Women of the Apocalypse - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Women of the Apocalypse


Eagle carries woman on its wings to spare her from the dragon (12:14) ... Dragon makes war on her children (12:17) No Ordinary Momma ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Women of the Apocalypse

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Apocalyptic Animals and Women of Revelation
Apocalyptic Animals
  • Idealized animals of Revelation
  • 4 living creatures
  • The Lamb
  • The eagle
  • The lion
  • Hybrids of heaven and earth

2nd Trait Irresistible Strength
  • Lion represents tremendous strength
  • Eagle has unsurpassed swiftness and power
  • Lamb, though not in nature a strong animal, is a
    being of incontrovertible might in Rev.

3rd Trait Animals of Deliverance
  • Bring deliverance to Gods people
  • Eagle carries woman on its wings to spare her
    from the dragon (1214)
  • Lamb inaugurates a new exodus for Gods people

4th Characteristic
  • Some have Antithetical Traits (binaries)
  • Strength and weakness
  • Power and sacrifice
  • Victory and defeat

Four Living Creatures
  • Mentioned 20 times either collectively or
  • Innermost circle of the heavenly council before
    the throne of God (46-8)
  • Each has eyes in front and behind with six wings
    full of eyes all around inside (48)
  • suggests their vigilance and ability to see
  • Since nothing is hidden from them, including
    their creator, they enjoy perfect knowledge of
  • Each resembles a different animal
  • 1. lion (wild animal), 2. ox (domesticated
    animal), 3. human face (over all created beings),
    4. flying eagle (most majestic bird)
  • Each at apex of their respective domains
  • Reminiscent of Ezekiels 4 cherubim and the
    seraphim of Isaiah
  • 4 is the number of the created ordercreatures
    are a cipher for the entire animate creation

Four Living CreaturesSymbolism
  • Perfect union and continuity between heaven and
  • Apocalyptic counterpart to demonic hybrids
  • Gods creation in complete harmony with its
  • Represents what Gods creation is supposed to
    doworship God ceaselessly (48)
  • Worship is not something you do, rather it
    signifies the perfect harmony between God and the

  • Metaphor for Christoccurs 28 times in Rev.
  • Roles of the Lamb
  • inaugurate a New Exodus
  • Conquer Satan
  • Reign with God
  • Symbolism of Lion and Lamb

Lamb Inaugurates a New Exodus
  • Eschatological exodus that delivers a new Israel
    to a new promised land
  • (59-10) 24 elders prostrate themselves before
  • Mimics Moses and Israelites song on the Red Sea
    liberating Israel to be Gods priestly nation
    (Exod. 196)
  • Elders commemorate the Lambs new act of
    redemption of a new nation of kings and priests
    with is Gods anti-empire commissioned to counter
    the beasts empire
  • 1524 Martyrs who have conquered the beast stand
    by a fiery sea of glass to sing the song of Moses
    and the song of the Lamb

Lamb Conquers Satan
  • John deforms traditional expectations of
    messianic conquest by redefining conquest in
    terms of sacrificial death
  • Although Michael throws Satan out of heaven,
    Christs death on the cross actually brings about
    his downfall (1210-11)

Lamb Reigns with God
  • Coupled with reference to God 7 times
  • 513, every creature in heaven, on and under the
    earth, and in the sea sings praises to the one
    seated on the throne and to the Lamb
  • 616, after the opening of the 6th seal the earth
    cries out fall on us and hide us from the face
    of the one seated on the throne and from the
    wrath of the lamb
  • 710, all nations and tribes cry out salvation
    belongs to our God who is seated on the throne,
    and to the Lamb
  • 144, virgins (men) have been redeemed from
    humankind as first fruits for God and the Lamb
  • 2122, John sees a New Jerusalem without a
    temple, for its temple is the Lord God the
    Almighty and the Lamb
  • 221, the river of the water of life flows from
    the throne of God and of the Lamb
  • 223, nothing accursed will be found in the
    heavenly city, but the throne of God and of the
    Lamb will be in it

7-fold reference
  • Symbolizes the Lambs perfect reign with God
  • Shared reign most evident at end of Apocalypse
    where Lamb shares the throne (221, 3)
  • Lamb is worthy of praise that was Gods alone

Symbolism of Lion and Lamb
  • Antithetical characteristics of Christ
  • Conquering might
  • Sacrifice
  • 5 5     And one of the elders saith unto me,
    Weep not behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda,
    the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the
    book, and to loose the seven seals thereof. 6
        And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the
    throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst
    of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain,
    having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the
    seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the
  • Possible Interpretations
  • First coming is the slaughtered Lamb Second
    coming will appear as wrathful Lion who brings
  • Lamb is simply an alternative symbol for the
    LambLamb with 7 horns and 7 eyes is a lamb of
    irresistible strength making him interchangeable
    with the lion, an image of conquering might

