From Desegregation to Resegregation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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From Desegregation to Resegregation


... the National Guard to Little Rock to prevent nine Negro students from entering ... begin to learn together,there is little hope that our people will ever ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: From Desegregation to Resegregation

From Desegregation to Resegregation
Plessy v. Ferguson,163 U.S. 537 (1896)
  • The United States Supreme Court rules that state
    laws requiring separation of the races are
    Constitutional as long as equal accommodations
    are made for African- Americans. Court
    establishes the separate but equal doctrine
    that justifies legal segregation in the South.
  • Kluger, Simple Justice, Random House 1977.

Mendez v. Westminster School Dist. Of Orange
County, 64 F.Supp.544 (S.D. Cal 1946), 161 F.2d
774 (9th Cir.1947)
  • J. McCormick The equal protection of the
    laws pertaining to the public school system in
    California is not provided by furnishing in
    separate schools the same technical facilities,
    text books and courses of instruction to children
    of Mexican ancestry that are available to the
    other public school children regardless of their
    ancestry. A paramount requisite in the American
    system of public education is social equality. It
    must be open to all children by unified school
    association regardless of lineage.
  • The evidence clearly shows that Spanish-speaking
    children are retarded in learning English by lack
    of exposure to its use because of segregation,
    and that commingling of the entire student body
    instills and develops a common cultural attitude
    among the children which is imperative for the
    perpetuation of American institutions and ideals,
    It is also established by the record that the
    methods of segregation prevalent in the defendant
    school districts fosters antagonisms in the
    children and suggests inferiority among them
    where none exists.

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347
U.S.483 (1954)
  • Ch.J.Warren the question presented Does
    segregation of children in public schools solely
    on the basis of race, even though the physical
    facilities and other tangible factors may be
    equal, deprive the children of the minority group
    of equal educational opportunities? We believe
    that it does.

Brown Reasoning
  • Today, education is perhaps the most important
    function of state and local government.
    Compulsory school attendance laws and the great
    expenditures for education both demonstrate our
    recognition of the importance of education to our
    democratic society.It is the very foundation of
    good citizenship.In these days, it is doubtful
    that any child may reasonably be expected to
    succeed in life if he is denied the opportunity
    of an education. Such an opportunity, where the
    state has undertaken to provide it , is a right
    which must be made available to all on equal

Brown (cont.)
  • In Sweatt v. Painter, in finding that a
    segregated law school for Negroes could not
    provide them with equal educational
    opportunities, this Court relied in part on
    those qualities which are incapable of objective
    measurement but which make for greatness in a law
    school. Such considerations apply with added
    force to children in grade and high schools. To
    separate them from others of similar age and
    qualifications solely because of their race
    generates a feeling of inferiority as to their
    status in the community that may affect their
    hearts and minds in a way unlikely ever to be
  • We conclude that in the field of public
    education the doctrine of separate but equal
    has no place. Separate educational facilities are
    inherently unequal. Therefore, we hold that the
    plaintiffs and others similarly situated for whom
    the actions have been brought are, by reason of
    the segregation complained of, deprived of the
    equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the
    Fourteenth Amendment.
  • Because these are class actions, because of the
    wide applicability of this decision and because
    of the great variety of local conditions, the
    formulation of decrees in these cases presents
    problems of considerable complexity. Further
    argument to be presented.

Brown summary
  • Schools formerly practicing de jure segregation
    have an affirmative duty to eliminate all
    vestiges of prior segregation to the extent
  • The mere cessation of discriminatory activities
    is insufficient.

Brown v. Board of Education II, 349 U.S. 294
  • Because of their proximity to local conditions
    and the possible need for further hearings, the
    courts which originally heard these case can best
    perform this judicial appraisal. Accordingly, we
    believe it appropriate to remand the cases to
    those courts.
  • At stake is the personal interest of the
    plaintiffs in admission to public schools as soon
    as practicable on a nondiscriminatory basis. To
    effectuate this interest may call for elimination
    of a variety of obstacles. But, it should go
    without saying that the validity of these
    constitutional principles cannot be allowed to
    yield simply because of disagreement with them.
  • the cases are remanded to the District Courts
    to take such proceedings and enter such orders
    and decrees consistent with this opinion as are
    necessary and proper to admit to public schools
    on a racially nondiscriminatory bases with ALL
    DELIBERATE SPEED the parties to these cases.
    (emphasis added).

