Title: NCAA Division I Academic Performance Program
1NCAA Division I Academic Performance Program
2009 NCAA Regional Rules Seminar
- Data submission requirements.
- Graduation Success Rate (GSR).
- Data collection.
- Changes/improvements.
- Data issues.
- NCAA Division I Academic Performance Program
(APP). - Data collection.
- Data issues.
- Policy changes/data reviews.
- Resources.
4Data Submission Requirements
- An institution shall not be eligible to enter a
team or an individual competitor in an NCAA
championship or postseason event unless it has
submitted the following data by the appropriate
deadlines - NCAA Division I Academic Progress Rate (APR)
data. - Academic Performance Census (APC) data.
- GSR data.
- NCAA Bylaw 23.01.3
- Deadline extensions.
- Submit request through Legislative Services
Database for the Internet (LSDBi) waiver portal. - Must provide explanation for request.
- Requires signature of chancellor or president.
- Reinstatement for championships.
- Submit request through LSDBi waiver portal.
- Must provide steps institution will take to
submit data on time next year. - Requires signature of chancellor or president.
6Data Submission Requirements
- Institutions or teams transitioning from NCAA
Division I or discontinuing a Division I sport. - Not required to submit APR/APC data beginning the
academic year the institution has made a public
announcement. - Still must report Federal Graduation Rates and
GSR data if athletics aid was ever awarded to the
team. - Written notification must be sent to NCAA.
- If decision is later rescinded, APP data from any
year previously excluded must be submitted and
any applicable penalties must be taken.
7Data Submission Requirements
- Provisional and reclassifying member
institutions. - Institutions that are transitioning their
institution or team to Division I must file APP
data beginning the same year it must comply with
Division I legislation. - Provisional year two of six-year process.
- Reclassifying year one of four-year process.
- Multidivisional year one of two-year process.
8 9Graduation Success Rate
- What is the GSR?
- Graduation rate considered more accurate than the
Federal Graduation Rate. - Includes transfers into an institution.
- Includes midyear enrollees.
- Removes student-athletes who separate from the
institution and would have been academically
eligible to compete in the next regular academic
term had they returned. - Collected through the graduation rate data
collection system.
10Graduation Success Rate
- What is the GSR?
- Required of Division I member institutions for
ALL sponsored sports. - NCAA Divisions II and III member institutions
that sponsor a Division I sport (multidivisional
classification) must complete data for Division I
sport(s). - Institutions will provide data on the 2002-03
freshman cohort this year. - Due date June 1, 2009.
11Graduation Success Rate
- What do I send to the U.S. Department of
Education and what do I provide electronically to
the NCAA? - U.S. Department of Education
- Student body graduation rate data.
- Student body enrollment data.
- Student body graduation rate data.
- Student-athlete graduation rate data.
- Student-athlete enrollment data.
- Student body enrollment data.
- Student-athlete GSR data.
- Student-athlete exhausted eligibility data.
12Graduation Success Rate
- Data submission requirements.
- All institutions MUST submit their Federal
Graduation Rates data, which includes - Student body graduation rate data.
- Student body enrollment data.
- Student-athlete graduation rate data.
- Student-athlete enrollment data.
13Graduation Success Rate
- GSR populations.
- First-time, full-time freshmen entering in the
fall 2002 receiving athletics aid. - First-time, full-time freshmen entering January
2003 (spring 2003) receiving athletics aid. - Incoming transfer student-athlete receiving
athletics aid and placed in the 2002-03 cohort. - For those institutions/teams not awarding
athletics aid, first-time, full-time freshmen
entering fall 2002 who were recruited and on the
roster as of the first date of competition.
14Graduation Success Rate
- GSR reporting categories.
- Enrolled as of the official census date.
- Graduated awarded a baccalaureate degree from
your institution within six years or by August
31, 2008. - Allowable exclusion death/permanent disability,
military service, church mission or service
organization. - Eligible to compete left before graduation with
athletics eligibility remaining and would have
been academically eligible to compete.
15Graduation Success Rate
- "Almost" instant verification.
- Submit data.
