Title: The Cardiovascular System
1The Cardiovascular System
Rachel S. Natividad, RN, MSN, NP
2Review A P
3Circulation through the Heart
4Diagnostic Studies
- Platelet count
5Blood Components
6Blood ComponentsWhite Blood Cell Differential
- WBC Count
- Measurement of total number of leukocytes
(4,000-11,000/uL) - Granulocytes
- Neutrophils (55-70)
- Segmented neutrophils (Segs)
- Immature band neutrophils (Bands/Stabs) (0-3)
- Eosinophils (1-2)
- Basophils (lt1)
- Agranulocytes
- Lymphocytes (30-40)
- Monocytes (5-6)
2 Segs, 1 Band
7WBC Differential Cont.
Segmented Neutrophils (Mature)
Band Neutrophils (Immature)
8WBC Differential Cont.
Eosinophils (parasitic infections, allergies)
Basophils (inflammation from allergies)
Lymphocytes ( immune response)
Monocytes (phagocytic bacterial action)
9RBC Erythrocyte count
- Count of the number of circulating RBCs
- Altered in the same conditions that alter Hgb and
Hct values
- HGB LEVEL Measurement of the oxygen -carrying
capacity of RBC - Increased in
- Hemoconcentration (severe
- dehydration, burns, shock,
- vomiting), polycythemia vera
- Decreased in
- Anemias due to blood
- loss or poor nutrition
- Hemodilution (fluid volume excess)
- other anemias
- The percentage of whole blood volume composed of
erythrocytes - Women 38-47
- Men 40-54
- Altered in same conditions that alter Hgb
- Also reflects pts state of hydration
- Hgb high or WNL with low Hct dehydration
12Case Study
13Patient Presents
- 69 year-old female admitted for left total hip
replacement. Hx of DJD and DM type 2, asthma, and
allergies. - 2 POD
- PE Incision site appears red and edematous with
moderate amt. purulent drainage, JP drain intact
draining reddish tan colored drainage. - VS Temp 100.9, Resp 22/min, P 98 BPM, BP
138/88. - CBC results 1 day post-op reveal ????
14CBC with Differential
15Coagulation Studies
16Coagulation Studies
- Platelets critical to hemostasis and clot
formation - Platelet count measures the number of
circulating platelets - Normal range
- 150,000-400,000 mm3
- Monitor in patients receiving Lovenox
17How would you proceed?
- You are to administer Lovenox 40 mg SQ once
daily. - Pt.s Plt. Count 250,000 mm3
- Pts Plt. Count 80,000 mm3
- Pts Plt. Count 450,000 mm3
18Coagulation Studies Cont.
- How long does it take for blood to clot?
- Assessment of extrinsic coagulation
- To monitor patients taking certain medications as
well as to help diagnose clotting disorders - Used primarily to evaluate oral anticoagulant
therapy warfarin (Coumadin)
19Coagulation Studies Cont.
- Assessment of intrinsic coagulation
- Used to monitor therapeutic Heparin
20- CXR
- Examine lung fields and heart size
- Check for normal heart size and contour, change
in heart chambers, displaced heart, presence of
extra fluid around the heart
21Cardinal Signs and Symptoms (pp 687-688)
- Chest Pain
- Palpitations
- Dyspnea
- Edema
- Fatigue
- Chest pain due to reversible ischemia to
myocardium -
- reduced blood flow to the heart
Coronary Artery Disease
23Chest Pain Myocardial Infarction (MI)
CAD with Thrombosis
- Ischemia to the heart muscle is irreversible and
results in tissue damage and necrosis - Obstruction of blood flow
- Atheroma (plaque)
- Thrombosis
- Embolism
24Myocardial Infarction
- Diminished coronary perfusion
- Ischemia Angina
- Infarction Necrosis
- Fibrous scarring
25Chest Pain Pericarditis
- Inflammation of pericardium
- Pleuritic type chest pain
- pericardial scarring and fibrosis
28Locations of Chest Pain
- Other Symptoms
- Diaphoresis
- N/V
- Cold/clammy skin
- Palpitations
- Fainting
- Loss of consciousness
29Heart Failure (Pump Failure)
- A disorder in which the heart loses its ability
to pump blood efficiently throughout the body - ?Cardiac Output
30 Pathophysiology
Impaired Cardiac Function
- Failure to empty ventricles
- reduced delivery of blood into circulation
(? CO) - Increased ventricular pressures
- Elevated pulmonary and systemic pressures
- further ? CO
- Series of compensatory mechanisms
31Cardiac Function
- Recall that Cardiac Output (CO) is HR X SV
- Which consists of
- Contractility
- Preload filling of the heart during diastole
- Afterload the resistance against which the heart
must pump
- Acute/Chronic ? Problems
- HTN (1)
- MI
- Valvular ? Disease
33Compensatory mechanisms of low CO
- Starlings Law/Ventricular dilation ? CO
- SNS stimulation ? HR and cardiac contractility
? CO - Decreased renal blood flowincreasing Na H20
retentionincreases blood volume, ? HR CO.
Ventricular hypertrophy cardiac contractility
? CO
34Clinical manifestations Pulmonary Congestion
(L) and Systemic Congestion (R)
Right Heart Failure
Left Heart Failure
35Left Heart Failure-Cont.
- Pulmonary edema
- The most severe manifestation of Left Heart
Failure - Fluid leak into the pulmonary interstitial spaces
(Pulmonary congestion) - Hypoxia and poor 02 exchange
36Clinical pictureLeft Heart Failure
- Dyspnea
- Tachypnea
- Cough orthopnea
- Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
- Pale, possible cyanotic
- Clammy and cold skin
- Extra heart sounds S3, S4
- Crackles/Wheezes
37CXR Pulmonary edema
38Right Heart Failure
- Unresolved Left failure eventually leads to
right sided failure by venous congestion in the
systemic circulation - Clinical picture
- JVD, hepatomegaly and dependent edema (LEs,
thighs, abdomen-ascites)
39Review Subjective Data
- Pt. may c/o
- anxiety
- dyspnea at rest/on exertion (DOE) -most sensitive
- paroxysmal
- nocturnal dyspnea (PND)
- orthopnea
- productive cough with pink frothy sputum
40Review Objective Data
- PA may reveal
- Tachypnea/SOB
- Use of accessory muscles
- Wheezes/Crackles
- skin
- Clammy/cold
- gray/cyanotic
- peripheral edema
- Ascites, enlarged spleen/liver
41Review Heart Failure
- Left Heart Failure pulmonary congestion
- Right Heart Failure systemic congestion
- Left Heart failure often leads to Right sided
heart failure causing biventricular failure - ? Cor Pulmonale