File Commands - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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File Commands


tail has more options than head. Output can be counted by ... beginning of the file or you can give it an offset from the beginning of file to begin dumping ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: commands | file | give | great | head | how | to


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: File Commands

File Commands
  • Working with files is one of the strong points of
  • Unix contains many commands for manipulating
  • Commands that change file characteristics
  • Commands for viewing file contents
  • Commands for comparing two or more files
  • Commands that modify file contents
  • Commands that change the format of a file

File Characteristics
  • Commands that change file characteristics change
    things such as
  • Permissions
  • Default permissions
  • Owner
  • Access/modification times
  • chmod
  • chown
  • umask
  • touch

  • Change the permissions of a file or files
  • Since directories are a file, it also works on
  • Only owner or superuser can change file
  • Can operate in either Absolute or Symbolic mode
  • chmod 700 filename
  • Gives owner read, write, and execute permissions
  • Removes permissions for group and other
  • chmod urwx filename
  • Gives owner read, write, and execute permissions
  • Does not affect group and other permissions
  • -R option makes it recursively descend through
    directory arguments

Directory Execute Permission
  • What the heck does "Execute" permission mean for
    a directory?
  • Another term often used is "Search permission"
  • All directories in the current branch of the
    directory structure must have execute permission
  • Execute also allows you to cd to the directory

  • Change the owner of a file
  • Owner may be specified as either a decimal user
    ID (see the /etc/passwd file) or the login name
  • Only the superuser can change owner
  • -R option also works with chown to recursively
    change owner of all files and subdirectories when
    the command line argument is a directory

  • umask displays the file creation mask
  • This is used to set the default file and
    directory permissions
  • umask value sets the file creation mask to the
    value, where value is given in octal notation
  • value is XORed with the permissions 666 for files
    and 777 for directories to determine the
    permissions for new files
  • Common values for umask are 002 and 022
  • 002 gives owner and group full permissions and
    others read and directory search permissions
  • 022 gives user full permissions but restricts
    group and others to read and directory search

  • touch lets you update the access and modification
    times of a file
  • This is often used when doing program development
    with make
  • touch can either change the times to the current
    time or a user specified time
  • touch can also create a file if the filename
    given as an argument does not exist

Viewing Files
  • What good is having a file if you can't look at
    its contents?
  • Commands for viewing files include cat, more, and
    the various editors
  • Specialized commands
  • head
  • tail
  • od

head, tail
  • head - displays the first few lines of a file
  • Number of lines can be specified by the user,
    defaults to 10
  • When more than one file name is specified, the
    start of each file is preceded by its file name
  • tail displays the last part of a file
  • tail has more options than head
  • Output can be counted by lines, characters, or
  • Output can be listed in reverse
  • If the input file is not a pipe, tail can loop
    endlessly, sleeping for a second after each
  • Great for monitoring a file that's being updated
    by a process

od - octal dump
  • When you really just have to know exactly what
    characters are in a file, od comes to the rescue
  • od can display the contents of a file in octal,
    hexadecimal, decimal, floating point, or
  • Default format is octal
  • od will dump either from the beginning of the
    file or you can give it an offset from the
    beginning of file to begin dumping
  • od can also suppress multiple instances of
    identical display lines

Comparing Files
  • Finding differences between multiple versions of
    files is tedious, at best
  • Again, Unix comes to the rescue with file
    comparison tools
  • uniq
  • diff
  • diff3
  • comm

  • Remove or report adjacent duplicate lines
  • uniq reads the input file, comparing adjacent
  • The default action is to suppress the output of
    multiple instances of duplicate lines
  • Options allow you to
  • Output only lines that are not duplicated (ie
    truly are unique)
  • Skip the first n characters or fields when
    performing the comparisons

diff, diff3
  • diff displays line by line differences between
    pairs of test files
  • diff tells which lines must be changed in the two
    files to bring them into agreement
  • Options exist to
  • Write an ed compatible script file to actually
    make the changes
  • Ignore case
  • Expand TAB characters
  • Ignore all blanks (TABS and SPACE characters)
  • List differences within context

  • diff3 performs line-by-line comparisons between
    three files
  • diff3 compares the three files and shows
    disagreeing ranges of text flagged with
  • All three files differ
  • 1 file1 is different
  • 2 file2 is different
  • 3 file3 is different
  • Options include producing various scripts to
    incorporate the changes to the files in a variety
    of combinations

  • Displays lines in common and not in common
    between two sorted lists
  • Reads two files, which must be sorted in ASCII
    order, and produces three columns of output
  • Lines that occur only in file1
  • Lines that occur only in file2
  • Lines common to both files
  • Options let you suppress any individual or
    combination of output columns

