Title: Become part of the war on the terror
1- Become part of the war on the terror
2(No Transcript)
3President George W. Bush
- The need for homeland securityis not tied to
any specific terrorist threat. The need for
homeland security is tied to the underlying
vulnerability of American society and the fact
that we can never be sure when or where the next
terrorist conspiracy against us will emergeThe
country is now at war
4Our Mission
- SSI is committed to bringing the know-how of the
world's leading experts in counter-terrorism and
security to practical application in a wide
variety of custom courses and seminars. - Were an integral part of the nation's war on
5There's no teacher like experience
- Israel is under constant threat from terrorist
attacks - The successes are tiny fraction of the daily
onslaught - Accumulated know-how is main line of defense
6There's no teacher like experience
- As part of our commitment to draw on global
know-how, SSI has an exclusive marketing
agreement with the Israel College for Security
and Investigation, covering the USA, Central and
South America, and the Caribbean
7SSI Partner Israel College of Security
- Foremost Israeli training and security service
- More than 16 years of continuous operation, first
as official government security training center
and now as private enterprise
8SSI Partner Israel College of Security
- Safeguards strategic facilities
- 250 trainers in physical security, investigation
intelligence, security agent training, data
protection martial arts
9SSI Partner Israel College of Security
- Internationally recognized by I.B.S.S.A
(International Body-guard and Security Services
Association) - Member of ASIS (American Society of Industrial
Security) - Member of WAD (World Association of Detectives
10Our Training Offerings
- Seminars on various anti-terrorist strategies and
techniques - Emergency preparedness training for helicopter
pilots (in cooperation with the Helicenter
International Academy at Kendall-Tamiami
Executive Airport)
11Our Training Offerings
- Courses in shipboard IMO compliance with the new
ISPSS codes to counter terrorism
12Our Training Offerings
- Corporate training for in-house security
managers, security officers, security company
13Become a partner in the war on terror
- President George W. Bush
- The National Strategy for Homeland Security
will be based on the principle of partnership
with State and local governments, the private
sector, and citizens.
14Bigger than the Internet
- Government spending on homeland security over
next decade 138,000,000,000 - A window of opportunity bigger than the
Internet - Get some tax dollars back while taking part in
the war on terror
15Projected Revenues First Year
5000 participants, total revenues of 7,920,000
16First Year Detailed Data
17Monthly Revenues First 5 Years
Product sales start contributing in the third year
18Are you eligible?
- SEC Private Letter Offering
- Accredited investor
- Net worth of 1,000,000 or
- Annual income of 200,000 (or 300,000 if file
jointly with spouse)
19For more information, contact
- Henry Morgenstern
- 14005 S.W. 127th Street Suite 120-A7
- Miami, Florida 33186
- Tel (305) 661-3144
- Mobile (305) 401-6906