Title: Youth, youth leisure, and youth policy
1Youth, youth leisure, and youth policy
Andries van den Broek,Koen Breedveld,Jos de
Haan,Frank Huysmans, Elke ZeijlSocial and
Cultural Planning Office
2Youth, youth leisure,and youth policy
- policy theory
- facts and figures
- tenability of policy claims
- policy documents
- Youths deserve the future (1993)
- Youth policy in equilibrium (1999)
- Research among pupils
4Policy theory
- inter-sector youth policy presupposes a
relation between leisure participation and
development without certain types of
participation, chances for development are
supposed to be missed - yet cultural policy aims at culture as such,
not at culture as an instrument - not at stake here prevention policy
5Policy practice
- youth policy is a rather weak player,
influencing its network is its main armory - youth policy is highly de-centralized, both to
sectors and to local government - policy targets suffer lack specification (due
to weak theoretical and practical basis?)
6Towards measurement 1
- social participation
- sport
- culture
- media
- political participation and volunteering
- implicit assumption that participation in own
youth culture is devoid of positive effects
7Towards measurement 2
- state of development
- cognitive (school)
- emotional (emotional problems)
- social (parents peers)
- physical (subjective well-being)
8Effects of sport
cognitive school n.s. emotional
problems -.07 social parents
.05 social peers .05 physical .12
9Effects of (canonized) culture
cognitive school .04 emotional
problems .06 social parents
.06 social peers n.s. physical n.s.
10Effects of media (reading)
cognitive school .04 emotional
problems n.s. social parents
.08 social peers -.04 physical n.s.
11Effects of volunteering
cognitive school - emotional problems
.03 social parents .04 social
peers -.08 physical .12
12Counter-testEffects of youth culture (hanging
cognitive school -.06 emotional
problems .04 social parents -.09 social
peers n.s. physical n.s.
13Activities fostered
sport amateur cultural activities canonized
cultural visits reading membership
associations volunteering
14Activities not fostered
movies, rock concerts bars,
discotheques watching telly computer,
internet telephoning
15Overall effects of fostered and non-fostered
f. n.f. cognitive school .05
n.s. emotional problems n.s. -.04 social
parents .10 n.s. social peers .03
.15 physical .08 n.s.
16And so ???
- no support for youth policy !!!
- is policy theory inadequate ???
- are our measurements inadequate ???