Title: Universal Precautions
1Universal Precautions
- Greece Central School District
- Sports Medicine
- Robert DuPrau
2Essential Questions
- Be able to Define Universal Precautions?
- When should they be used?
- What is a Bloodborne Pathogen?
- What 3 cause most concern?
- How can they be transmitted?
- What body fluids are of highest concern?
- What 4 methods of prevention help protect us from
infection? - Examples of each?
- How Universal Precautions plays a role in Sports
3Universal Precautions
- Universal Precautions are OSHA's required method
of control to protect employees from exposure to
all human blood and other potentially infectious
material. - The term, "Universal Precautions," refers to a
concept of bloodborne disease control, which
requires that all human blood and certain human
body fluids be treated as if known to be
infectious for HIV, HBV, and other bloodborne
4When should Universal Precautions be used?
- Universal Precautions should be applied whenever
in doubt as to the specific body fluid and/or if
there is any possibility that the fluid is
contaminated with blood.
5What are Bloodborne Pathogens?
- Disease-causing microorganisms that may be
present in human blood or OPIM (other potentially
infectious material) - Viruses
- Bacteria
- Parasites
6The Most Common and Most Threatening Bloodborne
- HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus
- HBV - Hepatitis B
- HCV - Hepatitis C
- Blood is the single most prevalent source of HIV,
HBV, and other blood borne pathogens in the
occupational setting
7HIV Defined
- HIV is Human Immunodeficiency Virus
- HIV can cause acquired immune deficiency syndrome
(AIDS) - Risk of HIV infection from a puncture injury
exposure to HIV infected blood is very low -- 0.3
8Signs and Symptoms of HIV
- Signs and symptoms include
- Weight loss
- Night sweats or fever
- Gland swelling or pain
- Muscle and/or joint pain
- Cannot rely on signs and symptoms to confirm if
one is infected
9Course of Infection With HIV
- Incubation period from HIV infection to AIDS can
be 8 to 10 years - Varies Greatly among individuals
10HIV Prevention
- There is no vaccine for HIV infection
- Follow Universal Precautions!!!!
- No cure for HIV infection
- Testing schedule for HIV antibodies
- at time of exposure
- at 3 months
- at 6 months
- HIV antibodies usually become detectable within 3
months of infection
- Treatment requires health care provider
- OSHA requires treatment that meets most recent
CDC guidelines - Treatment may include antiviral medications and a
protease inhibitor
12Additional Information
- For additional information on HIV and AIDS care,
contact the CDC National AIDS Hotline - 1 (800) 342-2437
13HCV Defined
- HCV is Hepatitis C Virus
- It affects the liver
- It is most common chronic bloodborne infection in
US - Needlestick injury is only occupational risk
factor associated with HCV - Risk of HCV infection after exposure to HCV
infected blood is 1.8 - 70 to 75 of those with acute HCV infection have
no symptoms
14Signs and Symptoms of HCV
- Jaundice - yellow color to skin and whites of
eyes - Fatigue
- Headache
- Abdominal Pain
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea and vomiting
15Course of HCV Infection
- Incubation period averages 7 weeks
- Chronic liver disease may occur in 70 of those
infected with HCV
16HCV Prevention
- No vaccine exists to prevent HCV infection
- Follow Universal Precautions!!!!
