Title: Midland Valley High School
1Midland Valley High School
- Class Registration Meeting
2Your Guidance Department is Here for You!
- Ms. Worley, Registrar
- Ms. Ryans, 9th and 10th Grades
- Ms. Crow, 11th and 12th Grades
- Ms. Masters, Career Specialist
- Ms. Davis, Career Specialist
- Ms. Johnson, Career Counselor
3Requirements to be a SENIOR
- Total of 17 Credits must include
- 3 Math credits
- 3 English credits
- 2 Science credits
- Summer school is an option if you need to get
caught up! Applications will be
available in guidance in May.
4What classes should you take next year?
- Students should choose classes based on career
and educational goals. - Are you planning to go to a 2-year or 4-year
college? - Are you taking the right classes to complete a
major in high school? (IGP) - Are you planning to join the military or work
force after graduation?
5What do I need to take in order to graduate?
6What does the Class of 2010 need to take to get
into a 4 year college?
- Colleges have additional course requirements
- At least 2 years of the same foreign language
(Clemson and C of C require 3 years) - An additional lab science course
- ExamplesAnatomy, Physics or AP Chemistry
- Four Academic Electives
- Examples Art, Band, Chorus, Global Studies 2,
Spanish 3, French 3, Psychology, Teacher Cadet,
Advanced Composition, AP Calculus, AP English,
7Sample Senior Schedule
- Four Year College Track
- -AP English/Advanced Composition/English 4
- -AP Calculus/Pre-Calculus/Prob Stats
- -Lab Science AP Chemistry/Anatomy/Physics
- -Government/Economics
- -Foreign Language
- -1 or 2 Electives
- -Early Dismissal with Parent Approval
8Sample Senior Schedule
- Two Year College Track (Aiken Tech)
- -English 4
- -Math Tech 4
- -Government/Economics
- -Environmental Science
- -1 or 2 Electives
- -Early Dismissal with Parent Approval
9What do I need to take to get into a 4 year
college?Class of 2011 and 2012
- All four Math classes must be college prep
classes - Example Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra 2,
Pre-Calculus - Take at least 2 years of the same foreign
language - Clemson and College of Charleston require 3 years
10Admission to 4 year collegeClass of 2011 and 2012
- One Fine Art credit
- Chorus, Band or Art
- At least 1 Academic Elective
- Global Studies 2, Band, Chorus, Psychology, 5th
year of a core subject (English, Math, Science
or Social studies) - Check Admissions Requirements for the colleges
you are interested in!
11ACT and SAT Test Information
- Four year college bound juniors should take the
ACT and/or SAT this Spring. - Dont wait until your senior year to take these
tests for the first time. - Registration packets are available in the
guidance office. - Aiken Tech does NOT require these tests. They use
the COMPASS test instead.
12ScholarshipsFree Money for College
- Lottery Tuition Assistance
- Technical Colleges Only
- Apply by filling out the FAFSA form
- HOPE2,800
- 1 year scholarship for 4 year colleges
- Need a 3.0 GPA
13LIFE Scholarship for Four Year Colleges
- LIFE Scholarship5,000-7,500
- Four Year Colleges Require 2 of 3 items
- 3.0 GPA
- SAT1100 or ACT24 (Math and Reading)
- Top 30 of Graduating Class
14LIFE Scholarship for Two Year/Technical Colleges
- LIFE Scholarship pays up to the Cost of Tuition
plus 300 for books - Requirement 3.0 GPA
- You CAN afford to go to college!
15Palmetto FellowsScholarship
- 6,700-10,000 a year to attend a four year
college in South Carolina - Requirements
- Have at least a 3.5 GPA
- 1200 SAT or 27 ACT (Math/Reading Scores)
- 3. Rank in top 6 of your class during your
10th, 11th OR 12th grade year
16NCAA Information
- Athletes should register with the NCAA
Clearinghouse at www.ncaa.org - -See your Coach or Ms. Crow for more information
- Must take an English and Math class each year of
high school to be eligible to play college sports
17New Courses for Next Year!!
- AP English Language and Composition
- For students taking Honors or GT English 3 or 4
- - We will continue to offer AP English
Literature - AP Chemistry
- For students taking Honors Chemistry I this year
- Administrative Support Technology
- Learn how to manage and supervise a business,
solve business-related problems, and manage
general office tasks
18More New Courses
- Technical Communication (1/2 credit)
- Improve writing and communication skills
- Build your language arts skills for use in
business and industry - Great course for everyone, no matter what your
plans are after high school - Life After High School (1/2 credit)
- -Learn important life skills such as how to
apply and interview for jobs, how to manage
your money, and how to live on your own.
19More New Courses
- Small Business Management
- Work in the School Store
- Must have taken Marketing already or be enrolled
in Marketing next year - Chorus 2
- Must have taken Chorus I
20Even More New Courses!
- PE 3 Weight-Training for Female Sports½ credit
- PE 2 will continue to be for Male Sports
- Weight Training is only for MV athletes or
students majoring in the Exercise and Sports
Program. - Aquaculture
- New class in the Agriculture Department
- Must have taken Agricultural and Environmental
21How do I sign up for classes?
- 1.Get Teacher Recommendations on your Course
Request Sheet - 2.Ask your parents to contact the Guidance Office
to sign up for an IGP Appointment 593-7104 - 3.Turn your Course Request sheet in to your
1st period teacher THIS Friday!
22How do I sign up for classes?
- 5.Attend your IGP Conference with a Parent or
Guardian - Dates/Times for Current 11th Grade Conferences
- February 10th-13th from 700am-400pm
- February 17th 18th from 900am-500pm
23Important Deadline
- The last day to change classes is June 16, 2009!