Title: Welcome Parents
1Welcome Parents!
- Goals for the next hour
- Let you know how social studies is organized and
taught - Give you ideas for being
- supportive at home
2When my child graduates high school, Id like my
child to beThink about the type of person
youd like to see in a cap and gown! If youd
like talk it out with your neighbor.
3So what is it we want
- Self-knowledge
- Empathy
- Application
- Interpretation
- Perspective
- Explanation
- These can be taught - daily!
4Give it a try Youre teaching students about
Early American History
- How do you get them to explain an idea?
- Get a perspective from this era?
- Interpret information?
- Apply what theyve learned?
- Show empathy?
- Gain self-knowledge?
- (These are principles of Understanding by Design)
5How Kids Learn
- By Being Engaged
- By Being Involved
- By Finding Meaning
- By Making Connections
- Two key phrases Problem-based Learning
- Differentiated Instruction
6Social Studies
- Real life experiences
- Relevant resources
- Diverse world
- Global understanding
- Current events
7Major Themes in Social Studies
- Change
- Scarcity
- Diversity
- Interdependence
- Conflict
- Authority
8The New Jersey Core Content Curricular Standards
for Social Studies
- Civics
- World History
- United States New Jersey History
- Economics
- Geography
9Geography Current Events
- These are a part of ALL social studies classes -
regardless of grade level - Lets look at the resources
10What can I do at home?
- In a word PLENTY!
- Make it interesting, have dinner conversations
about events, ask your kids to explain their
reasoning, give kids resources to be informed,
have periodicals and books, point out
geographical interests, plan trips with history
and culture involved, encourage writing and
readingPLENTY. - Lets look at your materials
11I love America. I love the world. Brotherhood
and sisterhood have no borders. My heart orbits
the Earth, love cannot be measured in longitude
or latitude. - Valentine Sterling
12The world we have created is a product of our
thinking it cannot be changed without changing
our thinking. - Albert Einstein
13It'll be a great day when education gets all the
money it wants and the Air Force has to hold a
bake sale to buy bombers. Quoted in You Said a
Mouthful edited by Ronald D. Fuchs
14A people that values its privileges above its
principles soon loses both. Dwight D.
Eisenhower, first inaugural address, 20 January
15Every individual has a place to fill in the world
and is important in some respect whether he
chooses to be so or not. - Nathaniel Hawthorne
16We cannot always build the future for our youth,
but we can build our youth for the future.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
17History being the record of human action is a
richly variegated material, and it is not easy to
give a true impression of the stuff by snipping
off an inch or two for a pattern. Cicely
Veronica Wedgwood, Truth and Opinion
18Patriotism... is not short, frenzied outbursts
of emotion, but the tranquil and steady
dedication of a lifetime. Adlai Stevenson
19 Our historic imagination is at best
slightly developed. We generalise and idealise
the past egregiously. We set up little toys to
stand as symbols for centuries and the
complicated lives of countless individuals.
John Dewey, Characters and Events
20A child can ask questions that a wise man cannot
answer. - Author Unknown
21(No Transcript)