Title: Participatory Action Research for Womens Empowerment
1Participatory Action Research for Womens
- Authors Ayesha Aziz, Meenaz Shams Kausar S.
Khan - Aga Khan University Karachi, Pakistan
Presentation at UCEC Pinang. 23-26 November 2009
- Multifaceted concept
- Womens empowerment is related to power
structures that surround them - WEMC RPC
- womens empowerment as an an increased ability
to challenge, and eventually transform, existing
unfavorable gender systems
3(No Transcript)
4Womens Empowerment
- Altering relations of powerwhich constrain
womens options and autonomy and adversely affect
health and well being (Gita Sen 1993) - A process of women acquiring the experiences,
knowledge, tools to be able to transform their
lives and the society (Claessen and Wesemaels
5Action Research
- To liberate the human body, mind and spirit in
search for a better, freer world (Reason
Bradbury, 2001) - A collaborative approach to inquiry or
investigation that provides people with the means
to take systematic action to resolve specific
problems (Stringer, 1999)
6Participatory Action Research for Womens
- Research methods that go beyond the process of
knowledge creation (Gaventa, 1988) - Empowerment approaches must create contexts in
which heretofore silent and isolated peoplegain
understanding, voice and influence over decisions
that affect their lives (Rappaport 1990)
7The Research Context
8Research Sites
9Action Research Model For Womens Empowerment
Reflection Discussion on future steps
Analysis Identifying needs for continuing
groups work
Reflection Open discussion on women issues
Action Training, CBGT, negotiation with men
linkage with other groups
Step 5 Tracking Action for Change
Analysis Public acceptance of women issues
Reflection Defining extent of priority problems
Action Public speaking formation of women
Analysis Identifying solutions
Step 4 Policy Dialogue
Reflection Collective review of findings and
Action Practice of public speaking and petition
Analysis Comparing existent realities and policy
Step 3 Advocacy Training
Reflection Discussion on perceptions
Analysis Comparing existent situation
Action Prioritization of advocacy areas
Step 2 Analysis for Action
Action Change in thoughts and behavior
Adapted from Kemmis, S., McTaggart, R. (1998).
The Action Research Planner (3ed). Geelong
Deakin University.
Step 1 Field Inquiry
10Impact on Womens EmpowermentDemocratization
from Inside Out
11Participatory Action Research for Womens
- Flexible nature of interactions
- Making findings available to participants
- Resourcing the effort
- Process validity
12Empowerment can be catalyzed by any activitybut
always entails a cycle of reflection, analysis
and decision for action. Paolo Freire