Title: General Election Quotations
1General Election Quotations
- Or
- On the Bizarre or Ridiculous Things That
Candidates Will Say
The Presidential Runoff Election is still going
on, so I have made sure that any of the quotes
made by those candidates still involved are
neither damaging nor unbalanced. Each of those
campaigns is quoted twice. This presentation is
meant to be humorous, not mudslinging.
3The camera is off.
---Chris Grossman, in reference to the ubiquitous
campaign documentary
4Not only are we qualified for those reasons, but
we also have the Mandate of Heaven.
---Andy Lehman, to OUr Earth
5And our email address is address, just in case
you want to contact us, ask us questions, make
suggestions on Marys makeup . . . .
---Alex Yaffe, to the Kappa Alpha Theta house
6The EPA needs, for lack of a better word, nuts.
---Derrick Ott
7UOSA Vice-Presidential candidate Lamar Odom
---typographical error in one of the Dailys
stories, incorrectly referencing J.D. Odom
8I love parody and satire. If its a fake
campaign, they should have done a better job.
---Chris Grossman, on the mysterious Jenkins-Dyer
campaign propaganda
9Vote Josh Hamers.sic
---A chalking by the Hammers campaign
---Lindsay Rayburn, after being asked at the UOSA
Student Congress forum What unique quality about
yourself would help you the most as CAC Chair
and after hearing Mr. Hammers and Mr. Fiekers
---Heather Lehman, to Stephen Butler after the
publication of his column on EPA amendments
12Endorsements? Well, my name literally means
Christ bearer, so I guess Im endorsed by
---Chris Grossman, to numerous people
13Even if we had platform issues to share, we
wouldnt, because the enemy is here.
---Carter Jennings to OUr Earth, responding to
questions while Dean Spears was present
14Todays my day off---Im not even supposed to be
here today . . . . I hate elections I just want
them to be over.
---Justin Shimko, in a moment of frustration
---Stephen Butler, upon learning that his
allegations of impropriety in UOSA were
completely invalid
16Its okay---I just dont answer my phone at
---Barrett Ellis
17I keep hearing all about this candidate whos
spending ten thousand dollars. I wish I knew who
that person was. If you know, send him my way,
because Id really like the money.
---Alex Yaffe, on campaign expenditures
18Now that CAC is a part of UOSA, we can draft
your ass.
---Dean Spears, to Josh Hammers et al.