermediate SkillsMore on Summaries
- Summaries - Student - Notes (As covered in Part
- Selected to show information as a Graph
15Part 7 Intermediate SkillsMore on Summaries
- Summaries - Student - Graph
- This allows for the color selection of the class
average and 3 Sub-Categories
16Part 7 Intermediate SkillsMore on Summaries
- Summaries - Student - Graph
- This allows for the display of the major class
average and up to 3 sub-categories
17Part 7 Intermediate SkillsMore on Summaries
- Summaries - Student - Scores
- Shows Overall Points Scores, along with each
assignment of a student. Also allows moving
between class terms, classes, students
18Part 7 Intermediate SkillsMore on Summaries
- Summaries - Student - Attendance
- Shows Attendance Categories and the recorded
attendance for the selected class term - class
and individual student
19Part 7 Intermediate SkillsMore on Summaries
- Summaries - Student - Attendance
20Part 7 Intermediate SkillsMore on Summaries
- Summaries - Student - Notes (See Part 6)
- Summaries - Student - Comments (See Part 6)
21Part 7 Intermediate SkillsMore on Summaries
22Part 7 Intermediate SkillsMore on Summaries
- Summaries - Assignment - Graphs
- This allows for the selection of class assignment
data. Data is shown per class, assignment, and
23Part 7 Intermediate SkillsMore on Summaries
- Summaries - Assignment - Scores
- Shows a class Assignment Score Report for
the - students
- within
- the class
- The Statistical Information on the bottom
24Part 7 Intermediate SkillsClosing
- Topics Covered
- Summaries
- Classes
- Student
- Assignments
- Questions?
- If later Point of Contact is
- Stanley_A_Gardner_at_interact.ccsd.net
25Part 7 Intermediate SkillsCredit
- This presentation was created for educational
purposes. - This presentation maybe copied or
- used in whole or in part for
- educational purposes.
- It is only requested that credit be
- given to SA Gardner
- EGP is an ORBIS Software Product