Title: SAI Training for School Coordinators
1SAI Training for School Coordinators
- Quality Professional Development
- 7 Step back-mapping process
- Training for Coordinators
- Tokens for survey
- Tokens for reports
- Training for Educators
- Token for survey
3- Long-term, sustained 60 hours
- Follow-up
- Classroom coaching
- Based on student learning
- needs
- 5. Curriculum, instruction,
- content knowledge, assessment
- Plan for support of
- implementation
- Collegial support and learning
- Aligned with schools curriculum,
- textbooks, assessments
- Active learning
- Collective participation
Improved Student Achievement
High-Quality Professional Development
4Implement Evaluate
Improved Student Learning
STEP 7 Implement, Sustain, Evaluate Intervention
STEP 1 Analyze student learning needs
Pathway to Increasing Student Achievement
STEP 2 Analyze School/District Context
STEP 6 Select Intervention and plan
Implementation Evaluation
Diagnose Focus
STEP 3 Develop Student Improvement Goals
STEP 5 Review Results-Based Interventions
STEP 4 Identify Educator Learning Needs
5Implement Evaluate
Improved Student Learning
STEP 7 Implement, Sustain, Evaluate
Professional Development Intervention
2A. SAI survey 2B. SAI report Standard and
Question Average 2C. Identify Standards Rationale
for Standard SAI questions related to
Standards Frequency Counts by Standard 2D. IC
Maps Build Consensus
STEP 1 Analyze student learning needs
Pathway to Increasing Student Achievement
STEP 2 Analyze School/District Context
STEP 6 Select Intervention and plan
Implementation Evaluation
Diagnose Focus
STEP 3 Develop Student Improvement Goals
STEP 5 Review Results-Based Staff Development
STEP 4 Identify Educator Learning Needs
- Survey Token for Co-op Spring 2009 LZCDH
- Report Token for Co-op Spring 2009 FGPUM
7SAI live
- Fall 2008
- September 2 December 12
- Each co-op can set dates within this range
- Spring 2009
- January 5 May 22
- Each co-op can set dates within this range
8Supporting Documents
- SAI article
- Quick SAI Survey Guide for School Educators
- Quick SAI Survey Guide for School Coordinators
- SAI Surveys User Guide
- NSDC-SAI Coordinators Users Guide
- Co-op SAI designee Phoebe Bailey
- Contact Information
- baileyp_at_et.swsc.k12.ar.us
- Office 870-777--3076
- Cell 870-703-7278
- Toolkit for Quality Professional Development
- My Courses
- LIBRARY - Resources
- LIBRARY - Arkansas Department of Education
- SECTION - Standards and Indicators for School
Improvement - Standard 6 Professional Growth, Development and
Education - RESOURCE - Tool Kit for Quality Professional
Development - Innovation Configuration Maps
- My Courses
- LIBRARY - Resources
- LIBRARY - Arkansas Department of Education
- SECTION - Standards and Indicators for School
Improvement - Standard 6 Professional Growth, Development and
Education - RESOURCE - Innovation Configuration Maps (IC)