- Within 48 hours after data submission
web1.ncaa.org/GradRates/exec/report_login. - Login using same username and password (sports
sponsorship and revenue distribution login
information). - Both graduation rates and GSR reports available
to review for accuracy. - Signature page for chancellor or president to
sign. - July 7, 2009 deadline.
16Graduation Success Rate
- Question.
- What do I do with student-athletes who are still
enrolled after six years? - Student is considered a "nongraduate" and counts
against the institution. - Student is NOT placed in the "eligible to
compete" column.
17Graduation Success Rate
- Question.
- How do I handle student-athletes who exhaust
their athletics eligibility and then transfer? - The student-athlete is NOT placed in the
"eligible to compete" column. - The student-athlete will count against your
institution as a nongraduate.
18Graduation Success Rate
- Troubling trends.
- Everyone leaves academically eligible even if
they graduate or are an allowable exclusion. - Over 100 GSR usually caused by someone marked
both as graduate and left eligible. - Reports are not truly verified until after the
public release.
19Graduation Success Rate Updates
- New this year.
- Race/ethnicity changes.
- Asian (now on its own).
- Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian.
- Two or more ethnicities.
- Institutions are permitted to make changes to
previous years' data.
20Graduation Success Rate Updates
- New next year.
- "Exhausted eligibility" to be eliminated.
- Data "exported" from APR.
- Data "imported" into grad-rates/GSR data
collection system. - Institutions will need to verify the data.
21Comparison of GSR and Federal Graduation Rate
1998-2001 Entering Classes
22- NCAA Division I
- Academic Performance Program
23Academic Performance Program
- APP data submission.
- APC.
- Provides data about academic profiles and
progress of student-athletes. - APR.
- Term-by-term assessment.
- Points awarded for eligibility/graduation and
retention. - Includes all student-athletes who meet cohort
definition. - Used in analysis for contemporaneous and
historical penalties and public recognition.
24APP Data Collection Process
- APP data collection.
- APP submission deadline six weeks (42 calendar
days) following the first day of classes for each
institution. - Username and password will be sent in May to the
top five at each institution. - Data collection system will be live middle of
May. - Web site https//web1.ncaa.org/APP.
25Academic Progress Rate
- APR cohort updates.
- Recruited student-athlete and invalidated test
score. - A recruited student-athlete whose standardized
test score was invalidated following the team's
first date of competition in the championship
segment and who was subsequently determined to be
a nonqualifier should not be included in the APP
cohort when the recruited definition of the APR
cohort is used.
26Academic Progress Rate
- APR cohort updates.
- Definition of the APR cohort for scholarship
teams. - APR cohort includes any student-athlete who signs
an athletically related financial aid agreement
for a term, even if the student-athlete does not
receive a benefit because he or she does not
satisfy some contingency within the financial aid
27Academic Progress Rate
- Track/cross country APR cohorts.
- Cross country and indoor and outdoor track and
field teams each have a separate APR. - The APR for each sport is comprised of
student-athletes who receive athletics aid in
either cross country, indoor or outdoor track and
field and are on each respective team's roster as
of the first date of competition of the
championship segment. - For institutions that do not offer athletics aid,
the APR for each sport is comprised of recruited
student-athletes who are on the team's roster as
of the first date of competition of the
championship segment.
28Academic Progress Rate
- Track/cross country APR cohorts.
- My institution awards athletics aid only in
outdoor track. What student-athletes are in the
indoor track and cross country cohorts? - If received athletics aid in outdoor track and on
each team's roster (cross country, indoor and
outdoor track) as of the first day or after the
first day of competition for that sport, must be
in the APR cohort for each sport. - Athletics aid awarded counts in a single limit
for indoor track, outdoor track and cross
country. - APR must account for all aided participants in
indoor track, outdoor track and cross country.
29Academic Progress Rate
- Track/cross country APR cohorts.
- I have a cross country, outdoor track and indoor
track student-athlete who competed in cross
country and indoor track but left the team before
competition in outdoor track began. This
student-athlete should be included in which APR
cohorts? - Cross country and indoor track only.
30Academic Progress Rate
- Track/cross country APR cohorts.
- Individual student-athletes in these sports count
only once in determination of APP financial aid
penalties. - Indicate "received aid" as "yes" for each sport
in the student detail module. - Use squad APR report to ensure correct cohort
prior to submission.