- No cure for HCV
- No post-exposure pro-phylaxis recommended
- Tests for HCV anti-bodies liver function
recommended at time of exposure - Tests should be repeated 4-6 months post exposure
- Treatment of HCV requires a health care provider
- OSHA requires treat-ment that meets most recent
CDC guidelines - HCV infection treatment may include liver
18HBV Defined
- HBV is Hepatitis B Virus
- It affects the liver
- Prevalence of HBV infection among healthcare
workers is 10 times greater than HCV infection
19Signs and Symptoms of HBV
- Jaundice - yellow color to skin and whites of
eyes - Fatigue
- Headache
- Abdominal Pain
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea and vomiting
20Course of HBV Infection
- Incubation period averages 12 weeks
- Most cases of HBV resolve without complications
- Chronic liver disease may occur in 6 - 7 of
those infected with HBV
21HBV Prevention
- A vaccine does exist to prevent HBV infection
- Employers are required to offer HBV vaccination
HBV vaccination to employees covered under BBP
standard - Follow Universal Precautions
- No cure for HBV infection
- Post-exposure prophy-laxis should begin within 24
hours no later than 7 days after exposure - Exposed person should receive HBV vaccine
- Treatment requires health care provider
- OSHA requires treatment meet CDCs most recent
guidelines - HBV infection treatment may require liver
23HBV Immunization
- Employees with routine occupational exposure to
blood/OPIM have right to HepB vaccination at no
personal expense - Employee refusal established by signing HepB
vaccination declination form - Vaccine is Recombivax HB or Energix-B
- Must be made available within 10 working days of
initial assignment to job
24HBV Vaccination Schedule
- Vaccine given in 3 doses over 6 months
- 1st on initial assignment
- 2nd one month later
- 3rd five months after 2nd dose
- CDC recommends HepB antibody testing 1 to 2
months following 3rd dose - Employer cannot require employee to use health
insurance to cover test cost - Pre-screening is not required
- HBV is declining because of vaccine use!
25Modes of Transmission
- Puncture wounds or cuts
- Contact (touch, splash, or spray) with blood or
OPIM on - mucous membrane
- non-intact skin
- cuts, abrasions, burns
- acne, rashes
- papercuts, hangnails
- contaminated sharps
26Body Fluids
- The body fluids of all persons should be
considered to contain potentially infectious
27Dangerous Body Fluids
- Blood
- Semen
- Vaginal secretions
- Cerebrospinal, synovial or pleural fluid
- Body fluids containing visible blood
- Any unidentifiable body fluid
- Saliva from dental procedures
28Safe Body Fluids
- Sweat
- Urine
- Vomitus
- Feces
- Tears
What do we mean by saying these fluids are safe?
29Infectious Diseases are those that can be spread
from person to person.
- Infections may be spread in the following five
ways - Through the intestinal and urinary tracts through
contact with feces/stool, vomitus or urine. - Through the respiratory tract (in secretions from
the mouth, nose and lungs). - Through direct contact or touching of skin
lesions or mucous membranes. - Through contact with blood or certain body
secretions. - Through contact with vaginal fluids/semen.
30Body Substance Isolation (BSI)
- Treats ALL body fluids and substances as
infectious - BSI is similar in nature to universal
precautions, but goes further in isolating
substances not currently known to carry HIV.
31Body Fluids Include
- Blood
- Semen
- Drainage from scrapes and cuts
- Feces
- Vomitus
- Urine
- Respiratory Secretions
- Saliva
Universal precautions should be used when there
is exposure to any body fluid.
32How can we protect ourselves from Infection?
- Engineering Controls
- Work Practice Controls
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Universal Precautions
34Protective Behaviors
- Use common sense
- Survey the surroundings
- Remove nonessential bystanders
- Seek professional assistance and/or advice
- Wash hands with soap and warm water frequently
- Hand and eye washing facilities
- Sharps container use
- Biohazard labeling
- Self-sheathing needles
- Needleless IV systems
36Needles, Scalpels, and other Sharp Instruments
- Proper handling and disposal of needles.
- Taking precautions to prevent injury from
scalpels, needles, and other sharp instruments.
