Title: Space Shuttle Main Engines SSME
1Space Shuttle Main Engines(SSME)
- AERO 4730
2Space Shuttle Main Engines(SSME)
- History
- Lessons Learned from Mercury-Apollo
- Pump and Nozzle Construction
- Fuel and Oxidizer Combinations
- Contract Awarded March 1972
- Rockwell Rocketdyne (F-1, J-2, etc)
- Parts Proven and Verified by J-2 Engine (Apollo)
- Light-Chill-Light Ability
- Material Dependability/Durability
- Throttleability by Pressure Management
3Space Shuttle Main Engines(SSME)
- History Continued
- The J-2 features
- Independently driven pumps for both liquid oxygen
and liquid hydrogen - A gas generator to supply hot gas to two turbines
running in series - Pneumatic and electrical control interlocks for
valve control - Altitude restart capability
- Propellant utilization system controls mixture
4Space Shuttle Main Engines(SSME)
5Space Shuttle Main Engines(SSME)
6Space Shuttle Main Engines(SSME)
- BLOCK II High Pressure Fuel Turbopump
- Three stage centrifugal pump
- Two stage hot gas turbine
- 36,200 RPM
7Space Shuttle Main Engines(SSME)
8Space Shuttle Main Engines(SSME)
- Purpose of Low Pressure Turbopumps is to prevent
cavitation - Cavitation is the phenomenon where small cavities
of partial vacuum form in fluid then rapidly
collapse, producing a sharp sound
9Space Shuttle Main Engines(SSME)
10Space Shuttle Main Engines(SSME)
11Space Shuttle Main Engines(SSME)
12Space Shuttle Main Engines(SSME)
- Contingency Abort (During ascent)
13Space Shuttle Main Engines(SSME)
- Return To Launch Site (RTLS)
- Transoceanic Abort Landing (TAL)
14Space Shuttle Main Engines(SSME)
15Space Shuttle Main Engines(SSME)
16Space Shuttle Main Engines(SSME)
- Abort To Orbit (STS-51F-Eng 3)
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18Space Shuttle Main Engines(SSME)