Title: Colonel Mark Smith
1State of SISO
- Colonel Mark Smith
- Executive Committee Chair
- 1998 Spring SIW
- How far have we come?
- Where are we going?
- Why are we here?
- More yet to come
- 1998 Election Cycle
3How far have we come?
- From a great idea to full-up operation, thanks to
SISO, Inc. Board of Directors - A long way in scoping what products SISO must
deal with and how to do so - Groundbreaking efforts by SAC, EXCOM/SAC
sub-committee Reference FOM Study Group - First Standards Development Group up running
- Workshop is even better, thanks to proactive CC
4Where are we going?
- Vision Document -- four areas of emphasis
- Broadened participation
- Standards development process
- World-class workshops conferences
- Independence
- Things to watch near-term
- Products -- major growth area
- International participation -- must keep
expanding this - Workshops -- continually better
5Why are we here?
- Why participate -- whats the return on
investment? - Best brightest in distributed simulation are
here - Early insights into innovative solutions
breakthroughs - Superb venue for presenting your program or
technical approach for world-wide exposure - Your ability to shape the direction of
distributed simulation - Workshop Forums, Standards Development Groups
6More yet to come
- Election cycle following this Workshop
- Seats available at all levels
- Dont pass up opportunity to make a difference!
- SISO has a bright future -- plenty of places to
plug in - Workshop venues
- Product development
7Basic SISO Election ProcessNominations
- Open Positions Announced (via Admin Reflector)
- Responsible SISO committee announces positions
open for election and publishes the election
schedule - Candidate self-nomination (via Web page)
- Candidates post qualifications and summaries of
their proposed approach to office being sought
8Basic SISO Election ProcessVoting
- Voter eligibility based on current subscriptions
to SISO email reflectors - Voter declaration (via Elections link on Web
page) - Registration of intent to vote in a particular
election - PIN issued for electronic balloting good for one
election cycle - Electronic balloting (via Elections link on Web
page) - Enter PIN, vote for N of the following
candidates... - Valid election requires electronic ballots from
at least of 50 of declared voters
9Main Committee Elections
- Held once per year, in May/July
- One-third of EXCOM members elected to 3-year
terms - One-half of CC and SAC members elected to 2-year
terms - Voter eligibility subscription to any SISO email
reflector. See the Reflectors link on
http//www.sisostds.org - Term limits no more than two consecutive terms
on same committee
10Forum Planning and Review Panel (PRP) Elections
- Held twice per year, in April/May and
October/November - One-half of PRP members elected to 1-year terms
(two Workshops) - Voter eligibility subscription to the email
reflector of the corresponding Forum. See the
Reflectors link on
http//www.sisostds.org - Term limits none
11Next Election Cycle
EXCOM and PRPs Nominations March 27 April
17 Voting April 24 May 8 Results May
15 CC Nominations May 1 May 22 Voting May 29
June 12 Results June 19 SAC Nominations June
5 June 26 Voting July 3 July
17 Results July 24
12Spring 1998 Simulation Interoperability Workshop
Keynote Speaker
13Special Presentation for Achievement
14Spring 1998 Simulation Interoperability Workshop
Featured Speaker
15Spring 1998 Simulation Interoperability Workshop
Special Interest Speaker