37Personal Protective Equipment
- Specialized clothing or equipment worn by an
employee for protection against infectious
materials (OSHA) - Gloves extending above wrist protect hands
- Gowns/aprons protect skin and/or clothing
- Masks and Respirators/Resuscitation Devices
protect mouth/nose - Respirators/Resuscitation Devices protect
respiratory tract from airborne infectious agents - Goggles protect eyes
- Face shields protect face, mouth, nose, and eyes
38Regulations and Recommendations for PPE
- OSHA issues workplace health and safety
regulations. Regarding PPE, employers must - Provide appropriate PPE for employees
- Ensure that PPE is disposed or reusable PPE is
cleaned, laundered, repaired and stored after use - OSHA also specifies circumstances for which PPE
is indicated - CDC recommends when, what and how to use PPE
39Gowns or Aprons
- Purpose of use
- Material
- Natural or man-made
- Reusable or disposable
- Resistance to fluid penetration
- Clean or sterile
40Face Protection
- Masks protect nose and mouth
- Should fully cover nose and mouth and prevent
fluid penetration - Goggles protect eyes
- Should fit snuggly over and around eyes
- Personal glasses not a substitute for goggles
- Antifog feature improves clarity
- Face shields protect face, nose, mouth, and
eyes - Should cover forehead, extend below chin and wrap
around side of face
41Respiratory Protection
- Purpose protect from inhalation of infectious
aerosols (e.g., Mycobacterium tuberculosis) - PPE types for respiratory protection
- Particulate respirators
- Half- or full-face elastomeric respirators
- Powered air purifying respirators (PAPR)
42When should I where gloves?
- Anytime you may come in contact with blood or
other body fluids such as urine, saliva, vomit,
or the mucous membranes of the mouth or nose. - When touching skin that may have sores, open
wounds, cuts, or scratches. - When handling any object that may have been
soiled with blood or body fluids. - When you have a cut or scratch on your hands.
43Dos and Donts of Glove Use
- Work from clean to dirty
- Limit opportunities for touch contamination -
protect yourself, others, and the environment - Dont touch your face or adjust PPE with
contaminated gloves - Dont touch environmental surfaces except as
necessary during patient care
44Dos and Donts of Glove Use
- Change gloves
- During use if torn and when heavily soiled (even
during use on the same patient) - After use on each patient
- Discard in appropriate receptacle
- Never wash or reuse disposable gloves
45If I wear gloves, do I still have to wash my
- YES!
- Wash hands before putting on gloves.
- Wash hands immediately after removing gloves.
- Gloves should be changed every time you are in
contact with a new person
46Hand Washing
- Hand washing is the single most important
practice in preventing transmission of infectious
47When should I wash my hands?
- Whenever your hands look dirty
- Before preparing food
- After preparing food
- Before eating food
- After using the bathroom
- After touching pets
- After playing outside
- After blowing your nose
- Between each person or activity
48What happens when I do not wash my hands?
- Bacteria and viruses are picked up and stay on
your hands. - You can pass them to other people when you touch
them with your hands. - Also, bacteria and viruses can get into your body
when you touch your eyes, mouth, or nose with
your hands.
49No sink, no soap.What to do?
- If possible, carry a waterless antibacterial
hand sanitizer with you. - Apply an amount about the size of a quarter to
the palm of one hand. - Rub your hands together using a washing motion
(including your nails and between your fingers)
until the cleanser has dried completely.
50Whats so bad about a little germ?
- Some bacteria and viruses can make you sick for
example, the common cold is spread by a virus. - Or they can cause much worse illnesses, such as
diarrhea or vomiting. - Some bacteria and viruses are especially
dangerous for people with weak immune systems,
like the elderly and those with immune
deficiencies or cancer.
