Title: Standard Handout
1Creating a 21st CenturyIntelligent Health
System in Louisiana
2Newt GingrichFounder, Center for Health
TransformationBobby JindalGovernor, Louisiana
The Future of Health and Healthcare in Louisiana
3Panel I Designing an Effective and
Efficient Health Delivery System in Louisiana
Moderator Alan Levine, Secretary, Louisiana
Department of Health and Hospitals Panelists N
orm Nichols, General Manager, Unisys William
Pinsky, MD, Chief Academic Officer, Ochsner
Health System Shannon Robshaw, MSW, Executive
Director, Louisiana Health Care Quality
Forum Russ Thomas, JD, Chief Operating Officer,
4Alan Levine SecretaryLouisiana Department of
Health and Hospitals
5Norm NicholsLouisiana Executive Account
6Key Recommendations
- Design Health Information Data Interoperability
- Across multiple agencies
- With multiple providers
- With multiple benefit designs
- Architect Health IT for
- Provision for provider patient portals
- Robust electronic medical record
Sponsor Logo
7Key Recommendations
- Establish Health Information Technology that has
- Ability to implement what if changes quickly
and simply - Policy
- Program
- Benefit plan
- Payment methodology
Sponsor Logo
8William W. Pinsky, M.D.Executive VP for System
Medical Affairs and Chief Academic
OfficerOchsner Health System
9Key Issues
- Medical information sequestered in Doctors
offices, hospitals, and other provider locations - Medical information not routinely available to
patients - Health information not consistently provided
in a timely manner to patients - Too much variability in preventive care and
disease management
10Key Recommendations
- With the patient in the center, as a participant
and custodian, information is available outside
practice confines - Patient information needs to be interoperable,
i.e. the PHR concept - PHR through a Patient Portal with intelligence
- Hospital information through a Doctor Portal
- EHR to include decision support for both
Providers and Patients
11Shannon Robshaw, MSWExecutive DirectorLouisiana
Health Care Quality Forum
12Key Principles for HIT / HIE Adoption and
Expansion in Louisiana
- HIT and HIE adoption and expansion should
demonstrate measurable improvements in health
care quality or efficiency. - HIT and HIE adoption and expansion should be
patient-centric and empower both consumers and
providers. - HIT adoption should be standards-based
- HIT and HIE expansion should leverage and build
upon lessons-learned. - Providers and stakeholders should embrace HIT and
HIE. - Governance and collaborative models should be
used for public/private HIT and HIE initiatives.
13Roadmap for Success
- Make clinical data available for quality
assessment, program evaluation, and outcome
evaluation. - Engage and inform health care consumers and
promote consumer ownership of health information.
- Leverage existing HIT assets capabilities
assess interoperability readiness. - Facilitate provider adoption of the electronic
health record. - Establish a public-private collaboration
/coordination framework for HIE initiatives
statewide, and support a locally controlled
governance model at the community level. - Simplify the HIE process by leveraging common
infrastructure when possible, and implementing a
model which ensure technical feasibility and
scalability. - Â
14Russ Thomas Executive Vice President Chief
Operating OfficerAvaility, LLC
15Availity Connecting Communities
Availity Health Information Network
gt50,000 Registered Sites
gt150 Direct Payers gt1,150 Indirect Payers
- Administrative
- Clinical
- Financial
gt1,000 Hospitals
gt400 Vendor Partners - Clearinghouses -
Practice Management Systems - Electronic
Medical Record Systems
27,000,000 Owner Members
100,000 Owner Employers
16Drive Efficiency and Prove Return on Investment
17Panel II Achieving Optimal Health and
Wellness for a Productive Louisiana
Moderator Reed Tuckson, MD, Executive Vice
President and Chief of Medical Affairs,
UnitedHealth Group Panelists Bill Ellis, RPh,
MS, Executive Director and CEO, American
Pharmacists Association Foundation Dr. Lawrence
Goldman, Vice President, ValueOptions Michael
Gorton, MS, JD, Chief Executive Officer, TelaDoc,
18Reed Tuckson, MD Executive Vice President
Chief of Medical AffairsUnitedHealth Group
19William M. Ellis, RPh MSExecutive Director
CEOAmerican Pharmacists Association Foundation
20Key Recommendations
- Provide access to self-management coaching for
patients in relevant lifestyle areas, such as
smoking cessation, diet, exercise and nutrition
to reduce the incidence and risk of uncontrolled
chronic disease - Improve patient access to needed health care
services by waiving or reducing co-pays (i.e.
medications for chronic disease) - Provide at least one annual pharmacist-delivered
medication therapy management review for every
patient and more frequent reviews for those
taking a significant number of medications - Align incentives between payers, providers and
patients to receive these services
21Dr. Lawrence Goldman VP, Strategic Planning and
22Key Recommendations
- Create a coordinated, organized behavioral
health system across the state with multiple
access points to services and health information - Develop a program that is focused on recovery and
resiliency that increases health literacy,
empowers shared decision making, with
person-centered planning and person-directed
services across the lifespan - Build a system with creativity in service
delivery not just case management, but care
23Key Recommendations
- Build a system with strong outreach to all
stakeholders from consumers to families to
advocates to providers. - Create the system that understands the
behavioral health connection to physical health
disease states leverage systems that address the
decreased lifespan of those who suffer serious
mental illness
24Michael Gorton, MS, JD Chief Executive
OfficerTelaDoc, Inc
25Telephone Based Cross Coverage
- Employer/Patient Benefits
- Physician Access within 30 Minutes
- Availability 24 / 7 / 365
- Reduced healthcare costs
- Reduced absenteeism
- A proactive health benefit
- Recruiting and retention tool
- Enhances wellness programs
- Enhances disaster preparedness
- Physician Benefits
- Better Pay
- Physicians get Lifestyle Through Shorter/More
Controlled Hours - Simple Delivery System
- All Tools Provided
- Medical Malpractice Provided
- Fully-portable EHR free for all participating
physicians - Cross Coverage Now Paid
26Key Recommendations
- Work with Legislature to develop Model Language
defining Standards of Care. - Implement Statewide program to save dollars and
improve patient access, while producing more
physician revenue. - Develop emergency response and pandemic protocols.
