Title: Laser Safety at Jefferson Lab
1(No Transcript)
2Orientation Objectives
- Fundamentals of Laser Operation
- film laser classification system
- Overview of ANSI Standard for the Safe Use of
Lasers - Biological Effects of Overexposure to Laser
3Incandescent light source
Laser light source
1. 2. 3.
1. 2. 3.
4 Medical Approval Form
5CDRH/ANSI Hazard Classification
- Class 3a
- These lasers can be visible, IR or UV.
- Direct viewing may cause eye injury.
- Laser power is lt1 mWatt
- Class 3b
- These lasers can be visible, IR or UV.
- Direct and indirect viewing may cause eye
injury. - Laser power is between 5 and 500 mWatt
6CDRH/ANSI Hazard Classification
- Class 4
- High power lasers
- Direct and Indirect Viewing Hazard
- Fire Hazard
- Laser Power is gt500 mWatts
- Special Considerations
- invisible beams
- frequency doubled lasers
7Conventional Lasers
- CO2
- nitrogen
- argon
- diodes
- excimers
8Free Electron Laser Facility
- Tunable Infrared Laser
- medium occupies below grade area
- 6 user labs on upper level
- FEL Control room/center for laser ops
9FEL Theory
10Jlab FEL Schematic
11FEL Specifications
CW Operation
Power 600-1000 W Wavelength range
6.5-3 µm Micropulse energy 25
µJ Pulse length 2 ps FWHM nominal
PRF 37.425 MHz, 18.7125 MHz
Bandwidth Fourier transform limited (
0.2-0.5) Beam diameter at lab down to
100 microns Pulsed Operation
Planning to develop the capability of pulsed
operation at rates from single
pulse up to 5 kHz.
12Eye Physiology
13Conventional Laser Safety Program
- Responsibility/Authority
- Procedures
- Required controls
- User Qualifications
- Laser Safety Officer
- Laser System Supervisor
- Laser Standard Operating Procedure
- (LSOP)
- Author LSS
- Approvals Management, LSO
16User Qualifications
- General laser safety orientation
- Laser Specific safety training
- Medical Approval
17Class 3b Required Controls
- Same as Class 4 with two exceptions
- 1. interlocked smoke detector not required
- 2. crash button not required
18Class 4 Required Controls
- Smoke detector interlock to laser power
- Entrance door interlock to shutter or power
- Yellow beacon inline with power
- Crash button inside and outside the laser area
- Emission time delay 10 second minimum
- Approved schematic of safety interlock system
19Special hazards associated with the FEL The
- accelerator hazards
- vacuum
- ionizing radiation
- high voltage
- cryogenics
20Special Hazards Associated with the FEL User
Lab Issues
- User equipment
- Power levels
- Picosecond pulse structure
- Harmonics
- Tunability
- Vacuum
22Picosecond Pulse Structure
- Existing ANSI standard does not address MPEs for
picosecond pulses - picosecond pulse structure may be more efficient
in causing injury
- Estimate 10-h ,where h is the harmonic.
- Estimate because harmonics may be lowered by
optical transport system - some data suggests increases in estimates
associated with the higher harmonics
24Tunability Laser Safety Goggles
- KG3 material
- window at 2.7 microns
- mitigation
- 1. find a material that absorbs at 2.7 microns
and sandwich it to the KG3 - 2. for now, no lasing at 2.7 microns
25Vacuum Issues
- Must transport beam in vacuum to minimize effects
of CO2 / H2O on the beam - Optical transport system user interface is vacuum
window - window must be protected to avoid loss of vacuum
26Special Hazards Associated with the FEL
Personnel Issues
- Two categories of experimenters/Safety Cultures
- Jefferson Lab Employees
- Users
27User Labs Additional Controls
- Robust laser safety interlock system
- FEL control room with permissive to user shutter
- video camera monitoring
- Experiment Approval Process
28Bootstrapping An FEL Laser Safety Program
- Benchmarking
- Peer Reviews
- Laser Expert audit
meetings meetings arguments
- Information gathering from other FEL facilities
- Drawing on past experience
- audit of three high energy laser labs
- Accelerator Readiness Review
- Personal Safety System Review
- Laser Safety System Review
- Anteon Audit