Title: DSM program
By Ali Nawaz Memon
2Need and purpose of regulation
- Monopolies must be subject to regulation
- Electricity business is a natural monopoly
- capital intensity
- Minimum required economic scale
- Fluctuating demand
- Essential product for community
- Involves direct connection to consumers
3Potential exploitative power by producer
- Political and social demand for social control of
electricity due to - The essential nature of the service
- The non-storability of the product
- The dependence of the consumer upon the supplier
4Regulatory Aims
- Protect consumers from abuse by firms with
substantial market power - Support investment by protecting investors from
arbitrary action by public sector - Promote economic efficiency
5Regulatory Challenges
- Utility prices are political - there are no votes
in increasing prices - Investors are aware of political pressures and
seek a credible commitment to rules that ensure
an opportunity to earn reasonable returns - Long-term nature and large magnitude of required
capital require credible commitment, otherwise
the cost of capital will be high
6Types of regulation
- Different types of regulation
- economic
- technical
- safety in nuclear units
- waterflow in hydro plants
- environment
- emissions standards
- Riparian issues
- Focus on economic regulation
- objectives
- what is the public interest
- approaches
- how it is done
- structure
- how it is organized
7Objectives of economic regulation
- Competition
- promote facilitate competition
- promote increased efficiency
- Prices
- ensure that suppliers are financially sound
- Quality
- provide sufficient investment in power system
8Regulatory Models
- Basic design questions
- History of regulatory solutions
- Models based on industry coverage
- Price regulation
9Some Basic Model Designs Questions (1)
- Should the regulatory entity have jurisdiction
over one industry, one sector or several sectors? - How much discretion/authority to give to the
regulator? - What are possible paths towards setting up a
regulatory commission? - What will be role of the line minister in
comparison to that of the regulator?
10Some Basic Model Design Questions (2)
- Why independent regulatory agency?
- What should be the start up strategy?
- Should there be a single regulator or a
commission? Or what should be decision-making
structure? - How do you select regulators?
- How do you fund the regulatory commission?
11History of regulatory solutions
- Focus on balancing interests of producers and
consumers. - Historically soutions constrained by politics,
history, endowments/ resources, technology, and
the state of economy. - USA has gone the way of private ownership and
minimum state control (?) - UK with more state control?
12Regulation in relation to ownership structures
- Entirely publicly owned and hence directly
subject to political control and access to funds - Entirely private but regulated
- A mixed system in which the private sector is
implicitly controlled e.g. by the potential of
being taken over by the public sector (case of
many developing countries where private sector
13Regulatory Approaches developed todate
- Independent regulatory agencies
- Ministries directly handle most regulatory
responsibilities - Ministerial regulatory agencies
14Independent regulatory agencies
- Independent regulatory agencies separate from the
ministry have been established in Australia,
Canada, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, UK,
and the US and are planned in Denmark and France.
- These agencies often cover both gas and
15Independent regulatory agencies (2)
- They are governed by a collegial board, and
operate on the basis of public consultation and
other transparency enhancing procedures. - In countries with a federal organisation there
are often regulators at the federal and state
level with the former specialising in wholesale
electricity trade and transmission, and the
latter concentrating on retail trade and
16Ministries directly handle most regulatory
- This is the approach currently taken in Austria,
Belgium, Germany, Greece, Japan, Luxembourg, New
Zealand, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey. - In three of these countries Belgium, Luxembourg
and Spain- an independent advisory agency assists
the ministry.
17Ministerial regulatory agencies
- These are organizations subordinated to the
ministry but set to operate autonomously in the
day-to-day management of regulatory affairs. The
scope of their activity is similar to that of
independent agencies. This is the approach
adopted in Hungary, The Netherlands, Norway, and
18Other Regulatory Options
- Industry Coverage
- Industry specific- separate agency to deal with
each sector e.g. power, water, gas,
telecommunication (UK and Argentina) - Sector wideone agency for each broadly defined
sector e.g. energy sector to include power, gas
(FERC in USA Hungary Columbia) - Multi-sector single agency for all or most
utility industries (electricity, water, gas,
telecoms.) e.g. state level regulators (Brazil,
USA) national regulators (Jamaica, Costa Rica,
19Price Regulation
20Objectives of Price Regulation
- Recovery of costs
- Fostering climate conducive to investment
- Consideration of government policy
- subsidies, job growth
- External economic considerations
- inflation
- Costs beyond reasonable technical and commercial
standards are not borne by customers
21Principles of Rate MakingRate of Return
- Traditional US system
- Prices based on historic test year
- Prices set to allow profits for rate of return
- Costs assessed on prudence
- Investments assessed on used and useful
- Profit volatility minimized
- Prices stable
22Rate-of-return Regulation (USA)
- Â Â Â Â Â Â
- This form of regulation provides full recovery of
companys all reasonably incurred investments
through rate application. - Â
- The basic structure of rate of return regulation
is that the firms prices are frequently set,
typically each year, to maintain a given rate of
return on capital employed.
23Price-cap Regulation (UK)
- Through this form of economic regulation, the
prices are set in relation to movements in some
general price indicator. It is further adjusted
on the basis of expected productivity
improvements of the industry. - RPI-X
- RPI Regional Price Index
- x Expected productivity improvement
24Other Ratemaking Methods
- 1)Â Yard-stick Regulation (tariff adjustment
based on results of comparable utilities) - 2) Conduct Regulation (tariff adjustment granted
on basis of agreed conduct in relations to
operating cost, investments etc) - 3) Revenue caps
- 4) Trigger points for incentives
25Thank you!