Eternal Testing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Eternal Testing


Testing done in the development environment ... Rean Griffith and Gail Kaiser. ... S.W. Kim, M.J. Harrold, Y.R. Kwon, MUGAMMA: Mutation Analysis of Deployed ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Eternal Testing

Eternal Testing
Approaches and Implementation Issues Christian
Murphy Candidacy Exam April 7, 2008
What is Eternal Testing?
  • Testing done in the development environment
    typically is considered finished prior to
  • Eternal testing refers to all approaches to
    testing/monitoring deployed software to look for
    faults not found in development

Why Eternal Testing?
  • Infeasible to fully test a large system prior to
    deployment considering
  • different runtime environments
  • different configuration options
  • different patterns of usage
  • new versions of hardware, OS, libraries, etc.
    that are released after software is deployed

Why Eternal Testing?
  • Developers using 3rd-party components have little
    knowledge of their quality and future volatility
  • Can be used to gather field data to assist
    in-house testing efforts
  • Orso03, Elbaum05

  • Background
  • Approaches to Eternal Testing
  • Who has done what in this field?
  • Implementation issues
  • How are these approaches realized?
  • Conclusion future directions
  • What technical and non-technical challenges

  • Self-checking software is not a new concept
  • Yau75, Yau76
  • Diagnostics of embedded systems
  • Telephone switches
  • Health care systems
  • Air traffic control

  • Programming with assertions
  • Rosenblum92
  • Clarke06
  • Perpetual testing
  • Clarke00

Approaches to Eternal Testing
(No Transcript)
Summary of Approaches
  • Passive monitoring/profiling
  • Debugging fault localization
  • Active testing
  • Ongoing testing during development
  • Built-in testing of 3rd-party components
  • Failure prediction

Monitoring Defects Targeted
  • In general, anything that can be monitored, e.g.
    coverage, performance, gross failures, etc.
  • In particular, anything that comes from code that
    was not tested prior to deployment because it was
    deemed unreachable or uncommon (residue)

Monitoring/Profiling Software
  • Residual testing
  • Pavlopoulou99
  • Expectation-driven residual testing
  • Naslavsky04
  • Data structure consistency checking
  • Demsky06
  • Gamma
  • Orso02, Bowring03

Debugging Fault Localization
  • Cooperative Bug Isolation (CBI)
  • Liblit03, Liblit04
  • Automated Debugging of Deployed Applications
  • Clause07
  • Triage
  • Tucek07
  • Offline approaches
  • Jones02, Cleve05, Gupta05

Summary of Approaches
  • Passive monitoring/profiling
  • Debugging fault localization
  • Active testing
  • Ongoing testing during development
  • Built-in testing of 3rd-party components
  • Failure prediction

Active Testing Defects Targeted
  • Functionality that does not meet system
  • Anything that comes from platforms or
    configuration options that were not tested prior
    to deployment
  • Defects in the in-house testing process

Testing during Development
  • Traditional testing approaches
  • Nightly builds
  • Continuous Testing
  • Saff03

Active Testing in the Field
  • Skoll
  • Memon04
  • MuGamma
  • Kim06
  • In vivo testing (Invite)
  • Chu08

Built-in Testing Defects Targeted
  • Anything hidden from user of 3rd-party component
  • Those introduced through changes to components
  • Those that come about when ubiquitous computing
    components interact the syntax may be okay but
    the semantics may not

Built-in Testing of Components
  • Retrospectors
  • Liu98
  • BIT and Component
  • Momotko04
  • Mao07
  • Self-testing COTS components (STECC)
  • Beydeda05
  • Merdes06, Brenner07

Summary of Approaches
  • Passive monitoring/profiling
  • Debugging fault localization
  • Active testing
  • Ongoing testing during development
  • Built-in testing of 3rd-party components
  • Failure prediction

Fault Prediction Defects Targeted
  • A sequence of events (fault propagation chain)
    that signals an impending failure
  • Control/data flow
  • Predicate values
  • Resource utilization

Fault Prediction
  • Classifying executions as failing or passing
  • Haran05
  • Predicting failure based on execution anomalies
  • Elbaum03
  • Baah06
  • Predicting fault manifestation (Kheiron)
  • Griffith06

Implementation Issues
How are tasks assigned to application instances?
  • Software tomography determine appropriate
    subtasks and assign them to clients either using
    dynamic usage data or static analysis tasks can
    then be reassigned as needed (Gamma)
  • Server treats exploration of configuration space
    as a planning problem and identifies all
    acceptable plans (Skoll)
  • Each instance does random sampling (CBI)

How does instrumentation get delivered into the
  • Simply including instrumentation built into the
    shipped software (Invite) or supporting libraries
  • As a separate component bundled with software
  • On request from the user (Skoll)
  • Sent from a central server, and then hot-swapped
    or injected into the software (Gamma)

How does the system know when to execute the
  • Constant monitoring (Gamma)
  • On demand from the user (Skoll)
  • Periodically, randomly, or during idle time (CBI,
  • Context-sensitive component lookup, method call,
    change in topology (MORABIT)
  • Resource-aware threshold, priority, delay

How is the instrumentation executed?
  • As event monitors (Gamma, Triage)
  • As assertions (CBI)
  • Tests invoked by a separate component (MORABIT,
  • Tests executed on software in a separate/parallel
    execution environment (MuGamma, Invite)

What happens when an error is detected?
  • Send results to the developers for analysis
    (Skoll, Invite)
  • Send results to the server for reassignment of
    tasks (Gamma)
  • Replay/analyze the error either locally (Triage)
    or in the development environment (ADDA, CBI)

Future Directions Concerns
  • Privacy and security issues
  • Evaluation of applicability, cost, and benefit
  • Detecting computation errors
  • Optimizing placement and execution of
  • Efficient filtering, aggregation, and
    interpretation of large amounts of field data

Future Directions Concerns
  • Emerging computing models
  • Ubiquitous computing
  • Multicore architectures
  • Embedded/Realtime systems
  • Parallel/Concurrent systems
  • Distributed/Clustered systems applications
  • Distinguishing between OS-level and
    application-level testing

  • Monitoring and testing could possibly be combined
    to predict failures
  • Work to date has taken advantage of some (but
    very few) emerging computational models
  • Still many open areas for research, both
    technical and non-technical

Thank You!
To ETERNITY and beyond!!
Any Questions???
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