Title: PreWorld War One Europe
1Pre-World War One Europe
2Germany not a united country but collection of
independent states, duchies
3(No Transcript)
4Prussia largest German state ruled by
Hohenzollern family since 1614 wants to unite
German states under Prussian rule problem -
5Otto von Bismarck the Iron Chancellor Works
with Prussian army to achieve goal of unified
Germany in 3 steps
6Otto von Bismarck
7Kaiser Wilhelm I
8Step 1 Start war with Denmark -tests new
army -gets Schleswig/Holstein and naval base at
9Step 2 Pick fight with Austria -several smaller
states support Austria -Prussia wins in 6
weeks -take Hanover, Hesse, Nassau, Cassel,
10Step 3 Must find an enemy that will unite all
German states in order to defeat
12Since Napoleon lost, France in political
turmoil Bourbons back on throne deposed in
1830 revolution Peoples King Louis
Philippe overthrown in Revolution of 1848
132nd Republic is declared people elect as
President Louis Napoleon 1851 declares himself
Napoleon III
14Louis Napoleon Napoleon III of France
15Relative of the Kaiser asked to be king of
Spain France doesnt want to be surrounded by
Hohenzollerns Kaiser Wilhelm I agrees not to
support his relative
16Bismarck rewrites the message so it insults France
Ems Telegram
17Franco-Prussian War
18Prussia invades France surrounds one army at
Sedan Napoleon and 100,000 surrender defeats
other army at Gravelotte Paris under seige
19Results 2nd German Empire proclaimed France
sets up 3rd Republic France must give up Alsace
Lorraine 1 Billion francs
203rd Republic Average life of government
1yr Problems threatened revolutions scandals
Dreyfus affair
21Germany Wilhelm I - Kaiser Bismarck
Chancellor Stays this way until Wilhelm dies in
22Kaiser Frederick William Kaiser for 3 months
23New Kaiser Wilhelm II
24Wilhelm Builds up navy Acquires
colonies Fires Bismarck
25Great Britain
26Limited monarchy 2 party system The Empire
continued to grow in the later half of the 19th
27(No Transcript)
28What is the purpose of the colonies? How are the
colonies and trade to and from the colonies
29Splendid Isolation no commitment to any country
in Europe England traditionally against the
strongest continental power Spain
Armada France of Louis XIV Napoleon
30Who is England against now?
31The United States
32US becomes industrial power in 19th century
33US has no natural rivals near by to challenge for
power Allowed to grow at own pace
34Begin to look outward at the end of 19th
century TR Imperialism Great White Fleet