Title: Ecodesign VII
1Eco-design VII
2EcoReDesign programme
- Initiated by Centre for Design (CfD) at the Royal
Melbourne Institute of Technology - Provides Australian companies with design support
and environmentally related reseach and
development - Aiming at ensuring reach of greener products to
markets in Australia and overseas
3Electric kettle usage behavior
- Overfilling the kettle
- Reboiling water
4Axis electric kettle by Kambrook Pty Ltd
- improved energy efficiency by (1) insulation, (2)
water gauge was made clearer and moved to the top
of the jug, (3) temperature indicator ? 25 less
electricity used - materials consolidation ? 50 reduction in number
of materials - materials identification
- facilitates disassembly ? 40 reduction in number
of components - facilitates recycling
- 16 reduction in weight
5Dishlex dishwasher (nõudepesumasin) by Email
Major Appliances Ltd - process
- Joint team with the company and the Centre for
Design 15 key experts - A lot of brainstormings, discussions, queries
- Elaboration of LCA
6Dishlex dishwasher by Email Major Appliances Ltd
- results
- Enzyme-based detergents allow low-temperature
cycles ? Improved energy efficiency - Reduced water consumption
- Reduced materials consumption
- Materials consolidation
- Materials identification by codes
- facilitates disassembly
- facilitates recycling
7Swap Shop business vending machine
(müügiautomaat) by Zoom Systems Pty Ltd
- Reduced materials consumption
- Improved energy efficiency
- Facility for the return of used toner cartridges
- Use of communications technology to optimise
8Eco Packaging range by Blackmores Pty Ltd
- Reduced material consumption
- Long-life and durable outer packaging
- Disposable primary packaging film
9Eco Vend cold drinks machine by NIDA Technology
Group Ltd
- Reduced materials consumption
- Improved energy efficiency
- Use of communications technology to optimise
restocking - Improved security to minimise vandalism ?
extension of operational life
10Water-conserving shower head (dushipea) by Caroma
Industries Ltd
- Improved energy efficiency
- Reduced water consumption
- Reduced materials consumption
11HOTdesk workstation system (töökoht) by
Schiavello Commercial Interiors Pty Ltd
- Reduced materials consumption
- Materials consolidation
- Materials identification
- facilitates disassembly
- facilitates recycling
- Accomodates changing work practices
- Accommodates information technology