Title: Energy Strategy of Finland
1Energy Strategy of Finland
- Director General Taisto Turunen
- 16.1.2009
2Energy Consumption in OECD Countries 2005
Source IEA, Energy Balances, 2007
3Electricity consumption by sector 2007 Total
90.3 TWh
Energy Statistics Yearbook 2006
4Primary Energy Sources 1970 2007, Mtoe
Energy Statistics - 2007
5 2006 data is preliminary
Electricity Supply 1970 - 2007
Energy Statistics 2007
6Development of emission allowances prices
20072008 and forward contract prices for
emission allowances 20092012, /t CO2
2005-2008 Spot price
2008 Spot price
2008 Forward price
Emission trading period 2005-2007
Emission trading period 2008-2012
7Nordic electricity market spot price in
Finland and forward prices 20092013, /MWh
Spot prices
Forward prices
8National overall share of energy from renewable
sources in final consumption of energy 2005 and
targets for the share of energy from renewable
sources in final consumption of energy in 2020
9Greenhouse gas emissions in 19902050, 19902006
materialised development, thereafter to 2050 the
base case, Mt CO2-eqv.
10Total primary energy consumption during the
period 1990-2006 and its development until 2050
according to the base case and target case, TWh
11Total electricity consumption during the period
1990-2007 and its development until 2050
according to the base case and target case, TWh
12(No Transcript)
13The Finnish Government Energy Research
and Development Expenditure, 19702007 (M )
14Expenditure on public energy research as a
percentage of GDP in 2004
- Excl.nuclear research the highest percentage in
Finland, then Sweden and Switzerland
15Economic growth and the use of natural resources
Source Statistics Finland