Title: Towards the idea of a one-stop-administration: Experiences
1Towards the idea of a one-stop-administration
- Patrik Hitzelberger, CRP Gabriel Lippmann
Luxembourg - Lefis workshop
- Münster, March 9, 2004
- Background
- Statistics and background of the project
- The project  RCSÂ
- Fundamental reorganisation of the Luxembourg
Register(s) of Companies - Steps towards the  One-stop administrationÂ
- Lessons learned perspectives
3Background of the project
4Background Statistics about Luxembourg
- Surface 2500km²
- Population 450.000, 38 foreigners (1981
370.000 / 26) - 3 official languages
- GNP/head 45.000 (EU 25.000)
5Background Conclusions
-  Mini state, but
- High economic and population growth rates
- Multicultural and multilingual environment
- Political and administrative system complete and
comparable to the neighbours (same functions,
less  instances of administrations). - Small, rich, and European society ? Ideal and
model country for E-Government ? (yes and no
6BackgroundeEurope benchmark 10/2003
Source European Commissionhttp//europa.eu.int/i
7The project RCS
RCS Registre de Commerce et des SociétésÂ
Register of Companies
8The project RCSMotivation (1/2)
 Business cases of the RCS Luxembourg 1990-2000
RCS  Registre de Commerce et des SociétésÂ
Register of Companies
9The project RCSMotivation (year 2000) (2/2)
- 2 public registers in Lux. (ministry of justice)
- 80.000 companies registered
- 100 paper based
- Low quality of data (even loss)
- Unacceptable response times (up to months for a
certificate of registration) - Low customer satisfaction (no confidence)
- Good starting point for  guichet uniqueÂ
one-stop administration for business users
10The project RCSRemedies
- ReorganisationResearch project 2001-2004
- Fundamental reorganisation of the RCS in terms of
- New law
- New operating model (PPP) and new staff
- New forms and procedures
- Online availability (to a certain extend)
- Consolidation to one register
- Development of internal IT system
- Digitisation of existing records (ongoing, only
data for the certificates) - Simplification of overall process (of company
formation) by implicating other organisations
11The project RCSNew law and new legal form
- New law replacing text from 1909
- New legal form of the register Creation of a
GIE) consisting of Ministry of Justice and the
two professional chambers to operate the (one)
new register. New accounting and fees?? high
flexibility combined with public control - The law allows the chambers to carry out
registration for their members ? prepares a
 one-stop procedure
) Groupement dintérêt économique economic
interest group
12The project RCSNew forms and procedures
-  Classical internal BPR project for well
structured processes (rare) - 4 basic procedures ( database ), but depends on
level of detail (dozens modelled) - Structured forms (did not exist before). (Much
new data).Usage mandatory
13The project RCSNew operating model PPP
Ministry of Justice
Professional chambers
Administration board
Operatingtechnical control
- New staff
- Private employees
Oracle database
) Centre informatique de létat
14The project RCSOnline services (1/2)
- Chiefly information oriented
- FilePrint approach for forms
- Simple read access to database
- Transactional service was low prio (cf. user
15The project RCSOnline services (2/2)
- Name / RCS numbers available
- Acquisition of all data of existing companies is
ongoing - Background re-organisation seems to be more
important than distribution channel
16Steps towards the  One-stop administrationÂ
Guichet unique
17One-stop administrationFormation of an enterprise
Le Centre deFormalités PME notifie la
confirmation delautorisation
Le client reçoit sacarte dartisan parvoie
postal (oupar voie électronique)
Inscription au rôleartisanal (Chambre
Consultation par le Tirbunal de Commerce
Attribution dun numéromatricule national par
le CIE
Demande à lAdm. desContributions Directes
Le client reçoit unN fiscal par voiepostalbe
(ou par voie électronique)
Avis du Greffe duTribunale deCommerce
Le client est informé des autres
formalités éventuelles à réaliser
Demande à lAdministration desDouanes et
Le client reçoit unN daccise par voiepostale
(ou par voie électronique)
Accueil et conseil client
Centre de Formalités PME (CdM, CdC)
Le Centre de Fomrlaités PME notifie la
confirmation de lautorisation
Demande dautorisationMCM
Accusé de réceptiondu MCM
Réalisation des autres formalités
Demande à lAdministration delEnregistrement
Le client reçoit unN TVA par Voie postale (ou
par voie électronique)
Notaires (statuts)
Registre de Commerceet des Sociétés (RCS)
Avis de laCommisionautorisationdetablissement
Le Centre de Formalités PME Notifie la
confirmation De lautorisation
Inscription au rôle de la Chambre de Commerce
Greffe Faillites etLiquidations
Servie Central des Législations (Mémorial C)
11 agencies / organisations
Centrale des Bilans
Consultation par laCommissionautorisationsdét
Le client est informé d des autres formalités
Éventuelles à réaliser
Répertoire des Personnes Physiques et morales
Attribution dun Code NACE
Un document original est réalisé par le Centre
Commun de la Sécurité sociale
Le client doit retirer loriginal
18One-stop administrationRCS as starting point
- Technically seen, the RCS is a good starting
point (creation and collection of main data in
the formation process) - Political support and high motivation of the
professional chambers to start and support the
project - Digitisation of the RCS was indispensable to
realise any further step towards integrated
19One-stop administrationExample From two stops.
