Title: Dr' K' Gururajan, MCE, Hassan
Dr. M. SANKAR Professor and Head Department of
Mathematics Sapthagiri College of
Engineering Bangalore 560 057 Email
Dr. M. SANKAR, SCE, Bangalore
Dr. K. Gururajan, MCE, Hassan
2Fitting a curve of the form
Dr. M. SANKAR, SCE, Bangalore
Dr. K. Gururajan, MCE, Hassan
31. Discussion on fitting a curve of the form
Solution Consider the equation Taking logarithm
with respect to e on both sides,
Dr. M. SANKAR, SCE, Bangalore
4Putting , ,
we obtain . Thus, the
problem reduces to fitting a straight line.
Therefore, normal equations are and
Dr. M. SANKAR, SCE, Bangalore
5Fit a curve of the form for
the data given below
Solution First we
prepare the normal equations using which values
of a and b may be determined.
Dr. M. SANKAR, SCE, Bangalore
6Here, n 6
The normal equations are
Dr. M. SANKAR, SCE, Bangalore
7 Dr. M. SANKAR, SCE, Bangalore
8 Thus, normal equations takes the form Solving
these equations for A and B yields A
0.3038 and B -0.02877.
Dr. M. SANKAR, SCE, Bangalore
9Since A logea and Blogeb, we have a eA
e0.3038 2.013 and b eB e- 0.02877
0.936. Thus, the required curve is
Dr. M. SANKAR, SCE, Bangalore
102. Discussion on fitting a curve Consider
. First taking logarithms on either sides,
results in Choosing ,
, ,
Dr. M. SANKAR, SCE, Bangalore
11 The problem now gets reduced to fitting a
straight line of the form Y A bX. The
respective normal equations are and
Dr. M. SANKAR, SCE, Bangalore
12Fit a power function (geometric curve) of the
form to the data given below.
Solution As discussed earlier, the normal
equations are
Dr. M. SANKAR, SCE, Bangalore
13 Here, n 5
Dr. M. SANKAR, SCE, Bangalore
14Dr. M. SANKAR, SCE, Bangalore
15 Thus, normal equations are On solving these
two equations, we get
. Therefore,
. Thus, the least square
geometric curve is
Dr. M. SANKAR, SCE, Bangalore
163. Discussion on fitting an exponential curve of
the form . We consider an
illustrative example. Consider .
Taking logarithm on either sides leads to
Dr. M. SANKAR, SCE, Bangalore
17 Set and , above
expression reduces to . Thus,
normal equations are
Dr. M. SANKAR, SCE, Bangalore
18 Dr. M. SANKAR, SCE, Bangalore
19Normal equations may be written as
and If we solve this system
of linear equations, thus,
and . The required fit
Dr. M. SANKAR, SCE, Bangalore
20Thank You
Dr. M. SANKAR, SCE, Bangalore
21- Assignment problems
- Fit a curve of the form for the
data - 2. Fit a curve of the form for the
data -
Dr. M. SANKAR, SCE, Bangalore