31APP Data Collection Updates
- Optional this year.
- Financial aid counter limit in baseball.
- The four-year average for historical penalty
determination is calculated using the actual
number of student-athletes that received
athletically related financial aid, with a cap of
27. - Need to report overall counter limit in 2006-07
in addition to 2008-09 this fall. - Summer bridge program.
- Enter hours enrolled, hours passed and GPA.
32APP Data Collection Updates
33APP Data Collection Updates
- Data on two-year college transfers.
- Effective with collection of 2008-09 APC data.
- Four sports
- Baseball.
- Men's basketball.
- Women's basketball.
- Football.
- Institutions will submit data for all two-year
college transfers within the 2008-09 cohort. In
subsequent year, only need to submit data for new
two-year college transfers.
34APP Data Collection Updates
- Data on two-year college transfers.
- Data collection elements include
- Number and names of two-year colleges attended.
- Total number of credits earned at two-year
college(s). - Total number of transferable credit hours
applicable toward the student-athlete's declared
degree program at the four-year institution. - Four-year college degree transfer credit
grade-point average.
35APP Data Collection Updates
36APP Data Collection Updates
- Head Coaches' APR Portfolio.
- To be submitted as part of APC data for the first
time in the fall 2009. - Institutions will need to submit and verify the
names and dates of employment of head coaches
starting with the 2003-04 academic years. - Most names will be pre-populated.
- Portal will be available this summer.
37APP Data Collection Updates
- Automatic adjustment for professional athletics
departures who meet all criteria. - Entered during data collection phase.
- Similar to automatic adjustment for transfers.
- No documentation is submitted to the NCAA
national office. - GSR cohort for transfer student-athletes.
- Will default to first year of initial full-time
enrollment at any collegiate institution.
38APP Data Collection Timeline
Data Submission Phase (due six weeks after first
day of classes)
Verification Phase (NCAA staff)
Correction Phase (14 calendar days)
APR Adjustment Phase (14 calendar days to submit)
Penalty Waiver Phase (14 to 21 calendar days to
Final Submit (e-mail sent to chancellor or
39APP Data Collection Process
- Submission phase.
- Institution submits data using the APP Data
Collection Program system six weeks (42 calendar
days) after the institution's first day of
classes. - Data is considered "submitted" once the submitter
receives on-screen confirmation that data has
been successfully submitted. - Failure to submit data renders an institution and
all student-athletes ineligible for postseason
competition and championships. - Institution must submit data and request
40APP Data Collection Process
- Delayed-graduation point.
- The criteria are as follows
- 1. The former student-athlete graduates from
your institution fall 2005 or later. - 2. The former student-athlete was not included in
the team's APR cohort in the term in which he or
she graduated from your institution. - 3. The former student-athlete lost the
eligibility or retention point in his or her last
term in the APR cohort or would have lost a point
if the student-athlete departed prior to the
implementation of the APR in 2003-04.
41APP Data Collection Process
- Delayed-graduation point.
- Point (1/0) awarded in the term when the former
student-athlete graduates. - Restores lost APR retention or eligibility point.
- If the lost point was adjusted, no delayed
graduation point may be awarded. - Point received in the sport reported.
- Institution permitted to request
delayed-graduation points for any of the academic
year cohorts that comprise the multiyear APR
42 APP Data Collection Process
- Delayed-graduation point issues.
- Why can't I find this kid?
- The student-athlete did not lose an APR point in
his or her final term in the APR cohort or the
lost point was adjusted. - What do I do?
- Look at previous years' data.
- Call Maria.
- Institutions may not award delayed-graduation
points for former student-athletes who graduate
from a branch school or from another institution
within the same state system.
43APP Data Collection Process
- Verification phase.
- NCAA staff verifies completeness and accuracy of
data. - Review of institutional APR report.
- Review of validation report.
- Review of delayed-graduation point module.
- Institution will be contacted to correct errors.
- Once verified, institution is notified via e-mail
and moved to correction phase.
44APP Data Collection Process
- Correction phase.
- 14 calendar day period following verification
phase to make corrections to data errors and to
data from any academic year that comprises the
multiyear cohort. - Institutions may also submit corrections outside
the multiyear cohort to the staff if the change
will influence the team's current multiyear APR
calculation. - All corrections to data will be confirmed via
e-mail. - Once correction phase is completed, institution
may view APR and penalty reports and then move to
adjustment phase. - First official notification of penalties.