51Hand Hygiene
- Required for Universal and Expanded Precautions
- Perform
- Immediately after removing PPE
- Between patient contacts
- Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water or use
alcohol-based hand rub
52Contaminated and Clean Areas of PPE
- Contaminated outside front
- Areas of PPE that have or are likely to have been
in contact with body sites, materials, or
environmental surfaces where the infectious
organism may reside - Clean inside, outside back, ties on head and
back - Areas of PPE that are not likely to have been in
contact with the infectious organism
53Public Protective Equipment
- Emergency Eye Wash Station
- Access to copious amounts of warm water
- Antibacterial Soap
- Clean towels
- OSHA Approved First-Aid Kit
54Work Practice Controls
- Behaviors using engineering controls safely and
effectively - Work Practice Controls include
- using sharps containers
- using an eyewash station
- WASHING HANDS after using PPE
- cleaning work surfaces
- proper laundering
55Prohibited Work Practices
- Do not break, shear, bend or recap needles
- Do not reach into used sharps containers
- Do not pick up contaminated items, such as broken
glass with bare hands - Do not use a vacuum cleaner to clean up
contaminated items - Do not open or empty sharps containers
- Do not pipette or mouth suction blood on OPIM
- Do not eat, drink, smoke, apply cosmetics, or
handle contact lenses in areas of potential
occupational exposure - Do not store beverages or food in refrigerators,
freezers, or cabinets where blood or OPIM are
56What type of PPE would you wear?
- A deep cut on the face of a soccer player laying
unconscious on the field. - A broken leg of a football player on the field.
- A bloody nose of a basketball player on the
court. - Field Hockey player with broken arm, bone
protruding through skin.
- An unconscious/not breathing baseball player in a
hot practice. - A knocked out tooth of a hockey player on the
ice. - An eye poked out of a wrestler on the mat.
- Torn ACL/MCL of a Tennis player on the court.
57What type of PPE would you wear?
- A deep cut on the face of a soccer player laying
unconscious on the field. - Gloves
- A broken leg of a football player on the field.
- Usually none, unless severe break and bone has
protruded through skin. - A bloody nose of a basketball player on the
court. - Gloves
- Field Hockey player with broken arm, bone
protruding through skin. - Gloves
- An unconscious/not breathing baseball player in a
hot practice. - Resuscitation Device
- A knocked out tooth of a hockey player on the
ice. - Gloves
- An eye poked out of a wrestler on the mat.
- Gloves
- Torn ACL/MCL of a Tennis player on the court.
- None
- Sprained ankle of Figure Skater on Ice.
- None
58Universal Precautions in Sports Medicine?
- On your own, quickly write a small blurb as to
how you think Universal Precautions play a major
role in Sports Medicine. Be specific and Be
ready to share.
59Universal Precautions in an Athletic Environment
- In 1991 the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) established standards for
an employer to follow that govern occupational
exposure to bloodborne pathogens. - The guidelines instituted by OSHA were developed
to protect the health care provider and the
patient against bloodborne pathogens.
60Preparing the Athlete
- Before an athlete participates in practice or
competition, all open skin wounds and lesions
must be covered with a fixed dressing that does
not allow transmission to or from another
athlete. - Example Hydrocolloid dressing
- This type of dressing will also reduce the
chances of the wound reopening because it keeps
the would moist and pliable.
61When Bleeding Occurs in Athletics
- Athletes with active bleeding must be removed
from participation as soon as possible and can
only return when deemed safe by the medical
staff. - Uniforms containing blood must be evaluated for
infectivity - A uniform soaked with blood must be removed
before the athlete may return to competition. - All personnel managing potential infected wound
exposure must follow universal precautions.
62Personal Precautions in Athletics
- When working directly with bodily fluids on the
field or in the training facility, personnel must
make use of the appropriate protective equipment
(PPE) in all situations which there is potential
contact with bloodborne pathogens. - Should be available in sideline emergency kits.
- Disposable nonlatex gloves must be used when
handling any potentially infectious material. - If needed, heavy toweling may be used until
gloves can be obtained.
63Blood on my skin!!!!
