Title: Surface Modeling with Oriented Particle System
1Surface Modeling with Oriented Particle System
- Szeliski and Tonnesen
- Siggraph 1992
- Use particle systems to simulate deformable
surface models - Set up potential functions for internal forces
- The dynamics controlled by external forces,
internal forces, gravity, and damping
3Surface Modeling
Freeform Surface Modeling
4Particle System
Oriented Particle System
5Oriented Particles
Pi particle (global) position Ri particles
orientation 3rd column of Ri is the local normal
Behavior of (oriented) particles is governed by
external forces and desired potential functions.
Equilibrium states rest at lowest energy state.
6Intermolecular Potential Function
Dynamics long-range attraction force and
short-range repulsion force
rij ,fij
7Expect Particles to be Part of a Flat Surface
8Particle Dynamics
- Potential functions specify the internal forces
- Particle systems are under additional external
forces and damping forces
9Computation of Internal Forces
- Numerical time integration
- Euler method, Runge-Kutta, semi-implicit methods,
- Controlling Complexity
- Kd tree to subdivide the tree to efficiently find
the neighbors within some radius
- Rendering
- Axes, discs, triangulation (wireframe or shaded)
11Modeling Operations
Weld two surfaces together
12Cutting a surfaces into two
13Putting a crease into the surface
14Particle Creation and 3D Interpolation
153D Interpolation
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