Title: Note to presenters Delete this slide
1Note to presenters(Delete this slide)
- This is a short presentation that contains
wilderness facts and trivia. Some material (i.e.
newest wilderness) may be dated and should be
updated by visiting http//www.wilderness.net/ind
ex.cfm?fuseNWPSsecfastFacts - All or part of it may be useful in combination
with a Wilderness Act presentation or for other
2- This document is contained within Wilderness
Awareness Toolbox on Wilderness.net. Since other
related resources found in this toolbox may be of
interest, you can visit this toolbox by visiting
the following URL http//www.wilderness.net/index
.cfm?fusetoolboxessecawareness. All toolboxes
are products of the Arthur Carhart National
Wilderness Training Center.
3National Wilderness Trivia
- Facts and Trends
- for the
- National Wilderness Preservation System
4Over 107 million acres, nation-wide managed by
four federal agencies (BLM, FWS, FS, NPS)
How much wilderness now?
5Wilderness Facts
- 4.7 of all U.S. lands are designated as
wilderness (2.2 outside Alaska) - 6.1 of all lands (except Alaska) are developed
(roads, commercial and
urban areas) - Acres of developed lands are
increasing at 2 million
acres per year
Source USDA National Resources Inventory
6Where is largest wilderness area? Smallest?
7Smallest Wilderness Areas
Largest Wilderness Area
Rocks and Islands Wilderness BLM California
2006 - 5 acres
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park Alaska 1980
9.1 million acres
Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge
Florida 1970 - 6 acres
8Any states with no federal wilderness?
9Where is the newest wilderness added in 2008?
10Are there any National Forest wilderness areas
outside the 50 states ?