27Panel III A Community Approach to
Managing Diabetes and Obesity
Moderator Tim Church, MD, MPH, PhD, Pennington
Biomedical Research Center Panelists Laura
Fields, PharmD, Associate Vice President,
Metabolism Marketing, sanofi-aventis Jay
Hedlund, Head of Medicare Diabetes Screening
Project, Novo Nordisk Sayeed Ikramuddin, MD,
Director, Gastrointestinal Surgery, University
of Minnesota, (for Covidien)
28Tim Church, MD, MPH, PhD Director of Preventive
MedicinePennington Biomedical Research Center
29Diabetes Trends Among Adults in the U.S.
30Costs of Diabetes
- Stroke
- Heart attack
- Cancer
- Kidney failure
- Neuropathy
- Amputation
- Retinopathy
- 2007 Total economic costs of diabetes estimated
to be 174 billion - 23.6 million Americans have diabetes (_at_8 of
31Laura Fields, PharmD Associate Vice President,
Metabolism Marketingsanofi-aventis
32Jay Hedlund Director, Medicare Diabetes
Screening ProjectNovo Nordisk
33Key Recommendations
- Define your target Make your task manageable
Medicare beneficiaries at risk for diabetes - Use the tools you already have available
Medicare screening benefit prevention studies
network of senior organizations health care
providers and community health officials - Involve all the constituencies who care Go
where people live, work, play and pray include
non-traditional allies
34Key Recommendations
- Create actionable tools for supporters to use
brochures, church bulletins, flyers, palm cards,
health fairs, community events - Support public and private policies that invest
in screening and prevention
35Sayeed Ikramudin, MD Director, Gastrointestinal
SurgeryUniversity of Minnesota (for Covidien)
36Dr. Claude Bouchard Executive DirectorPennington
Biomedical Research Center
37Newt Gingrich FounderCenter for Health
38Panel I Designing an Effective and
Efficient Health Delivery System in Louisiana
Moderator Alan Levine, Secretary, Louisiana
Department of Health and Hospitals Panelists N
orm Nichols, General Manager, Unisys William
Pinsky, MD, Chief Academic Officer, Ochsner
Health System Shannon Robshaw, MSW, Executive
Director, Louisiana Health Care Quality
Forum Russ Thomas, Chief Operating Officer,
39Panel II Achieving Optimal Health and
Wellness for a Productive Louisiana
Moderator Reed Tuckson, MD, Executive Vice
President and Chief of Medical Affairs,
UnitedHealth Group Panelists Bill Ellis, RPh,
Executive Director and CEO, American Pharmacists
Association Foundation Dr. Lawrence Goldman,
Vice President, ValueOptions Jamie Schlottman,
Market President, Louisiana and South
Mississippi, Humana
40Dr. Lawrence Goldman VP, Strategic Planning and
41Key Recommendations
- Create a coordinated, organized behavioral
health system across the state with multiple
access points to services and health information - Develop a program that is focused on recovery and
resiliency that increases health literacy,
empowers shared decision making, with
person-centered planning and person-directed
services across the lifespan - Build a system with creativity in service
delivery not just case management, but care
42Key Recommendations
- Build a system with strong outreach to all
stakeholders from consumers to families to
advocates to providers. - Create the system that understands the
behavioral health connection to physical health
disease states leverage systems that address the
decreased lifespan of those who suffer serious
mental illness
43Panel III A Community Approach to
Managing Diabetes and Obesity
Moderator Tim Church, MD, MPH, PhD, Pennington
Biomedical Research Center Panelists Laura
Fields, PharmD, Associate Vice President,
Metabolism Marketing, sanofi-aventis Jay
Hedlund, Head of Medicare Diabetes Screening
Project, Novo Nordisk Sayeed Ikramuddin, MD,
Director, Gastrointestinal Surgery, University
of Minnesota, (for Covidien)
44Tim Church, MD, MPH, PhD Director of Preventive
MedicinePennington Biomedical Research Center
45Diabetes Trends Among Adults in the U.S.
46Costs of Diabetes
- Stroke
- Heart attack
- Cancer
- Kidney failure
- Neuropathy
- Amputation
- Retinopathy
- 2007 Total economic costs of diabetes estimated
to be 174 billion - 23.6 million Americans have diabetes (_at_8 of
47Sayeed Ikramuddin, MD Director of Bariatric
Surgery University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
48Saydah, S.,et al. JAMA 291 335-342
49- p lt 0.001
- University of MN Unpublished data
50Weight loss and diabetes resolution
51- Bariatric surgery is the best tool available for
sustained weight loss in the obese diabetic
population - Success should be measured not only by weight
loss reduction but also by co morbidity
resolution. - Follow up for bariatric surgery should be
lifelong, scheduled and mandatory - Follow up should be a package plan
- Statewide bariatric registry is best option to
track outcomes and recognize complications
52Creating a 21st CenturyIntelligent Health
System in Louisiana