All Deliberate Speed
  • But the forces that had opposed integration
    before the Brown decision did not use the
    preparation time granted by the Court as the
    Court had intended. They did not search for
    desegregation plans. Instead, they passed statues
    and school board resolutions to prevent
    compliance with the law. They pounded on the
    Courts failure to order immediate desegregation
    as the justification for an endless variety of
    evasive and delaying tactics.
  • City after city saw violent confrontations when
    blacks sought to attend schools from which they
    had previously been barred. Judges, school
    superintendents, and principals who tried to obey
    the Brown decision were attacked in the press and
    hassled unmercifully. Parents who tried to send
    their children to white schools or who filed
    desegregation suits lost their credit at local
    stores during the growing season, couldn't get
    work, were harassed and occasionally beaten. The
    governor of Arkansas sent the National Guard to
    Little Rock to prevent nine Negro students from
    entering the white high school.The President of
    the United States had to send in federal troops
    to restore order and protect the students from
    mob violence at the school entrance. Ginger,
    The Law, the Supreme Court and The People's
    Rights, (Barrons Educational Series 1974).
  • By 1965, ten years after the all deliberate
    speed guideline, more than 75 percent of the
    schools in the South remained segregated.

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • no person in the United States shall,on the
    ground of race, color or national origin, be
    excluded from participation in, be denied the
    benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination
    under any program or activity receiving Federal
    financial assistance.

Griffin v. Prince Edward County School Board of
Education, 377 U.S. 218 (1964)
  • County school Board closed public schools to
    avoid desegregation. School board funds private
    white-only schools in County.
  • All other schools in Virginia remained open.
  • U.S. Supreme Court forces county to reopen its
    public schools.

Green v County School Board of New Kent County,
391 U.S. 430 (1968)
  • The question for decision is whether, under all
    the circumstance here, respondent School Boards
    adoption of a freedom of choice plan which
    allows a pupil to choose his own public school
    constitutes adequate compliance with the Boards
    responsibility to achieve a system of
    determining admission to the public schools on a
    non racial basis Brown II
  • In determining whether respondent School Board
    met that command by adopting its freedom of
    choice plan, it is relevant that this first step
    did not come until some 11 years after Brown I
    was decided and 10 years after Brown II directed
    the making of a prompt and reasonable
    start.The time for mere deliberate speed has
    run out The burden on a school board today is to
    come forward with a plan that promises
    realistically to work, and promises realistically
    to work now.
  • Racial identification of the systems schools
    was complete, extending not just to the
    composition of student bodies at the two schools,
    but to every facet of school operations
    faculty,staff,transportation, extracurricular
    activities and facilities.
  • The Board's freedom of choice plan cannot be
    acceptedIn three years of operation not a single
    white child has chose to attend Watkins school
    85of the Negro children still attend the
    all-Negro Watkins school. In other words, the
    school system remains a dual onethe Board must
    fashion steps which promise realistically to
    convert promptly to a system without a white
    school and a Negro school, but just schools.

Green factors
  • Student assignments
  • Faculty and staff assignments
  • Physical Facilities
  • Transportation
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Resource Allocation
  • Other courts have also looked at
  • Student assignments in special ed and gifted
  • Tracking
  • Student discipline
  • Quality of education

Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg Board of
Education, 402 U.S.1 ( 1971)
  • Over the 16 years since Brown II, many
    difficulties were encountered in implementation
    of the basic constitutional requirement that the
    State not discriminate between public school
    children on the basis of their race. Nothing in
    our national experience prior to 1955 prepared
    anyone for dealing with changes and adjustments
    of the magnitude and complexity encountered since
    then. Deliberate resistance of some to the
    Courts mandated has impeded the good faith
    efforts of others to bring school systems into
    compliance. The detail and nature of these
    dilatory tactics have been noted by this Court
    and other courts.
  • Holding Policy and practice with regard to
    faculty, staff, transportation, extracurricular
    activities, and facilities are critical indicia
    of school segregation and the first remedial
    responsibility of school districts to address.
  • Teachers may be assigned and school construction
    and abandonment may not be utilized to
    resegregate the district.
  • Busing as a remedy is approved in the South.

