Title: IEW 2004
1Climate Policy, Distortionary Taxation A General
Equilibrium Analysis of the Swiss Case
Alain Bernard 1, Marc Vielle 2, Laurent Viguier
3 1 Ministère de lEquipement, des Transports et
du Logement, Paris, France 2 University of
Toulouse, France 3 HEC-Genève and Ecole
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Suisse
2Aim of the Paper
- To assess the economic impact of the Kyoto
Protocol for the Swiss Economy - To determine the potential gain of efficient
redistribution of carbon tax revenue in the Swiss
Case - To compare and analyze different Welfare
3Main Characteristics of GEMINI-E3
- Applied General Equilibrium Model
- Nested CES for Production Function
- Endogenous Labor Supply and Saving
- Trade Balance are cleared
- All GHG Emissions (EMF 21)
- Database GTAP 5 (1997)
4Dimensions of GEMINI-E3
5Measure of Welfare Cost and Components
S DR - CVI Total
Welfare Gain Variation of Income
Compensative Variation of
-DWL GTT Deadweight
Loss of Taxation Gains from
Terms of Trade
6Reference Case and Emission Constraint for
- Reference Case (2004-2020)
- GDP growth 1.7/year
- GHG Emissions growth 0.4
Kyoto Protocol -12.2
In 2020, Target -30
7Scenario Tested
- Kyoto Protocol Implemented
- Without Trading - Without US
- In Switzerland we use 6 Redistribution Rules
- Lump sum transfer
- Decrease VAT (paid only by Households)
- Decrease Indirect Taxes (paid on all uses)
- Decrease Labor Taxes (paid by Firms)
- Decrease Labor Taxes (paid by households)
- Test the Swiss policy (GHG tax paid by
Households are recycled through Lump sum and GHG
tax paid by firms through Labor Tax)
8International Comparison
Surplus in to HFC in 2010
9Carbon Tax
in US per T C in 2020
10Surplus and DWL
in Millions of 1997 US in 2020
11Surplus and DWL
in Millions of 1997 US in 2020
12Surplus and DWL
in Millions of 1997 US in 2020
13Surplus, GDP and Employment
in 2020
GDP and Employment Difference in in respect
to baseline Surplus Surplus divided by
Households consumption
- At an international level the welfare cost of
the Kyoto Protocol for Switzerland is
intermediate - We find a gain of efficient redistribution (VAT)
- Different welfare indicators give different
scenarios ranking