Title: The Consortium Agreement
1The Consortium Agreement
- What is it good for . . .?
2Situation at the beginning of the FAIR
Construction of new Infrastructure (CNI)
13 different institutions involved gt
13 different intentions and goals?
The overall goalResearch under the best, most
efficient and nondiscriminatory general
conditions to reach excellent scientific results
for the benefit of all participants of the
project and for the EU
3Two Contracts to ensure the Overall goal
- The Core-Contract and its Annexes regulates the
relationship between the Consortium and the EU
2.The Consortium Agreement regulates the
relationship between the 13 participants of the
4Purpose of the CA
So many regulations Too many regulations . . .?
5Purpose of the CA
In the 5th framework programme some major
problems regarding Management, Liability and IPR
appeared during the project duration and many
projects failed because no agreement between the
participants could be reached at this point
6Purpose of the CA
Its good to agree on rules in the beginning of a
project so everybody is aware of his
responsibilities and not to forget his rights
Thats what a CA is good for!
7Purpose of the CA
And never forget
The best Contract is the one you sign and you
never have to look at again!
8Thank you!