Chapter 2 Early Civilizations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 2 Early Civilizations


3. Artisans-crafts people with special skills like potters and weavers ... 1. First 5 books of the Hebrew Bible given to Moses from God. 2. Torah means 'to teach' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 2 Early Civilizations

Chapter 2 Early Civilizations
  • Lesson 1 The Fertile Crescent
  • Where Civilization Began
  • A. Civilization
  • 1. Groups of People living together that form
    a complex society
  • 2. Civilizations have customs, food supply,
    social division, government, religion
    and technology
  • 3. Civilizations began in about 3,500 BC in
    the Fertile Crescent
  • B. The Fertile Crescent
  • 1. An area of land in the south western part
    of Asia along the Tigris and Euphrates
    River, from the Mediterranean Sea to the
    Persian Gulf
  • 2. Fertile- means rich soil good for farming
  • 3. The west was wooded forest filled with
    deer, sheep and goats
  • 4. In the center between the Tigris and
    Euphrates was a great plain of grasslands
    with pigs, oxen and lions
  • C. Mesopotamia
  • 1. The area of land between the Tigris and
    Euphrates River
  • 2. Mesopotamia means Land between Rivers
  • 3. Mesopotamia was on of the first
    Civilizations in the world

  • Climate and Rivers
  • A. Climate
  • 1. The Climate of this area is not very good
    for farming. It is very dry from May to
    October sometimes reaching 120 F
  • 2. In November to April it sometimes rains so
    much it floods the plain between the two
  • 3. There is usually not enough rain for crops
    to grow.
  • B. The Rivers
  • 1. Farmers move south in search of better
    farmland in about 5000 BC
  • 2. They moved from the plateau to the plains
    between the Tigris and Euphrates
  • 3. Plateau an area of high flat land
  • 4. The rivers provided farmers with a
    constant source of water for crops
  • 5. The soil was rich from the constant
    flooding of the rivers
  • 6. Farmers used irrigation from the river to
    water their crops
  • C. Irrigation
  • 1. Building of trenches and ditches to control
    the amount of water crops receive

  • The People
  • A. Problem Solvers
  • 1. Built Irrigation systems to farm
  • 2. Made buildings from reeds near the river
  • 3. Later began making mud bricks to form
    homes, temples and other buildings
  • B. Work
  • 1. Most people worked as farmers or hearders
  • a. Crops Barley, Millet,wheat dates,
    lentils, onions,
    lettuce, apples, cucumbers, garlic, and
  • b. Animals sheep, goats, and cattle
  • C. Technology
  • 1. Over time they impoved farming tools and
    farming techniques
  • 2. Soon these people had surplus crops they
    could move up and down the rivers

  • Growth of City-States and Trade
  • A. City States
  • 1. A city state is a city that is an
    individual unit. It has its own
    government and traditions
  • 2. City-States includeUruk, Kish, Lagash,
    Mippur, Umma and Ur.
  • 3. These city-states were in the Region of
  • 4. Region- Area on earth with common physical
  • B. Surplus food led to population growth
  • 1. New settlers moved into this area
  • 2. Surplus food led to specialization
  • a. Some people stopped farming and took on
    other jobs
  • b. Jobs like soldiers, government,
    religious leaders
  • 3. Artisans-crafts people with special skills
    like potters and weavers
  • 4. Artisans were paid for their skills in
  • C. Traders
  • 1. Some people began to trade goods
  • 2. Traders would leave with food and cloth
    and travel by donkey or reed boat to trade
    for copper wood and stone
  • 3. Later they built large wooden boats to
    travel farther to trade this spread
    Mesopotamian culture to other parts of the

Lesson 2 Mesopotamia
  • Sumer an Akkad
  • A. How they were alike
  • 1. Both practiced similar farming and
    business practices
  • 2. Both were city-states
  • 3. Both had large markets for people to trade
  • B. Differences
  • 1. Spoke different languages
  • 2. Fought over control of land and water
  • C. Uruk
  • 1. A Large Sumerian city-state of about
    50,000 people
  • 2. Was surrounded by field of grains
  • 3. Was protected by a large brick wall
  • 4. People lived in mud brick houses
  • D. Ziggurat
  • 1. A temple to honor gods
  • 2. Made of rectangular platforms stacked an
    top of each other
  • 3. Highest building in the city some were 290
    feet high

