Title: CAMPAIGN COMMUNICATION in Congressional Races
26 Goals of Political Advertising
- Opening phase Primary ? pre-Labor Day
- Name ID (2) Favorability (3) Set Agenda
- Final push Labor Day ? Election Day
- (4) Exploit Issues (5) Go on Offense (6)
Defense - 4 Phases of Political Advertising
3TV Advertising
- Average adult watches almost 4 hrs. of TV per
day! - 3 of 4 voters say TV is their 1 source of
election info - 2 billion of political ad in typical midterm
cycle in 2008 its expected to rise 43 above
2004 (4.5 bill) - Teeter (consultant) 80-90 of ad recall is
visual - BUT Only 65 of House races can afford to use TV
- HUGE variance in cost per ad from 70,000 in
NYCto 9,000 in suburbs of Denver to 850 in
rural CA - Controversy attack ads / I approved this
4Other Communication Tools
- RADIO cheaper, can microtarget audience
segments - PAPER cheap!, educated reader, but no visual
appeal - DIRECT MAIL buy voter lists to target mailings,
cheap and so ubiquitous (Edwards in IA...), bulk
mail discount - PHONE BANK use to gather more info for voter
lists, hype events, GOTV on Election Day
controversies in light of ROBO-CALLs (def.) and
PUSH POLLS (def.) - FREE MEDIA newspaper editorial board interviews,
press releases lead to coverage, hosted
debates - due to lack of and media attention/visibility,
challengers are at a severe disadvantage
5INTERNET and new media
- Candidate web sites mostly blah
- Interactive emails and video streaming maybe
- MySpace / Facebook / MeetUps organized online
works for targeted demographics teens and 20s - Viral marketing campaign / viral video / You
Tube! mostly out of the candidates
controlcitizen driven - Vernon Robinson for House
- Jay Footlik for House 08
6Strategists Rate Importance of Tools
From MOST to LEAST important in races for
- 1-on-1 personal contacts with candidate or
staffers - Free Media coverage
- Direct Mail
- Yard Signs
- Web site (info, fundraising, issues)
- Debates
- Broadcast TV ads
- Mass phone calls
- Newspaper ads
- Cable TV ads