Title: Project presentation:
1Project presentation A LEGAL VIEW ON SHIP
MANAGEMENT CONTRACTS Jeanette Andersson, Doctoral
student, LL.M. Department of law, University of
Gothenburg April 7, 2009
2The Ship Management Agreement
- The professional supply of a single or range of
services by a management company separate from
the vessels ownership where professional
supply means that the supplier (ship manager)
provides service(s) to the user (ship owner)
according to contracted terms and in return for a
management fee - The ship manager is acting in the name of and on
behalf of the shipowner.
3The Ship Management Agreement
- Outsourcing of management functions (split of
functions) - Technical
- Crew
- Provisions
- Accounting Services
- Purchasing
- Commercial
- Insurance Arrangements
- Sale and purchase
4The Ship Management Agreement
- Purposes
- Financial performance
- - Reduce costs
- - Increase revenue
- Financing business
- Resources
5The Ship Management Agreement
- Lack of contract law infrastructure (legal
uncertainty) - No legislation dealing with ship management
contracts - A few old and vague provisions regarding mandate
contracts - No service contracts legislation
- The Swedish Contracts Act covers a few general
contractual issues and does not govern the
internal relationship between a ship manager and
a ship owner
6The Ship Management Agreement
- Standard Contracts
- - Shipman -98 (The BIMCO Standard Ship Management
Agreement) - General legal principles
7The Ship Management Agreement
- Research topics
- the managers duty of care
- the managers responsibility concerning the
result - the managers duty to co-ordinate his efforts
- the relation between these duties and the budget
and management fee -
8The Ship Management Agreement
- Existing provisions
- Denationalised method
- Shipman -98
- International set of contract law principles
- Cross-principle method
- General transport/maritime law principles
- General contract law principles
9Thank You for Your Attention!