- Hands and skin surfaces that come into contact
with any blood or other body fluids should be
washed immediately with soap and water or other
antigermicidal agents. - First aid kits must contain protection for hands,
face, eyes, and resuscitation mouthpieces. - Aprons/gowns to protect clothing
- Towelettes to quickly clean skin surfaces
- Universal Precautions recommend that you treat
all bodily fluids as if they are infected with a
blood-borne disease. - Universal Precautions should be applied whenever
in doubt as to the specific body fluid and/or if
there is any possibility that the fluid is
contaminated with blood. - Disease-causing microorganisms that may be
present in human blood or OPIM (other potentially
infectious material)
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Hepatitis B, and
Hepatitis C are 3 major Blood-borne pathogens. - Potentially dangerous fluids include
- Blood
- Semen
- Vaginal secretions
- Cerebrospinal, synovial or pleural fluid
- Body fluids containing visible blood
- Any unidentifiable body fluid
- Saliva from dental procedures
- Engineering Controls, Work Practice Controls,
Personal Protective Equipment and following
Universal Precautions are methods of prevention
against blood-borne pathogens.
662005-2006 Sports Medicine NCAA Handbook
- Care of the Athlete
- All personnel involved in sports who care for
injured or bleeding student-athletes should be
properly trained in first aid, and
standard/Universal precautions. - Assemble and maintain equipment and/or supplies
for treating injured/bleeding athletes. Items
may include - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) minimal
protection includes gloves goggles, mask, fluid
resistant gown if chance of splash or splatter
antiseptics antimicrobial wipes bandages or
dressings medical equipment needed for
treatment appropriately labeled sharps
container for disposal of needles, syringes,
scalpels and waste receptacles appropriate for
soiled equipment, uniforms, towels and other
waste. - Pre-event preparation includes proper care for
wounds, abrasions, or cuts that may serve as a
source of bleeding or as a port of entry for
blood-borne pathogens or other potentially
infectious organisms. These wounds should be
covered with an occlusive dressing that will
withstand the demands of competition. Likewise,
care providers with healing wounds or dermatitis
should have these areas adequately covered to
prevent transmission to or from a participant.
Student-athletes may be advised to wear more
protective equipment on high-risk areas, such as
elbows and hands.
672005-2006 Sports Medicine NCAA Handbook
- Care of the Athlete, cont
- The necessary equipment and/or supplies important
for compliance with universal precautions should
be available to caregivers. These supplies
include - appropriate gloves, disinfectant bleach,
antiseptics, designated receptacles for soiled
equipment and uniforms, bandages and/or dressings
and a container for appropriate disposal of
needles, syringes or scalpels. - When a student-athlete is bleeding, the bleeding
must be stopped and the open wound covered with a
dressing sturdy enough to withstand the demands
of activity before the student-athlete may
continue participation in practice or
competition. Participants with active bleeding
should be removed from the event as soon as is
practical. Return to play is determined by
appropriate medical staff personnel and/or sport
officials. Any participant whose uniform is
saturated with blood must change their uniform
before return to participation. - During an event, early recognition of
uncontrolled bleeding is the responsibility of
officials, athletes, coaches and medical
personnel. In particular, student-athletes should
be aware of their responsibility to report a
bleeding wound to the proper medical personnel.
682005-2006 Sports Medicine NCAA Handbook
- Care of the Athlete, cont
- Personnel managing an acute blood exposure must
follow the guidelines for universal precaution.
Gloves and other PPE if necessary should be worn
for direct contact with blood or other body
fluids. Gloves should be changed after treating
each individual participant. After removing
gloves, hands should be washed. - If blood or body fluids are transferred from an
injured or bleeding student-athlete to the intact
skin of another athlete, the event must be
stopped, the skin cleaned with antimicrobials
wipes to remove gross contaminate, and the
athlete instructed to wash with soap and water as
soon as possible. - Any needles, syringes, or scalpels should be
carefully disposed of in an appropriately labeled
sharps container. Medical equipment, bandages,
dressings, and other waste should be disposed of
according to facility protocol. During events,
uniforms or other contaminated linens should be
disposed of in a designated container to prevent
contamination of other items or personnel. At
the end of competition, the linen should be
laundered and dried according to facility
protocol hot-water at temperatures of 71C
(160F) for 25 minutes cycles may be used.