Another Symbolic Meaning
  • Other two interpretations do not take into
    account Johns rhetorical technique of
    juxtaposing scenes in which he hears one thing
    but sees another
  • Coupling of lamb and lion establishes a
    primacy/recency effect that deforms conventional
    messianic expectations
  • Lion plays on traditional messianic expectations,
    creating a powerful primacy effect
  • Slaughtered Lamb modifies the expectations,
    creating a new definition of conquest and
    mightcreating a new definition of victory
  • The way to conquest is not by might (lion), but
    by sacrificial death (slaughtered lamb)
  • Establishes new patternreaders achieve victory
    through their obedience and faithfulness even
    unto death

  • Beast conquers the saints (117, 137) but
    triumph is ephemeral
  • Good triumphs over evil
  • From below perspective, it appears that evil has
    the upper hand
  • From above perspective, good triumphs
  • For Christians, what it means to win has been
    redefined by the cross of Jesus

  • Magnificent bird that stands apart in its
    unsurpassed strength and speed
  • 47 one of the four living creatures
  • Represents the apex of the flying creatures
  • 813   And I beheld, and heard an angel flying
    through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud
    voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the
    earth by reason of the other voices of the
    trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to
  • brings news of impending doom
  • 3fold woes imitates the cawing sound of an eagle
  • 1214   And to the woman were given two wings of
    a great eagle, that she might fly into the
    wilderness, into her place, where she is
    nourished for a time, and times, and half a time,
    from the face of the serpent.
  • Allusion to Exodus 194 where God carried Israel
    on eagles wings to the wilderness

Lionapocalyptic animal
  • 103, thunderous roar characterizes the mighty
    angels loud voice
  • 47, one of the four living creatures
  • 55, lion is an image of Jesus overwhelming power

Women of the Apocalypse
  • Book of Revelation

Sexual Imagery
  • To shock the reader into a realization of evils
    seductive traits
  • Relationships between men and women mirror the
    relationship between God and humanity
  • Reveal loyalties of the human heartfidelity

Two Images of Women
  • Illustrate the antithetical traits of
    faithfulness and unfaithfulness
  • The whoresymbolizes death and ruination
  • The briderepresents life and eternal bliss
  • 2 maternal images
  • Mother of whores
  • Mother in chapter 12

Whore of Babylon
  • Represents evils desirous, alluring,
    intoxicating nature
  • 173   So he carried me away in the spirit into
    the wilderness and I saw a woman sit upon a
    scarlet coloured beast, full of names of
    blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4
        And the woman was arrayed in purple and
    scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious
    stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her
    hand full of abominations and filthiness of her
    fornication 5     And upon her forehead was a
    6     And I saw the woman drunken with the blood
    of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs
    of Jesus and when I saw her, I wondered with
    great admiration.
  • Intoxicating yet abominable
  • Apparel suggests beauty and charm
  • Holds in her hand an abundant supply of filth
    that bespeak her corrupt nature

Whores Name
  • Written on her forehead
  • Remains a mystery
  • 1718 the great city that rules over the kings
    of the earth
  • Enthroned on a scarlet beast that was full of
    blasphemous names, and it had seven heads and ten
    horns (173)
  • Seated on many waters (171, 15)
  • Eventually dethroned by beast who strips away her
    decadent finery, makes her desolate and naked,
    devours her flesh, and then sets her on fire
  • Suggests that evil is at war with itself

  • Commonplace to identify her with Rome or the
  • 179 7 heads of the monster are 7 mountains on
    which the woman is seateda well known reference,
    it is assumed, to Romes seven hills
  • Seven heads also represent seven kings of Roman
    Empire, of whom five have fallen, one is living,
    and the other has not yet come and when he
    comes, he must remain only a little while
  • No compelling evidence to limit the whore and
    beast to Rome
  • When John sees the whore sitting on the waters in
    the desert (173), he does not envision Rome
  • Desert is haunt of demons, a foreboding realm, an
    unclean dwelling place, and thus, the whore
    represents the preeminent demonic, antichristian
  • John says more about the characteristics of evil
    than about Rome in particular

Seven completeness
  • 7 mountains archetypal earthly city, the entire
  • 7 kings not individual emperors, but the
    totality of arrogant human rule that deifies
    itself and arrays itself with every form of
  • The 8th king that belongs to the seventh (1711)
    is the final parousia of evil
  • 8 symbolic of a new beginning
  • The 8th king represents the beginning of evils
    last stand