Keyes v. School District No. 1, Denver Co., 413
U.S.189 (1973)
  • First northern case involving school
  • First case to involve de facto as opposed to de
    jure segregation.
  • No state constitutional or statutory provision
    mandating segregation.
  • Rather, school boards neighborhood school
    policy and other selection criteria result in
    racially and ethnically segregated schools.
  • Court holds that de facto segregation is not
    sufficient grounds for court intervention if the
    school board can show that it did not intend to
    segregate students.
  • Court further holds that Latino students are
    entitled to desegregation remedies
  • There is agreement that, though of different
    origins, Negroes and Hispanic in Denver suffer
    identical discrimination in treatment when
    compared with the treatment afforded Anglo
    students. In that circumstance, we think
    petitioners are entitled to have schools with a
    combined predominance of Negroes and Hispanic
    included in the category of "segregated"
  • Case marks beginning of Northern desegregation
    plans (e.g. Boston) white flight and other
    significant demographic changes.

Milliken v. Bradley, 418 U.S. 717 (1974)
  • United States Supreme Court overturns ruling that
    would have abolished city-suburban school
    districts surrounding Detroit Michigan.
  • The ruling would impact fifty-three suburban
    school districts and over 300,000 students.

Milliken holding
  • C.J.Burger The controlling principle
    consistently expounded in our holdings is that
    the scope of the remedy is determined by the
    nature and extent of the constitutional
    violation. Swann, Before the boundaries of
    separate and autonomous school districts may be
    set aside by consolidating the separate units for
    remedial purposes or by imposing a cross-district
    remedy, it must   first be shown that there has
    been a constitutional violation within one
    district that produces a significant segregative
    effect in another district. Specifically, it must
    be shown that racially discriminatory acts of the
    state or local school districts, or of a single
    school district have been a substantial cause of
    interdistrict segregation. Thus an interdistrict
    remedy might be in order where the racially
    discriminatory acts of one or more school
    districts caused racial segregation in an
    adjacent district, or where district lines have
    been deliberately drawn on the basis of race. In
    such circumstances an interdistrict remedy would
    be appropriate to eliminate the interdistrict
    segregation directly caused by the constitutional
    violation. Conversely, without an interdistrict
    violation and interdistrict effect, there is no
    constitutional wrong calling for an interdistrict

Milliken dissent
  • J.Marshall, After 20 years of small,often
    difficult steps toward that great end equal
    justice under law, the Court today takes a giant
    step backwards. Notwithstanding a record showing
    widespread and pervasive segregation in the
    educational system provided by the State of
    Michigan for children in Detroit, this Court
    holds that the District Court was powerless to
    require the State to remedy its constitutional
    violation in any meaningful fashion. Ironically
    purporting to base its result on the principle
    that the scope of the remedy in a desegregation
    case should be determined by the nature and
    extent of the constitutional violation, the
    Courts answer is to provide no remedy at all for
    the violation proved in this case, thereby
    guaranteeing that Negro children in Detroit will
    receive the same separate and inherently unequal
    education in the future as they have been
    unconstitutionally afforded in the past.
  • I cannot subscribe to this emasculation of our
    constitutional guarantee of equal protection of
    the laws and must respectfully dissent.
  • Our Nation, I fear, will be ill served by the
    Courts refusal to remedy separate and unequal
    education, for unless our children begin to learn
    together,there is little hope that our people
    will ever learn to live together.
  • a Detroit-only decree, the only remedy permitted
    under todays decision, would not accomplish

Pasadena City Board of Education v. Spangler, 427
U.S. 424 (1976)
  • J. Rehnquist It may well be that petitioners
    have not yet totally achieved the unitary system
    contemplated by Swann. There has been, for
    example, dispute as to the petitioners'
    compliance with those portions of the plan
    specifying procedures for hiring and promoting
    teachers and administrators. . In this case the
    District Court approved a plan designed to obtain
    racial neutrality in the attendance of students
    at Pasadena's public schools. No one disputes
    that the initial implementation of this plan
    accomplished that objective. That being the case,
    the District Court was not entitled to require
    the PUSD to rearrange its attendance zones each
    year so as to ensure that the racial mix desired
    by the court was maintained in perpetuity. For
    having   once implemented a racially neutral
    attendance pattern in order to remedy the
    perceived constitutional violations on the part
    of the defendants, the District Court had fully
    performed its function of providing the
    appropriate remedy for previous racially
    discriminatory attendance patterns.