  • Religion and Government
  • A. Religion was very important in Sumer and
  • 1. Temples were very large and magnificent
  • 2. Temples were homes to the gods
  • 3. Polytheism- the worship of many gods
  • B. Society
  • 1. an organized community with established
    rules and traditions
  • C. Gods
  • 1. Believed the gods were responsible for the
    well being of the people and making the
    land fertile
  • 2. Anu- god of heavens
  • Enlil-god of wind
  • Enki- god of water
  • Ninhursag- mother of the gods
  • 3. People believe if they had good crops and
    did well the gods were happy
  • 4. People and priest made offerings to the
    gods like food, drink, incense

  • D. Government
  • 1. Closely linked to religion
  • 2. Believed kings were chosen by gods to carry
    out gods wishes
  • 3. Divine Kingship The right to rule was god
    given and could be passed down from father
    to son
  • 4. Divine kingship had a huge impact on later
  • E. The Class system- way of breaking society
    into social groups by importance to the society
  • 1. King
  • 2. Wealthy business men
  • 3. landowners
  • 4. artisans (craftsmen) and farm workers
  • 5. slaves

  • Writing
  • A. Writing system created
  • 1. System was created to keep track of
    business dealings for trading
  • 2. It started as a simple picture that stood
    for objects
  • B. Scribe
  • 1. person who was a professional writer
  • 2. used a sharpen reed to scratch into wet
    clay tablets
  • 3. the clay tablet would dry to form a
    permanent record
  • 4. Cuneiform- Sumerian system of writing
    using pictures in clay tablets
  • C. Why Cuneiform was so important
  • 1. First written language
  • 2. Could settle disputes between people
  • 3. Was copied by many other cities in the
  • 4. Many tablets have been translated by
  • 5. Found literature of Gilgamesh adventures
    as king

  • Rise and Fall of Akkadian Empire
  • A. Sargon
  • 1. King of Akkadian
  • 2. Sargon attacked and conquered many
    city-states in Mesopotamia. He united them
    under him as one kingdom or empire
  • 3. Conquer- defeat in battle
  • 4. Empire- a large territory consisting of
    many different places under the control of
    one ruler
  • B. Enheduanna
  • 1. Sargons daughter he named as high
    priestes of Ur.
  • 2. She made offerings to the gods
  • 3. Following rulers named their daughters to
    high priestess
  • C. Dynasty
  • 1. Ruling family of an empire
  • 2. Sargon past his kingship to his son
  • 3. Akkadia remained in power for about 150
  • 4. Akkadia was constantly threatened by

  • Sumers Final Days
  • A. Ur Controlled summer for about 100 years
  • 1. Ur Nammu was king
  • 2. His son Shulgi took over when he died
  • B. Sumer did well
  • 1. Farming, business, and the arts flourished
  • 2. Large structures were built. The largest
    ziggurat was built at this time
  • C. Ur was conquered by invaders from the
  • 1. Sumerian civilizations decline
  • 2. Sumerians contributions helped other
  • a. Cuneiform
  • b. Ziggurats
  • c. The wheel

Lesson 3Babylon and Assyria
  • The Rise of Hammurabi and Babylonia
  • A. Babylon
  • 1. Large city-state in Mesopotamian
    region that served as the capitol city of the
    Babylonian Empire
  • B. Hammurabi
  • 1. Ruler of the Babylonian empire
  • 2. Hammurabi collected taxes and
    built huge building in Babylon 3. Created
    Hammurabis Code of laws
  • 4. Brilliant military commander who
    conquered much of Mesopotamia

  • Babylonian Civilization
  • A. Daily Life
  • 1. Continued to Farm using irrigation to
    water crops
  • 2. Continued to practice the similar
    religions that were in this area
  • 3. Developed a very strict class system
  • 4. Babylon grew into a cultural center with
    may advancements in mathematics,
    literature and law.
  • B. Hammurabis Code of Laws
  • 1. 282 Laws dealt with business, property,
    medical practice and marriage
  • 2. Not the 1st written law code, but the
    oldest complete law code that has been
  • 3. The law code gives us an understanding of
    Babylonian history
  • 4. Punishments were harsh eye for an eye
  • 5. Laws were also established to protect the