RCS Eescher Schmelz
AED - Plateau St. Esprit
RCS Guichet
Réquisitions Publications
AED LAC Caisse
Copies confirmées
délai de suite
délai 1-2 jours
Payement cash ou virement en avance
Payement cash
(Exception très rare)
AED LAJ Caisse/Bureau
AED - Plateau St. Esprit
Facture mensuelle
RCS Bureau
AED LAC Bureau
délai 24h
Actes sous seing notarié
délai 2-3 jours
Copies confirmées
A payer- droit dapport / droit fixe- amendes
LAC Luxembourg actes civils LAJ Luxembourg
actes judiciares
Facture mensuelle
Autres bureaux de lAED pas traités
20One-stop administration to one stop
RCS Escher Schmelz AED Bureau des sociétés
- Payement direct oupar facture (clients
fiables) - une quittance commune
- contrôle AED (droit dapport)
- contrôle RCS (dépôt)
- date certaine
- payement des droits et frais AED/RCS
- confirmation du dépôt au RCS
RCSAED Guichet 1..N
Dépôt s.s. privé
Facture commune mensuelle(clients fiables)
AED - Plateau St. Esprit
AED Bur. d. Soc.
RCS Backoffice
Compensation (comptabilité) (Transfert des
AED LAC Bureau
Actes notarié
délai 2-3 jours
délai un jour
Facture mensuelle (AED)
Facture mensuelle (RCS)
LAC Luxembourg actes civils
21One-stop administrationCharacteristics of the
- One common counter
- One physical location
- Mixed counter staff from both agencies with
identical responsibilities - Back-offices of both agencies
- One number of registration, one receipt
- Separated IT systems (requirement of AED)
22Results and lessons learned
23Results and lessons learnedReorganisation of the
- Deep back office reorganisation of the RCS was
extremely efficient - Prerequisite 1 New legal form of the register,
new law, (new staff?) - Prerequisite 2 Deployment of IT
- The industry-like processes of the RCS allowed a
 standard BPR approach - Change management was difficult
- new and old structures operating parallel,
- law did not pass as early as planned
- IT was delayed
24Results and lessons learnedRCS and beyond
- Optimisation of RCS took into account needs and
processes of collaborating agencies - Overall process has been regarded in order to
avoid local optimisations - Inter-organisational overall process of
enterprise formation is much more complicated
than the RCS internal one - Â E-government is more about government than
about e. (OECD). (?) - On the other hand Difficult integration of
legacy IT systems in different agencies
25Results and lessons learnedPerspectives
- Realisation of common RCS-AED counter is on hold
- Chambers will extend their formality centres to
benefit from the now available technical and
organisational infrastructure - Research to integrate further administrations in
the process is ongoing - Focus on distribution channel and electronic
service provision - Integration in eLuxembourg portal
26Results and lessons learnedGood practice retained
Source David Feeny 2000http//www.oecd.org/puma