Purpose of Whore
  • Represent every arrogant, human city that pursues
    it own ends unrelentingly and thereby opposes the
    one true God
  • Show seductive nature which parodies God and is
    oddly self-destructive
  • Evil attacks itself because its very nature is to
    use, consume, and then discard
  • God uses evil for his own purpose by allowing
    this self-destructive process

Whore of Thyatira (220-23)
  • If Babylon represents the mother of whores
    (175), then the whore at Thyatira, Jezebel, is
    one of her daughters (220)
  • 220 Notwithstanding I have a few things against
    thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel,
    which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and
    to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and
    to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
  • Jezebel was the queen of Ahab who seduced Israel
    into worshipping the Canaanite god, Baal
  • Modern day Jezebel at Thyatira seduces the people
    of God
  • Beguiles the people to of God to abandon their
    fidelity and worship other godsreligious
  • Beguiles to consort with every form of
    self-indulgent, self-deifying behavior

Contrast with the Bride (197 212)
  • Contrasts between the whore and the bridethe
    earthly city and the heavenly cityrepresent two
    alternatives for the reader
  • Emphasizes the purity and righteousness of the
    one, and the degradation and wickedness of the

  • Splendidly adorned, figure of perfection, the
    ideal wife
  • Clothed with purity and righteousnessfine linen,
    bright and pure (198)
  • Has twelve jewels, twelve pearls, and unblemished
    gold, transparent as glass (2119-21)
  • 12 is a number of completeness
  • City-bride is an emblem of the perfect new
    creationNew Jerusalem
  • Wears garments of new creation

Bride vs. Whore
  • Dressed in white fine linen, bright and pure
  • Sits on high mountain (2110)
  • Dwelling in new heaven/earth (212, 10)
  • River of the water of life (221)
  • Everything unclear banned (2127)
  • Adornment eternal
  • Dressed in purple and scarlet (174)
  • Sits on beast seven mountains (173, 9)
  • Dwelling in desert (173)
  • Cup of abomination (174)
  • Haunt of every unclean thing (182)
  • Adornment ephemeral (174 1816, 17)

  • Whore death and destruction
  • Bride life and eternal bliss

The Mother (121-6, 13-17)
  • Adorned with heavenly splendorclothed with the
    sun, the moon under her feet and a crown of
    twelve stars on her head (121)
  • Gives birth to a child who is to rule all the
    nations with a rod of iron (125)
  • Child snatched away and taken to Gods throne
  • Woman flees to wilderness for 1260 daysa place
    of security prepared for her by God
  • Meanwhile, battle between Michael and the dragon
    erupts in heaven and the dragon is thrown down to
    earth to pursue the woman with the child
  • Mother escapes to wilderness on eagles wings
    where she is nourished for a time, and times,
    and half a time (1214)
  • Dragon makes war on her children (1217)

No Ordinary Momma
  • Arrayed in celestial garments with the splendor
    of the heavens
  • Crown of 12 stars that represents the 12 tribes
    of Israel which symbolized the end-time community
    of salvation (74-8)
  • Wears garment of the first creation (the natural
    order), which will be absent in the new creation
    (bride) because the only source of light will be
    God and the Lamb (2123 225)
  • Mother illuminates a darkened world, but in the
    new heaven and new earth, she is no longer
    neededbride replaces mother

Mothers Two Children (or sets of children)
  • A male child who will rule all the nations with a
    rod of iron
  • The rest of her children, those who keep the
    commandments of God and hold the testimony of
    Jesus (1217)

  • Commonplace Old Testament messianic community
    that gives birth to the Messiahimplausible(121-
    6), and later to the churchindisputable(1213-17
  • No mention of Jesus as the male child in 121-7
  • Male child represents those who remain faithful,
    the true messianic community (226-7)

Striking Views of Messianic CommunityRev. 12
  • Describes the church invisible, the messianic
    community, which is inviolable and protected by
  • Childbirth pains symbolize the travail that the
    mother of the messianic community experiences as
    her child faces the end-time woes and
    distress caused by the dragonchild snatched
  • Child represents the salvation community in its
    inviolable state, ruling with God in heaven

Second View 1213-17
  • Portrays the mother as the mother of the
    messianic community, but her offspring represent
    the church as individual believers who are
    subject to intense persecution.
  • Although church as a spiritual entity is
    unscathed, the church as individual believers on
    earth is not shielded form the menacing
    afflictions of the dragon

  • If bride represents the end-time community of
    salvation (the church) as it reigns with God and
    the Lamb in the new creation, then the mother
    signifies the end-time community of salvation in
    the present travail and distress as it lives
    on earth
  • If whore is an image of death and destruction,
    the mother is an image of life in the midst of
    travaila life reliant upon Gods protection and
    provision, but at the same time subject to the
    distresses and persecutions of the dragon (Satan)
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