69Universal Precautions and Sports Medicine
- Knowing and following Universal Precautions is
essential to the safety of both the health care
provider as well as the athlete. - Within sports, there are many opportunities for
injury, and therefore, many opportunities for
transmission of infection.
- Sports Medicine Essentials Core Concepts in
Athletic Training and Fitness Instruction.
Thomson-Delmar 2001, 11-1 - 11-17. - Arnheims Principles of Athletic Training A
Competency-Based Approach. McGraw-Hill 2006,
71Websites for further knowledge
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) - http//www.osha.gov
- Department of Health and Human Services
- http//www.os.dhhs.gov
- HIV/AIDS Prevention
- http//cdc.gov/nchstp/hiv_aids/dhap.htm
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- http//www.cdc.gov
- National Institutes of Health
- http//www.nih.gov
72Critical Thinking Exercise
- The athletic trainer is responsible for taking
every precaution to prevent infection by
bloodborne pathogens. - How are bloodborne pathogen infections prevented
from spreading from one athlete to another?
73Critical Thinking Exercise
- A wrestler has been diagnosed with hepatitis B
virus. - What are the symptoms and signs of HBV infection?
74Critical Thinking Exercise
- A wrestler comes into the training room very
concerned that his wrestling partner got a bloody
nose and that he came in contact with a few drops
of that athletes blood. - What should the athletic trainer tell the athlete
about the transmission of HIV from this type of
75Critical Thinking Exercise
- A female athlete has had unprotected sex with a
male whom she has dated only once previously.
She knows that she should be tested for HIV but
is so worried and embarrassed that she has
avoided going to a medical facility to have a
test. Finally she goes to her athletic trainer
and confides her concerns. - What should the athletic trainer tell her about
being tested for HIV?
76Critical Thinking Exercise
- During a basketball game, one of the players
sustains a nose bleed. Blood is visible on the
court and on the players jersey and skin. - What actions need to take place before the game
can resume?
77Scenario 1
- Youre the athletic trainer for Olympia High
School. During a basketball game, the point
guard reached to make a steal and hits his face
in the opponents shoulder. This knocks out his
two front teeth and starts bleeding immediately
all over the court. The teeth are on the floor,
while blood is on the floor, the opponents jersey
and the point guards jersey. - What universal precautions should be taken to
prevent the possible exchange of bloodborne
pathogens from athlete to athlete or athlete to
Trainer and what actions need to take place
before the game can resume?
78Scenario 2
- Youre the cheerleading coach at a big
competition. The trainer is unable to be there,
making you the unofficial trainer at the site.
In the middle of the final routine, the girl at
the top of the pyramid falls and breaks her leg.
The bone has broken the skin and is bleeding on
the mats. Along with the broken leg, the girl
has hit her head and been knocked unconscious on
the fall. - What universal precautions should be taken to
prevent the possible exchange of bloodborne
pathogens from athlete to coach and what actions
need to take place before the routine can resume?
79Scenario 3
- You are the athletic trainer/coach for a figure
skating team. During a competition, one of your
skaters attempts a somersault in her routine and
falls to the ice. Her head has struck the ice,
knocking her out and bleeding all over the ice. - What universal precautions should be taken to
prevent the possible exchange of bloodborne
pathogens from athlete to trainer and what
actions need to take place before the competition
can resume?
80Scenario 4
- Youre the athletic trainer for GOHS. While
working a Varsity baseball game you see one of
the most vicious collisions at home plate ever.
The baserunner hit the catcher at full speed,
dropping his shoulder right under the mask of the
catcher and striking the his jaw. This causes an
immediate concussion along with bleeding within
the mouth (possible tongue bite). - What universal precautions should be taken to
prevent the possible exchange of bloodborne
pathogens from athlete to trainer and what
actions need to take place before the game can