Title: The Creationist Worldview
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4The Creationist Worldview
5In August 1975 I headed for boston to become a
creation scientist
6College challenged my creationism on all fronts
Genesis is not a science text
Genesis is not a history text
Evolution is supported by mountains of evidence
scientific creationism is not a central
affirmation of the Christian Tradition
Flood geology does not fit with the data.
7Evolution raises difficult questions. (And
evangelicals quarrel about the answers)
(From W.J. Bryans 1924 book)
8Tufts philosopher Daniel Dennett calls
evolution a universal acid
Darwins idea eats through just about every
traditional concept, and leaves in its wake a
revolutionized worldview.
9Universal Acid of Evolution
Days of Creation
Historicity of Adam Eve
The Flood
The Fall
Imago Dei
Second Adam Christology
SecoSoya_Fatty_Acid.jpgnd Adam Christology
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11Can our fallen natures emerge gradually?
12The evolutionary paradigm pushes us toward
quantitative changes and away from qualitative
13Theologically, we can view evolution as empowered
by the creative freedom given to nature by God
14unnecessary cruelty in nature makes more sense in
an evolutionary worldview
Ichneumonidae feed within the living body of
Darwin was revolted by this behavior
15Cats torture mice before killing them
Why would God create something like this?
16Gods Intelligent design is challenged by bad
Epiglottis to keep food out of the airtube.
17Red-Footed Boobie has webbed feet, yet does not
go in the water
such oddities dont fit naturally into a
traditional model of creation
18Intelligent design advocates look to engineering
marvels to see Gods handiwork. The metaphor is
God as engineer.
19Can we rehabilitate Evolution? Can we learn to
see it as creative, rather than wasteful?
Productive of beauty rather than red in tooth
and claw?
20Evolution is a horribly loaded term, with the
worst possible connotations.
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22If the foundations are destroyed, what can the
righteous do?
23- Evolution is promoted to persuade the public to
believe that there is no purposeful intelligence
that transcends the natural world.
Phillip Johnson Darwin on Trial
24Can evolution be rehabilitated?
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26Evolution is a Culture War, not a scientific
27We shall not cease from exploration and the end
of all our exploring will be to arrive where we
started and to know the place for the first time
T. S. Eliot
28In the Beginning God Created the Heavens and the
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