45APP Data Collection Process
- Top data collection issues.
- "Hours earned" do not have to be degree
applicable. - Include remedial hours with hours earned.
- Hours earned prior to enrollment (AP, CLEP)
should be reported in "cumulative credit hours
earned towards degree". - Postgraduates are automatically awarded the
retention point for every term after graduation
they are part of the APR cohort.
46 APP Data Collection Process
- Adjustment phase.
- 14 calendar day period following correction
phase. - Adjustment requests made through LSDBi system
include all adjustments at one time. - Institution permitted to request adjustments for
any of the academic year cohorts that comprise
the multiyear APR cohort. - Institution moved to penalty waiver phase when
all adjustment requests are finalized. - Institution is notified via e-mail of all
47 APP Data Collection Process
- Adjustment phase.
- Discount lost APR point(s) for a term or terms
from the denominator. - Guiding principle
- Based on circumstances surrounding individual
student-athlete. - Are circumstances beyond the control of the
student-athlete and/or team/institution?
48 APP Data Collection Process
- Adjustment directive updates.
- Olympic and international tryouts, training and
competition. - For student-athletes who are not eligible and/or
retained by an institution due to their
participation in Olympic or international
tryouts, training or competition. - The tryouts, training or competition must occur
within one calendar year of their departure from
the institution.
49 APP Data Collection Process
- Adjustment directive updates.
- Medical-absence waivers.
- If an institution had a medical-absence waiver
approved by the conference office, the
institution should submit an adjustment request
for the points lost for the term(s) for which the
medical absence waiver applies.
50 APP Data Collection Process
- APP penalty waivers.
- 14 calendar day period following adjustment phase
to request a waiver of contemporaneous and
Occasion-One and Occasion-Two Historical
Penalties. - 21 calendar days to request a waiver for an
Occasion-Three and Occasion-Four Historical
Penalty. - Waivers submitted through the LSDBi system.
51 APP Data Collection Process
- Final submission.
- Following completion of penalty waiver phase.
- Institution's APR and penalty reports are
considered final. - E-mail sent to the chancellor or president
indicating completion of the submission process. - Conferences will be able to access institutions'
APR and penalty reports through the LSDBi waiver
52APP Data Reviews
- To begin late spring/early summer 2009.
- For the 2009-10 academic year, institutions will
be notified in May (25 to 30 institutions
selected). - Five will be selected for GSR only.
- Paper review of all areas of the APP data and
application of penalties. - Institutions will be required to submit
supporting documentation for selected teams
and/or student-athletes. - In-person campus visits will be scheduled, if
53APP Data Reviews
- What was discovered?
- Mistakes were inadvertent due to misunderstanding
or failure to have adequate process in place. - Lack of documentation to substantiate awarding of
points. - Legislated exceptions.
- Eligibility points.
- Progress-toward-degree requirements.
- APR and GSR cohort definitions.
54 55Resources
- NCAA staff
- Maria DeJulio, mdejulio_at_ncaa.org GSR and IPEDS,
data-related issues and data correction requests. - Andy Louthain, alouthain_at_ncaa.org Occasion-Three
and Occasion-Four Historical Penalty waivers.
- NCAA staff
- Michael Moleta, mmoleta_at_ncaa.org APP data
reviews and LSDBi issues. - Binh Nguyen, bnguyen_at_ncaa.org APR and GSR
deadline extensions and reinstatement for
championships, requests for alternative
definition of cohort and APR adjustments.
- NCAA staff
- Bill Regan, bregan_at_ncaa.org Occasion-Three and
Occasion-Four Historical Penalty waivers. - Katy Yurk, kyurk_at_ncaa.org Contemporaneous and
Occasion-One and Occasion-Two Historical Penalty
- NCAA Division I Committee on Academic Performance
Web page. - NCAA Division I Academic Performance Program Data
Collection Guide. - NCAA Division I Committee on Academic Performance
Policies and Procedures.
59 60 61NCAA Division I Academic Performance Program
2009 NCAA Regional Rules Seminar