Title: Prioritizing research into nutrition and obesity
1Prioritizing research into nutrition and obesity
- Dr Rachael Taylor
- Human Nutrition
- University of Otago
2Obes Rev 20045(Suppl 1)4
3Current NZ research
- Community-based obesity prevention projects
- APPLE - 500 primary school aged children in
Otago - Energise - 3000 primary school aged children in
Waikato - OPIC - 3500 secondary school aged youth in
Auckland - Counties-Manukau Lets Beat Diabetes
4Short-term goals
- Utilize existing datasets to determine potential
effect of nutrition interventions
5NZ kids eat too much fat and not enough calcium
Boys Girls
6Type of milk consumed by NZ children
7Nutrient content of green-top vs blue-top milk
8Short-term goals
- Utilize existing datasets to determine potential
effect of nutrition interventions - What barriers to healthy living exist for
different age and socio-demographic groups - Determine how policy influences food behaviour in
different settings - Undertake studies investigating effect of
modifying portion size on energy balance (more
than 1 more or over time)
9Portion size (g or ml) when first introduced
compared with 2002 (USA)
JADA 2003103231
10Energy intake in a restaurant meal according to
entrée portion size
Obes Res 200412562
11Short-term goals
- How rapidly can intervention produce an effect?
- Use existing interventions
- Design new trials appropriately
- Further work regarding how pricing, taxation,
availability and promotion of food interact to
affect food purchases
12A ledger of human eating
- Unhealthy foods
- Highly accessible
- Convenient
- Promoted heavily
- Good tasting
- Cheap
- Healthy foods
- Less accessible
- Less convenient
- Barely promoted
- Less tasty
- More expensive
Obesity Prevention and Public Health 2005
13The CHIPS study
- Testing effect of signage and pricing of low and
high-fat snack options in school vending machines - 4 different pricing structures
- Equal, 10, 25 and 50 less
- 3 different promotions
- Nothing, labelled as low-fat, labelled plus sign
promoting low fat foods - So 12 different conditions for 1 month each over
12 month intervention
AJPH 200191112
14Low-fat snacks as total snacks sold according
to price reduction
of snacks sold that were low-fat
Price reduction
AJPH 200191112
15 of low-fat snacks sold according to signage
Plt0.05 compared with no labelling
of snacks solds that were low-fat
Price reduction
AJPH 200191112
16Intermediate-term goals
- Undertake obesity prevention trials in groups or
environments where research is lacking - Preschoolers
- Home environment - role of parents
17Number of studies in each setting (Flynn et al
Obes Rev 20067(Suppl 1)7-66
18Policies and the Media eg. advertising school
Family Demographics eg. income ethnicity
Knowledge about healthy behaviours
Modeling of healthy behaviours
Accessibility of healthy options
Community Characteristics eg. access to healthy
foods Neigbourhood walkability
Child Characteristics eg.athletic competence age
Shaping childrens eating/ activity behaviours
by use of rewards/punishments
Organizational Characteristics eg. advertising
Obesity prevention and public health 2005
19Intermediate-term goals
- Undertake obesity prevention trials in groups or
environments where research is lacking - Preschoolers
- Home environment
- Lower socioeconomic groups
20Prevalence of obesity in men and women in
relation to SES
21Prevalence of obesity in boys and girls in
relation to SES
22Intermediate-term goals
- Undertake obesity prevention trials in groups or
environments where research is lacking - Preschoolers
- Home environment
- Lower socioeconomic groups
- Gender specific interventions?
23Females higher prevalence of obesity in children
and adults
24Intermediate-term goals
- Explore why some people are able to maintain
behaviour changes which promote effective weight
management - Incorporate economic assessment into
interventions to determine cost-benefit of
different approaches - Ensure interventions include appropriate process
evaluation to assist the development and
implementation of future interventions
25Intermediate-term goals
- Trial effectiveness of alternative methods of
delivery eg. internet and television? - Determine effect of built environment on energy
and nutrient intakes - GPS
26Fast food contains much more energy per gram than
is ideal
Obes Rev 20034187
27Weight gain over 15 years according to fast food
Weight gain (kg)
Change in intake (times per week)
Baseline intake (times per week)
Lancet 200536536
28Density of fast-food outlets in relation to SES
Population per fast-food outlet
Health and Place 20028141
29Intermediate-term goals
- Trial effectiveness of alternative methods of
delivery eg. internet and television? - Determine effect of built environment on energy
and nutrient intakes - GPS - Macronutrient composition and energy density -
are they important?
30Covert experiments show high fat diets promote
passive overconsumption
AJCN 199562316-329
60 40 20
Energy balance (MJ)
Time (days)
1 2 3 4 5 6
31Proc Nutr Soc 200564217
32Long-term goals
- Test different strategies for effective long-term
(5 years) weight maintenance - New birth cohort/longitudinal study?
- Maximize research measurement tools for diet,
activity - cost, time, accuracy - Effective monitoring of upstream initiatives -
how do we monitor environmental change?
33Opportunities for influencing the environment
Obes Rev 20045(Suppl 1)4
34How do we harness and maximize research capacity?
- More funding for research only academic
positions? - Effective collaboration?
- Who should research - maintenance of research
35Maori and Pacific issues
- Intentionally not covered as the topic of
yesterdays Hui
36Impacting on inequalities
- SES, ethnicity, gender, age, extreme obesity
- Prioritize research to these groups?
37(No Transcript)