Board of Education of Oklahoma City v. Dowell,498
U.S. 237 (1991)
  • Federal Court order in 1972 results in a
    race-based busing plan for City
  • White flight over the years results in
    increased busing.
  • In 1985 school board establishes a new plan
    eliminating busing, school district to return to
    neighborhood schools.
  • Ch.J, Rehnquist holds that federal supervision is
    a temporary measure. Desegregation decrees may be
    dissolved despite resegregation of the district
    caused by private choices when the district has
    taken all practicable steps to eliminate
  • Local control over the education of children
    allows citizens to participate in decisionmaking,
    and allows innovation so that school programs can
    fit local needs. The legal justification for
    displacement of local authority by an injunctive
    decree in a school desegregation case is a
    violation of the Constitution by the local
    authorities. Dissolving a desegregation decree
    after the local authorities have operated in
    compliance with it for a reasonable period of
    time properly recognizes that necessary concern
    for the important values of local control of
    public school systems dictates that a federal
    court's regulatory control of such systems not
    extend beyond the time required to remedy the
    effects of past intentional discrimination.

Dowell Dissent
  • J.Marshall, Oklahoma gained statehood in 1907.
    For the next 65 years, the Oklahoma
  • City School Board maintained segregated schools
    initially relying on laws requiring dual school
    systems thereafter, by exploiting residential
    segregation that had been created by legally
    enforced restrictive covenants. In 1972 18
    years after this Court first found segregated
    schools unconstitutional a federal court
    finally interrupted this cycle, enjoining the
    Board to implement a specific plan for achieving
    actual desegregation of its schools.
  • The practical question now before us is whether
    , 13 years after that injunction was imposed, the
    same Board should have been allowed to return
    many of its elementary schools to their former
    one-race status. The majority today suggests that
    13 years of desegregation was enough. The Court
    remands the case for further evaluation of
    whether the purposes of the injunctive decree
    were achieved sufficient to justify the decrees
    dissolution. Hower, the inquiry it commends to
    the District Court fails to recognize explicitly
    the threatened reemergence of one-race schools as
    a relevant vestige's of de jure segregation.
  • I believe that a desegregation decree cannot be
    lifted so long as conditions likely to inflict
    the stigmatic injury condemned in Brown I persist
    and there remain feasible methods of eliminating
    such conditions.

Freeman v. Pitts, 503 U.S.467 (1992)
  • Importance of local control stressed by J.
  • A district court has the authority to relinquish
    supervision and control of a school district in
    incremental stages before full compliance has
    been achieved.
  • Where resegregation is a product not of state
    action but of private choices, it does not have
    constitutional implications . It is beyond the
    authority and beyond the practical ability of the
    federal courts to try to counteract these kinds
    of continuous and massive demographic shifts. To
    attempt such results would require ongoing and
    never-ending supervision by the courts of school
    districts simply because they were once de jure
    segregated. Residential housing choices, and
    their attendant effects on the racial composition
    of schools, present an ever-changing pattern, one
    difficult to address through judicial remedies.

Missouri v. Jenkins, 515 U.S. 70 (1995)
  • Ch.J. Rehnquist Overturns trial court orders
    requiring the state to fund salary increases for
    teachers and staff in Kansas City and orders to
    continue to fund remedial quality education
    programs because student achievement levels were
    at or below national norms at many grade
    levels. The districts attempts to create
    desegregative attractiveness to combat white
    flight cannot be reconciled with our cases
    placing limitations on a district courts
    remedial authority.
  • On remand, the District Court must bear in mind
    that its end purpose is not only to remedy the
    violation to the extent practicable, but also
    to restore state and local authorities to the
    control of a school system that is operating in
    compliance with the Constitution.
  • J.Thomas, concurring takes on the psychological
    theories espoused in Brown After all, if
    separation itself is a harm, and if integration
    therefore is the only way that blacks can receive
    a proper education, then their must be something
    inferior about blacks.

  • Desegregation orders are temporary and districts
    can return to segregated neighborhood schools.
  • Desegregation plans may be dismantled piecemeal.
  • Efforts of lower courts to maintain desegregation
    remedies until actual benefits are produced for
    minority students set aside. Programs cannot be
    required to produce measurable gains for the
    students subjected to a history of discrimination.

Three criteria for unitary status
  • District must have complied with desegregation
  • District must demonstrate a commitment to
  • The district must prove that it has eliminated
    the vestiges of the prior de jure segregation to
    the extent practical.
  • Sum white parents can now sue to prevent efforts
    to maintain integration under a theory of
    reverse discrimination.

