Title: TAKS-M
2Q What accommodations are available for
students in general education?
- TEA realized that the Accommodations Manual
failed to address accommodations for students in
general education. - Accommodations for gen. edcolored overlays,
small group administration,not specific criteria
required for accommodation - Changes will be made next year for the
Accommodations Manual
3Accommodations for Gen Ed Students
- Look on pages 19-25.
- What is checked under TAKS is available for
students in general education
4Q If ARD determines that a student needs an
accommodation, how can TEA say no?
- There are certain accommodations that invalidate
the test - The justification must be child
focused/disability focused - If an accommodation is listed in IEP for
instruction and testing, and the accommodation is
not listed as acceptable, the IEP should document
that the accommodation for testing is pending
5 Q Fax is always busy
- Two numbers for fax
- 512-463-9302 or 512-463-8535
- Use Snail mail
- Email
6Changing the test between 1st and 2nd
- Remember, instruction determines test, Not the
results of testing - Student does not necessarily meet the
requirements of TAKS-M because the student failed
TAKS/TAKS-A - There are no re-test opportunities for TAKS-M
- TAKS-M TAKS-Alt, only participation
accountability for AYP (not in state
accountability until 2010) - 1 2 are under discussion about how
percentages will be applied release of decision
in one or two weeks - TAKS-M results will be released around Oct 8
- 1st administration TAKS-A
- Student fails TAKS-A
- ARD committee moves to TAKS-M\
- No 2nd administration TAKS-M
- TAKS-A counts for AYP
- Student has finished testing
9If move from TAKS-A to TAKS-M
- ARD must document that there is modified
instruction that is now taking place - Significant instruction has been modified
- There should not be that many students that this
happens for - Scenario student having recent severe seizures,
TBI - All decisions for testing must be decided based
on instruction
10Testing Decisions
- According to the ARD Guide for the Decision
Making Process and Accommodations Manual,
Assessment decisions are NOT to be made
administratively. They are to made based on
instruction the student is receiving.
11Q Can ARD committee determine promotion or
retention prior to the 2nd or 3rd administration
of the test so that the student does not have to
take the retests?
- No. According to state law, the student must be
given three opportunities to show that they can
pass. - The student must also be given opportunities to
receive accelerated instruction.
12Q How do we prepare students for enrolled grade
level assessment when the student is not
receiving grade level instruction?
- The expectation is that students are given access
to the general ed. Enrolled grade level
curriculum. - No simple answer.
- Raise expectations for students in special
13Q Are the standards set for TAKS-M?
- No, they will be set in early August
- Educators who know curriculum and population of
students are needed for the standards setting
committee - Interested? Let ESC staff know
14Guidance for Graduation
- http//www.tea.state.tx.us/special.ed/guidance/rul
15Next TETN for Alternate Assessment