Title: P1249945249dMKwm
1School calendar has safety week in the month
of October Discuss the upcoming Safety Week held
during the 3rd week in October.
Questions What do you know about Safety in your
school? Is your school safe? What is the schools
discipline and safety Policy? Do you understand
the policy? Do you agree with the
policy? Behaviors Enthusiasm, interest, concern
Make sure the students have a copy of the
discipline policy. Can they read and
under- stand the policy? Does the policy need to
be written for the students? Rubric
Bring in the school safety officer to discuss
school safety. Show video/slide show about
school safety and violence.
Make sure all the students know why the
discipline policy needs to be changed. Why is
it important to research the problems with the
policy and discuss the with your classmates?
Questions Who is the school safety officer? How
do your other subjects fit into this problem?
2How do we change what we disagree with? Do we
change only what we all agree on or a
majority? Complete Fishbone Model
Questions Why do you want to change the
policy? Is it a real concern?
Is it a good policy change? Will it benefit the
Questions Can we share it with other
schools? Do we want to invite students or
Administrators from other schools
3Where do we find other school discipline
policies? What are the issues we disagree with
in our policy?
Make sure they have access to a computer and know
where to look for examples of other
policies. Rubric
Questions What are some school web sites you
can look at? How can we use other subject areas
to tie into this PBL unit? Are the issues you
want to change for the good of the school and
student body?
How will we make our changes to the policy known
to the school? Will they like what we did to the
policy? Will they support your ideas?
Students need to keep track of their progress in
a note book or journal. All teachers involved
will be available to answer or pose new
questions. Rubric
Questions How does science tie in? Social
studies? Mathematics? Language arts? How do will
you divide the work in each class so that it is
done on time?
Keep a written record of all work done and to be
done. Have the groups say what they are
specifically doing. Rubric
Search for other resources you can use besides
the inter-net. Go to the library. Go to the
sheriff /police department. Interview adults.
Questions Why is it necessary to keep a
record? What group is in charge of what? Are
the groups talking to each other?
4What other school policies did we find? Do we
agree on what needs to be changed?
Are the different school policies similar? What
do we want to change in the policy and why? Keep
a record of changes made! Rubric
Questions How do we support the changes we will
make? Is our research from valid sources? Are
we coordinating between subject areas so we can
bring it all together?
Questions Has everyone that needs to be present
on safety day been contacted? Is there a
schedule for safety day yet? Who will see that
every event starts on time?
- Are we coordinating the
- school activities?
- Poster contest
- Safety demonstration
- Guest speakers
- Pep rally
Are the groups for each event working
together? Do they need any help? Are all
materials needed for safety day ready? Rubric
Double check sources for accuracy.
Is the final schedule written and everyone have a
copy? Keep a record of all phone numbers for
reference. Rubric
Questions Is there a back-up plan for a no
show? Does the office and teachers know
the schedule? How are the students getting to
safety day?
5Visit the Board of Education. Interview Board
members. Check websites of other schools for
their discipline policies (both local and
distant). Interview or visit local law
enforcement departments.
Complete mind map to help organize
thoughts. Divide into groups and have each group
look at Different parts of the discipline
policy. Keep a group list/schedule of what is
being Accomplished. Keep a master plan of the
Safety Day schedule Of events.