- Regional Airports in Europe
- A Highly Competitive Marketplace
Claudio Boccardo CEO Verona Airport Board Member
Forum of European Regional Airports
(FARE) Member ACI EUROPE SMAG Small and
Medium Size Airports Action Group ECAC / EU
Conference Dialogue with Industry 20.11.2007 -
2- What is FARE? www.regionalairports
.eu - Founded in 2004, response to Commissions
Charleroi case and increased EC regulation of
sector - Created to provide a unique and independent voice
for the regional airport industry - Membership of over 50 regional airports across
Europe and growing - Members range from small aerodromes to medium
sized (3m pax) - Focus on EU regulatory affairs affecting Europes
regional airports - Strong working relationships with partner
industry organisations (ACI Europe, ELFAA and
others) - Effective voice of Europes regional airports
- What is ACI SMAG?
- ACI EUROPEs dedicated forum and Action Group for
regional airports, established in 2006 - Represents the interests of some 237 regional
airports in 45 countries usually with traffic
below 5 million passengers - Focus on EU regulatory and policy issues
affecting regional airports as well as best
practices and industry network - Close link established with Committee of the
Regions and European Commission (partner of the
Committee of the Regions and EC Open Days) - 136 airports have already joined SMAG as active
members - Linked to 5 national airport
associations ALFA ACI, UAF, Assaeroporti, AOA,
4The Capacity Crunch A Regional Solution
- Regional Airports are a big part of the solution
- Hubs will not provide unconstrained capacity
- Passengers now demanding more point to point
services - Regional airports fastest growing sector
- Low cost/regional carriers will continue to grow
their share of short haul market - EU must recognise changing marketplace
- Regional airports can play a key role in solving
the capacity crunch
5Regional Airports The realities of todays
- Regional airports are businesses successful
management requires freedom to operate them as
such - Regional airports face considerable competition
in attracting and retaining business - The competitive nature of the sector must be
reflected in the level of regulation - Proposed European regulatory system will create
massive problems - Proposal will remove much commercial freedom
from a very competitive sector
6Proposed Airport Charges Directive
- Airport Charges
- Undefined benefits at a high cost to Europes
Regional Airports - FARE/SMAG support the Commissions objective of
bringing transparency and implement ICAO
principles - But regional airports are no natural monopolies
- Europes regional airports sector is already
highly-competitive, due largely to the growth and
influence of low-cost carriers - Application of the proposed Directive to regional
airports will significantly increase the
regulatory burden for no apparent reason
7Proposed Airport Charges Directive
- Airport Charges
- Undefined benefits at a high cost to Europes
Regional Airports - Transparency provision means excessive
reporting for regional airports - Quality Standards provision will unfairly
disadvantage small airports - Differentiation of Charges - no criteria means
regional airports forced to offer tailored
services without justification - Security Charges insufficient cover for major
investments - Independent Regulatory Authority more costs
for regional airports. Risk of having the
independent regulator ultimately setting the
level of the charges
8Proposed Airport Charges Directive
- Airport Charges
- FARE/SMAG proposals
- Raise application threshold significantly, using
national market share or via market tests - Question relevance of applying Directive to at
least one airport per Member State - Status Support in Parliament and Committee of
the Regions, Commission opposes meaningful change
to application threshold - Next Steps Parliaments position, Transport
Council position and Commission response
9EU Regional Airports Policy
- Regional Airports both saviour and villain?
- Regional airports are a big part of the solution
to the capacity crunch - But sector repeatedly hit by poorly-conceived
regulation - Inconsistent approach demonstrates the need for a
coherent EU regional airports policy - Policy should embrace regional airports concept
and link to EUs regional development priorities - Regions must have freedom to invest in their
airports - Policy should safeguard sustainable development
of regional airports sector, promote local
co-modality and competition
10A Strong Regional Voice Required in Brussels
- Why
- EU Airport Charges Directive proposal driven by
airlines - Competition between regional airports ignored by
European Institutions - Regions need freedom to invest in key airport
infrastructure and services - EU needs to realise the role played by regional
airports to their communities
11Thank you very much for your attention