Title: Next week
1Next weeks reading
- http//www.gse.uci.edu/markw/research.html
- Roblyer 4
- Cooper and Weaver 4 - 7
2Critical Media Literacy
- Information Literacy
- Karen Kusiak
- ED338
- March 1, 2004
3Critical media literacy
- to read texts critically
- to examine representations, to ask whose voice
is heard and whose is not
Vannevar Bush Library of Congress
- to question where power lies, to attempt to
understand who loses or gains in situations or
events, and to try to understand the values and
ideologies that underlie texts and discourses - Roberta Hammett -Intermediality, Hypermedia, and
Critical Media Literacy
5Representations in Huckleberry Finn
- http//etext.lib.virginia.edu/railton/huckfinn/huc
6I love being able to do research in the
classroom spontaneously. An example was when a
student did a report on Yasar Arafat. She
mentioned that he was the leader of the PLO. I
could tell that no one had any idea of what the
PLO is. We went online and students were amazed
to discover that the PLO is a terrorist
organization and that Arafat has called for
bombings and assassinations at various
times.That is a prime example of success. They
were so excited to discover that on their own,
not just have me (the know-it-all) tell them.
- From Teacher Survey, Fall 2003
- Silvernail, D. The Impact of Maines One-on-one
Laptop Program on Middle School Teachers and
7Yasser Arafat
Yasser Arafat Nobel e-Museum Palestinian Leader
8Alan November
- Grammar of the Internet
- Information Literacy