Modifying Files
  • Even though Unix files are normally standard
    ASCII, often we want to change the specific
    layout of the file or extract some specific
    portion of the file
  • Examples
  • fold, paste, join
  • expand
  • nl
  • cut
  • split, csplit
  • Wrap long lines
  • Changes TABS to spaces
  • Combine multiple lines
  • Number lines
  • Extract some portion of the file

fold, paste, join
  • fold takes takes long lines from a file and folds
    them at a specific length for display
  • Line length can be user specified, defaults to 80
  • May not work correctly if underlining is present
  • paste joins corresponding lines of several files
    or subsequent lines of a single file
  • If multiple file names are given, paste treats
    each file as a column and joins them together
  • If a single file name is given, paste treats each
    line as a column and joins them together
  • In both cases, the joins are done using TAB
    characters as a separator (or with characters
    from an optionally specified list

  • join is based on the relational data base command
  • Like in a relational database, join combines
    records from two different files or tables that
    have a common field
  • Both files must be sorted in increasing ASCII
    order on the fields on which they are to be
  • By default, this is the first field but is user
  • Default field separator is SPACE and TAB but can
    be specified using the -t option

  • One line is output for each pair of lines in
    file1 and file2 that have identical join fields
  • Output line is normally the common field,
    followed by the rest of the line from file1
    followed by the rest of the line from file2
  • What is output can be user specified using the -o
  • join is just a touch tricky to use so be sure to
    check the man page
  • Fields are numbered starting with 1 rather than 0
    as in sort

expand, unexpand
  • expand and unexpand expand TABS to SPACE
    characters and vice versa
  • Number of spaces to use for each TAB is user

nl - number lines
  • nl is a line numbering filter
  • Reads lines from stdin or a filename, numbers
    them, and sends them to stdout
  • nl by default does not number empty lines or
    lines containing only blanks
  • If the file contains page markers, nl can, and by
    default will, start the line number sequence over
    for each new page

  • cut extracts selected fields from each line of a
  • Used to extract columns from a table or fields
    from each line of a file
  • Fields can be fixed or variable length and can be
    optionally marked by a field delimiter character
  • Fixed length fields are specified by character
    position with "-" specifying a range
  • cut -10,12-14 extracts from each line the
    contents of columns 1 through 10 and 12 through
  • Variable length fields use a default (TAB) or
    user specified field delimiter and are specified
    by field number
  • cut 2,6,9 extracts fields 2, 6, and 9

split, csplit
  • split splits a file into multiple pieces by lines
  • Default is 1000 lines per subfile, although the
    user can specify a different number
  • Output files are named by either a user specified
    output filename with aa appended for the first
    file, ab for the second, ac for the third, and so
  • If no output file name is given, "x" is used
  • xaa, followed by xab, then xac, etc.

csplit - Context Split
  • Like split, csplit also splits a file into
    multiple pieces
  • csplit breaks up the file according to context
    instead of line counts
  • Arguments, consisting of regular expressions or
    line numbers control where the file will be split
  • The number of output files cannot exceed 100
  • By default they are named xx00, xx01, xx02, xx99
    but the user can specify a different prefix

Changing a File's Format
  • Sometimes we need to actually change the contents
    of a file to another format
  • Examples
  • Sending a binary file through email
  • Compressing a file to save space
  • Once again, Unix supplies tools to solve these
  • pack
  • compress
  • uuencode

pack, unpack
  • pack and unpack compress and expand files using
    Huffman codes, a minimum redundancy code
  • The input file is replaced by a packed file named
    filename.z, retaining the original access modes,
    access and modification dates
  • Typically, large text files are reduced to 60-75
    of original size
  • Since a decoding tree must be included as part of
    the packed file, files smaller than 1.5K
    probably aren't worth packing

compress, uncompress
  • compress and uncompress do a tasks similar to
    pack and unpack but use a different form of
    compression that is both faster and more
  • Compression ratios of 50-60 are common for large
    text files
  • Output files are named filename.Z
  • Like pack, small files may actually produce a
    larger compressed file than the original
  • The difference is that compress will not produce
    a compressed file that is larger than the
    original unless forced by the user

uuencode, uudecode
  • Encodes binary files into 7-bit ASCII
  • Primarily used for sending binary attachments in
  • Produces a file that is 35 larger than the
    original (each 3 bytes of original file produce 4
    bytes in uuencoded file, plus control
  • uudecode strips off any leading and trailing
    lines added by mailer programs and converts the
    file back to the original binary with the owner,
    filename and attributes encoded in the uuencoded
    file's header

here document
  • The shell provides a mechanism that allows you to
    store the standard input for a command in the
    script along with the command
  • It is a form of I/O redirection and looks like
  • cmd ltlt - word
  • ..
  • ..
  • word
  • The ltlt redirects the standard input of the
    command to the here document
  • The optional - tells the shell to discard leading
  • This is used to allow to make your code look nice
    in your script

  • This works by taking the lines following the
    redirection and feeding them to cmd until word is
    encountered on a line by itself
  • word can be any sequence of non-blank characters
    and should be something that won't accidentally
    be encountered elsewhere
  • Example
  • cat ltlt EOD
  • This is an example of a here document.
  • It is a form of input redirection.
  • I'll bet most of your Sys Admins won't have
  • a clue what it is.
  • EOD

  • If you want to use additional redirection or
    piping with a here document, it needs to be on
    the same line as the command, not after the here
  • Example
  • cat ltlt EOD more
  • EOD
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