Title: Australian Academy of Science
1Australian Academy of Science
Professor Jenny Graves Foreign Secretary
2Primary Connections linking science with
- Vision Engaged students Confident and
competent teachers
The purpose of Primary Connections linking
science with literacy is to increase the
quality and quantity of science teaching
learning in primary schools.
3Primary Connections - a two-pronged
complimented by curriculum resources
Professional learning programme
Funded by the Australian Government
4Making Connections training manual and DVD
12 segments
- Overview
- Facilitation tools and techniques
- Introduction to Primary Connections
- Science and literacy
- 5Es
- Investigating
- Assessment
- Cooperative learning
- Indigenous perspective
- Unit planning
- Questioning Minds DVD
- Reflecting and journaling
5PrimaryConnections professional learning
Building confidence and competence
Trained leaders 2006 - 2008 125 University
lecturers (ie Tertiary Facilitators) (2 days
training) 880 Teacher leaders (2 days
training) 400 Facilitators (3 days
training) 2,700 workshops conducted by Academy
staff and trained facilitators
6PrimaryConnections Curriculum resources
- 19 award winning units
- Background Science CD in every unit
- Links science with literacy
- Incorporates indigenous perspectives
- Supporting web resources
- Unit overviews
- Assessment rubrics
- Equipment lists
- How to appendices
Award winning units
Category winner
7Science and literacy a mutually supportive
Measuring and recording observations of broad
bean seed germination in a science journal
Creating a labelled diagram to represent
understanding of parts of a germinating broad
bean seed
8What is the evidence of impact?Stage 3 Research
Report No 15 (June 2008)
- Reported a greater perception of frequency of
science lessons - Were significantly more curious during science
lessons - Were more likely to affirm that they learned
interesting things in science - Is the achievement on literacies of science and
science processes by Primary Connections students
greater than that of students from non-Primary
Connections classes in equivalent schools?
9Overall results
Means of processes of science scores for
sub-groups of year 5-7 students
10Overall results
Means of literacies of science scores for
sub-groups of year 5-7 students
11Primary Connections Unit distribution
Over 176,000 units distributed to 20 August
2009 ie 48 Australian primary schools
Malaysian and Thai representatives attended a 2
day Curriculum Leader Program with Australian
teachers in Sydney and Melbourne in 2008. The
Inter Academy Panel has provided US 50,000 in
seed funding to conduct a Primary Connections
workshop in Singapore mid - 2010 with FASAS and
the Association of Academies of Sciences in Asia
(AASA) as partners.
The Primary Connections team with Asian delegates
13Singapore workshop mid 2010
- 3 day workshop
- June 2010 school holiday period
- Focus on training teacher-leaders to help others
teach science - There will be time on the last day for strategic
planning - All costs for the conference will be covered by
the IAP grant - Participants will need to fund their own travel
and accommodation
www.science.org.au/primary connections