  • The Assyrians
  • A. Assyria
  • 1. City-State in Northern Mesopotamia
  • 2. Great fighter- place a high importance on
    war and conquest
  • 3. Conquest- defeat of another group of
  • 4. Wheeled battering ram destroyed city
    walls and troops would swarm the cities
  • B. Ashurbanipal
  • 1. King of Assyria
  • 2. Led his army into battle
  • 3. Very educated man
  • 4. Built a great library in Nineveh where he
    collected many works from other
    Mesopotamian civilizations.
  • 5. Historians have learned much about the
    Mesopotamian people from this library

  • Babylon Grows
  • A. Nebuchadnezzar II
  • 1. Became King of Babylon
  • 2. Built massive buildings tower of Babylon,
    Hanging Gardens
  • 3. Babylon grew into a trading center once
  • 4. Advancements in Math (place value of
  • 5. Advancements in Science Study of
    planets and the sun
  • B. Nebuchadnezzar II dies
  • 1. Babylon declines quickly
  • 2. 539 BC Persians invade and conquer

Lesson 4Hebrews, Phoenicians and Lydians
  • Hebrews
  • A. Abraham
  • 1. Shepherd who lived in Ur.
  • 2. Considered the first Jew
  • 3. God Spoke to Abraham and told him to move
    to the land of Canaan
  • 4. Abraham promised to move to Canaan and to
    only worship one God. God agreed to care
    for Abraham and his people
  • 5. The people who followed Abraham were
    called Hebrews
  • 6. Abraham was the founder of Judaism
  • B. Covenant
  • 1. an agreement
  • 2. The agreement between God and Abraham
  • C. Monotheism
  • 1. The worship of only one God
  • 2. Judaism ( religion of the Hebrews) is the
    first Monotheist religion

  • D. Hebrews move to Egypt
  • 1. Egyptians force the Hebrews into slavery
  • 2. Slavery- Practice of one person owning
    another person
  • 3. Moses- Person chosen by God to lead the
    Hebrews from slavery to freedom
  • E. Hebrews leave Egypt
  • 1. Moses given the Ten Commandments
  • 2. Ten Commandments- list of rules for
    worshiping God and moral conduct
  • 3. God made a covenant with Moses. Those people
    who left Egypt and their descendants would
    follow the commandments and God would care
    for them
  • 4. Descendants- people who are born later in
    the same family

  • The Hebrew Bible
  • A. Torah
  • 1. First 5 books of the Hebrew Bible given to
    Moses from God
  • 2. Torah means to teach
  • 3. The Torah provide guidance and laws for
    the Jewish people
  • B. Tradition
  • 1. These books are very sacred to Jewish
  • 2. The rollers that hold the Torah are often
    decorated, but the scrolls are never
  • 3. The Torah also recorded the early Hebrew
    History through Stories

  • Israel and Judah
  • A. Deborah
  • 1. A woman Hebrew Judge
  • 2. Judges provided guidance in times of
  • 3. Women were not usually given these roles
  • 4. Deborah encouraged the King of the Israel
    to attack the Canaanites
  • B. War with the Canaanites
  • 1. King of Canaanites was treating the Hebrew
  • 2. The Hebrews attacked and won the battle
  • 3. The Canaanite King escaped and was killed
    by a Hebrew woman just as Deborah
  • C. David as King
  • 1. David united the twelve tribes and found
    the new kindom of Israel
  • 2. Under David and his son Solomon Israel
    prospered and did well.
  • 3. Solomon built a large temple in Jerusalem
    to worship God and house the Torah
  • 4. After Solomon's death Israel was attacked
    by the Assyrians and late by
    Nebuchadnezzar II and many of the
    Israelites were brought to Babylon as slaves
  • 5. Many Israelites continued to practice
    their religion and returned to Jerusalem

  • Judaism Today
  • A. Jewish Practices
  • 1. Still read the Torah
  • 2. Worship in Synagogues
  • 3. Synagogues- Jewish house of worship
  • 4. Still Celebrate Jewish feasts such as
  • 5. Rabbis teach Jews how to read the Torah
  • 6. Rabbi in Hebrew means teacher
  • Phoenicians and Lydians
  • A. Phoenicians
  • 1. Traders who traded goods throughout the
    Mediterranean area
  • 2. Phoenicians live on the east side of the
  • 3. Most important trading city was Carthage
    in Africa
  • 4. Their trading passed ideas through this
    entire region of the world
  • B. Alphabet
  • 1. The most important contribution was the
    modern alphabet
  • 2. Cuneiform was too complex 700 characters
  • 3. Phoenician Alphabet was much simpler 22
  • 4. Later Greeks added vowels
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