Title: Adding X,Y coordinates to point attribute table
1Adding X,Y coordinates to point attribute table
Step 1) In Arcview help, find a script that does
the job.
2(No Transcript)
3Step 2) Copy the script to your clipboard.
4Step 3) Create a new script from your Arcview
project window.
5Step 5) Compile your script into executable code
that runs in Arcview.
Name your script (Script?Properties?Name.
6Step 6) Create a new button for your script
7Step 7) Assign your script to be executed when
you click on your new button.
8Step 8) Assign an icon to your new button.
9Step 9. Add text describing what job the button
10Step 10. Use your new ADDXY button to add the X,Y
coordinates to the active point themes attribute
11Arcview Graphics versus Themes
12Arcview Feature Themes(a shapefile is not one
13Symbolizing Features
14Arcview Menus