Resegregation in American Schools (Civil Rights
Project, Harvard 1999),
  • First, the American South is resegregating,
    after two and a half decades in which civil
    rights law broke the tradition of apartheid in
    the regions schools and made it the section of
    the country with the highest levels of
    integration in its schools.
  • Second, the data shows continuously increasing
    segregation for Latino students, who are rapidly
    becoming our largest minority group and have been
    more segregated than African Americans for
    several years.
  • Third, the report shows large and increasing
    numbers of African American and Latino students
    enrolled in suburban schools, but serious
    segregation within these communities,
    particularly in the nations large metropolitan
  • Fourth, we report a rapid ongoing change in the
    racial composition of American schools and the
    emergence of may schools with three or more
    racial groups. The report shows that all racial
    groups except whites experience considerable
    diversity in their schools but whites are
    remaining in overwhelmingly white schools even in
    regions with very large non-white enrollments.

A Multiracial Society with Segregated Schools
are we Losing the Dream?(2003) www.civilrightsproj
  • The data show the emergence of a substantial
    group of American schools that are virtually all
    non-white, which we call apartheid schools. These
    schools educate one-sixth of the nations black
    students and one-fourth of black students in the
    Northeast and Midwest. These are often schools
    where enormous poverty, limited resources, and
    social aned health problems of many types are
    concentrated. One ninth of Latino students attend
    schools where 99-100of the student body is
    composed of minority students.
  • The balkanization of school districts and the
    difficulty of creating desegregated schools
    within these cities show the huge consequences of
    the Supreme Court's 1974 Milliken v. Bradley
    decision blocking city-suburban desegregation in
    metropolitan Detroit. According to one recent
    study, metropolitan Detroit schools were
    extremely segregated in 1994 and had the highest
    level of between-district segregation of all
    metro areas in the country.
  • Many of the most rapidly resegregating school
    systems since the mid-1980s are suburban.
    Clearly segregation and desegregation are no
    longer merely urban concerns, but wider
    metropolitan issues.

  • Many of the nations most successful plans are
    being dismantled by federal court decisions as
    the courts have been changed from being on the
    leading edge of desegregation activity to being
    its greatest obstacle. Since the Supreme Court
    changed desegregation law in three major
    decisions between 1991 and 1994, the momentum of
    desegregation for Black students has clearly
    reversed in the South, where the movement had by
    far its greatest success.

Brown at 50 Kings Dream or Plessys
  • In many districts where court-ordered
    desegregation was ended in the past decade, there
    has been a major increase in segregation. The
    courts assumed that the forces that produced
    segregation and inequality had been cured. This
    report shows they have not been.
  • Among the four districts included in the original
    Brown decision, the trajectory of educational
    desegregation and resegregation varies widely,
    and it is intriguing that three of the four cases
    show considerable long-term success in realizing
    desegregated education.
  • Rural and small town school districts are, on
    average, the nations most integrated for both
    African Americans and Latinos. Central cities of
    large metropolitan areas are the epicenter of
    segregation segregation is also severe in
    smaller central cities and in the suburban rings
    of large metros..
  • There has been a substantial slippage toward
    segregation in most of the states that were
    highly desegregated in 1991. The most integrated
    state for African Americans in 2001 is Kentucky.
    The most desegregated states for Latinos are in
    the Northwest. However, in some states with very
    low black populations, school segregation is
    soaring as desegregation efforts are abandoned.
  • American public schools are now only 60 percent
    white nationwide and nearly one fourth of U.S.
    students are in states with a majority of
    nonwhite students. However, except in the South
    and Southwest, most white students have little
    contact with minority students.

  • Asians, in contrast, are the most integrated and
    by far the most likely to attend multiracial
    schools with a significant presence of three or
    more racial groups. Asian students are in schools
    with the smallest concentration of their own
    racial group.The vast majority of intensely
    segregated minority schools face conditions of
    concentrated poverty, which are powerfully
    related to unequal educational opportunity.
    Students in segregated minority schools face
    conditions that students in segregated white
    schools seldom experience. Latinos confront
    very serious levels of segregation by race and
    poverty, and non- English speaking Latinos tend
    to be segregated in schools with each other. The
    data show no substantial gains in segregated
    education for Latinos even during the civil
    rights era. The increase in Latino segregation is
    particularly notable in the West.There has been
    a massive demographic transformation of the West,
    which has become the nations first predominantly
    minority region in terms of total public school
    enrollment. This has produced a sharp increase in
    Latino segregation.
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