Title: P1251328606idbWB
1Academic Integrity
- It is important that all students maintain
academic integrity (as outlined in the student
handbook and UWS policies) in all aspects dealing
with the preparation and submission of material
for which they wish receive credit at UW-L!
2Academic Integrity
- In addition to the possibility of losing points
and receiving a disciplinary sanction, engaging
in academic misconduct carries with it a much
more serious penalty The loss of your own
personal integrity, which identifies who and what
you are!
3Academic Integrity
- Although the pressure to maintain a good grade
point average can often tempt a student to take
short cuts that clearly constitute academic
misconduct, resist this temptation!
4Academic Integrity
- It is simply not worth the risk that you might
end up ruining your reputation and chances of
achieving your career goals! - Note Although disciplinary actions resulting
from academic misconduct do not normally appear
on a students transcript
5Academic Integrity
- Admission Officers who review applications for
professional programs (e.g., Medical School,
Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, etc.) often call
universities to ask if an applicant has every
been convicted of a charge of academic misconduct!
6Academic Integrity
- An answer of Yes to this question can be very
damaging to an applicant for such a position in
view of the obvious requirement that research
scientists and health care providers (by the very
nature of their jobs) must maintain the highest
standards of honesty and personal integrity!
7Academic Integrity
- Therefore, let us examine the problem of
plagiarism, what constitutes plagiarism and how
it can be avoided! - Note Please realize that deliberate plagiarism
constitutes one of the most serious forms of
Academic Misconduct that can result in a
disciplinary sanction!
8Academic Integrity
Note According to Part I Academic Misconduct,
Chapter UWS 14, ss.UWS 14.05, 14.06 or 14.07 a
disciplinary sanction for academic misconduct may
include (among others) receiving a failing grade
in the course!
9How To Avoid Plagiarism
- To that end, remember that you must always
correctly and accurately acknowledge in your
paper the source of any information, ideas,
facts, figures, etc. taken from others.
10How To Avoid Plagiarism
- To fail to accurately acknowledge the correct
authorship of any material you include in your
paper is plagiarism, which constitutes academic
dishonesty, a violation of the Student Honor Code!
11How To Avoid Plagiarism
- Thus, it is very important that you pay close
attention to the actual authorship of any
information you cite in your paper, which means
that you must be very careful to obtain and read
any reference that is cited in your paper and
appears in your Literature Cited!
12How To Avoid Plagiarism
- To include information in your paper and
attribute its authorship to a source that you
have not actually obtained and read constitutes
Academic Misconduct since you are attempting to
get credit for work not actually performed!
13How To Avoid Plagiarism
- Also be careful to avoid the
- He said, but actually she said pitfall
- That is, incorrectly giving credit for
information or a direct quotation you use in your
paper to the author or authors of a source from
which you obtain this information or quotation
14How To Avoid Plagiarism
when the author or authors of the paper, book,
Internet source, etc. you are using indicate that
this information has come from another source,
which they properly acknowledge
15How To Avoid Plagiarism
- For an example how this can happen if you are
not careful see the following You are reading
an article by Jones (2008) that contains the
following statement - Prior to the 1800s, mountain lions were found
in New York State (Smith 2005).
16How To Avoid Plagiarism
- In this case, even though the article you are
reading was written by Jones, he is giving proper
credit to the source of this information, that
is, the original author (Smith 2005).
17How To Avoid Plagiarism
- Thus, you cannot include this information in
your paper and then cite its authorship as Jones
2008 The information actually came from Smith
18How To Avoid Plagiarism
- What should you do in such cases?
- You have two choices
19How To Avoid Plagiarism
(1) The best option is to find the original
article by Smith (2005), read it, and include
this information in your paper, giving credit for
its authorship to Smith (2005), making sure you
attach a photocopy or computer print out of the
article or its abstract to your completed paper!
20How To Avoid Plagiarism
(2) Alternatively, you can use the following
format Prior to the 1800s, mountain lions were
found in New York State (Smith 2005 as cited in
Jones 2008).
21How To Avoid Plagiarism
- Note that the as cited in Jones 2008 lets the
reader know that Smith (2005) is real source of
this piece of information about mountain lions,
that you did not actually read Smiths (2005)
original article, and that you are not claiming
that you did, thereby avoiding a possible charge
of Academic Misconduct!
22How To Avoid Plagiarism
- In addition to making sure that you acknowledge
the correct authorship of any material you
include in your paper you must also be careful
not to use the exact words of another author
without enclosing them in quotation marks!
23How To Avoid Plagiarism
- To do so constitutes plagiarism (even if you
cite that author), as is using whole sentences
(or strings of more than three words) from
another author (cited or not) in which you simply
change a word or two!
24How To Avoid Plagiarism
Lets look at some examples of plagiarism... Origin
al Text from Jones 2004 Skin color can be green
or brown, with two or three rows of dark spots on
the dorsal surface.
25How To Avoid Plagiarism
Plagiarized Text Skin color can be green or
brown, with two or three rows of dark spots on
the dorsal surface (Jones 2004).
26How To Avoid Plagiarism
- Even though the authorship of the information is
correctly cited, it has been copied word-for-word
but not enclosed in quotation marks
27How To Avoid Plagiarism
As is using whole sentences from another author
(cited or not) in which you simply change a word
or two!
28How To Avoid Plagiarism
Plagiarized Version The color of the skin is
green with brownish spots on the upper surface
(Jones 2004). Note Changing a few words still
constitutes plagiarism!
29How To Avoid Plagiarism
- Or using a string or strings of more than three
words, - That is, more than three consecutive words in a
row from another author (cited or not) without
enclosing them in quotation marks!
30How To Avoid Plagiarism
Plagiarized Version Skin color is green or
brownish, and there are dark spots on the dorsal
surface (Jones 2004).
31How To Avoid Plagiarism
- Any of these actions constitutes plagiarism as
well as a violation of the Student Honor Code and
UWS policy!
32How To Avoid Plagiarism
- What should I do if I feel that I cannot put
information in my own words? - If you feel that you cannot put the information
you have obtained from a reference in to your own
33How To Avoid Plagiarism
- Either leave it out or put it in quotation marks
(and cite the authorship). - Extensive use of quotation marks is not
considered good scientific writing, but at least
you are not opening yourself up to a charge of
34How To Avoid Plagiarism
- Remember, the Species Account portion of the
writing assignment is worth a maximum of 2
points! - Why risk losing 10-20 points or receiving a
disciplinary sanction for Academic Misconduct to
get 2 points extra credit?
35How To Avoid Plagiarism
- And dont forget that you must obtain photo
copies or computer print outs of the first page
or abstract of any primary literature references
you are citing and submitting for credit and
include them with your finished paper!
36How To Avoid Plagiarism
- Also remember that if you cite any references
that you have not actually obtained and read, you
will be guilty of having committed Academic
Misconduct for claiming credit for work not
actually performed!
37How To Avoid Plagiarism
- If you have any doubts at all as to what
constitutes plagiarism (or any other issues that
might result in a loss of points), ask your
instructor before you hand in your work for
credit well before the deadline for the
assignment appears!
38How To Avoid Plagiarism
- Remember, the Signature Page includes a promise
to do so - So if you do not ask and end up doing
something that results in a loss of points or
disciplinary sanction for Academic Misconduct,
you simply cannot say I didnt understand!