Title: The PGSSec Committee
1The PGSSec Committee
- Who are we.
- What is our mandate.
- Our activities.
2PGSSec 2005
- Chair plus three members
- No Budget
- Few activities
3PGSSec Today
- Budget gt 1000
- Chair plus 5 members
- Stipend for Chair (now called environmental
commissioner) - Number of activities
4Green Night
- First time PGGSec was part of PGSS orientation
week - Free environmental information
- A sustainable selection of food
- Other environmental groups
- Speakers
- Cultivated up to 400 feet
- Undemanding
- Protein filled
6Different Colors of Carrots
7(No Transcript)
8Other PGSSec Activities
- Here on Earth speaker series
- Green Drinks Montreal
- Projects
9"Climate, Weather and Energy" - the Relationship
between Climate, Weather Forecasting and the
Energy Market.
10 Bees A Buzz About Sustainability
...because - bees carry out roughly half of
all animal-mediated
pollination. - bees improve crop yield
and product quality. - bee products have
considerable nutritional and medicinal
value. - bee numbers are declining
worldwide. Contributing factors may
include increased pollution, habitat loss,
pesticide levels, parasites and diseases.
Domesticated and wild populations are
both affected.
Photo Adam Makarenko www. www.adam-makarenko.co
11The Potential of Grasses as Biofuels
12Not All Biofuels are Equal
- Comparison of methods of generating energy from
reed canarygrass - Energy Gasoline (ethanol) Net GHG
- Method outin or coal (direct
reduction - combustion) g CO 2 e-C
/MJ - displaced
MJ m-2 y-1 -
- Direct 20.4 34.77
2604.59 Combustion - Ethanol 4.43 4.88 100
13Other speakers
- Retreat of Andean Glaciers, a Threat for Peruvian
Water Resources" - Green lessons from Ghana
- "The West Nile Virus in Quebec What you really
need to know"
14Green Drinks
- "Tourism, Air Transport and Climate Change"
- "Waste Diversion in Ontario"
- "Solar Buildings"
- "More Super Green Savings, Less Greenhouse Gas
15Bike Loan Program
- Fall survey 1) 61.8 of respondents would use
5-15 times per year - 2) 75.4 of respondents would
pay to use it - Application to Mary H. Brown endowment fund
16Bike Loan Proposal Budget
- 3 bicycles 1800
- 3 secure locks 200
- Incorporation 1200
- 3 helmets 200
- Total 3400
17Bike Loan Proposal
- 1 per use to help defray costs
- Signed waiver once a year
- April to November
- Use of bike repair coop on campus
- Possibility of PGSS money
- Further work
18PGSSec website
- Goal to get more graduate students active in
the environmental movement at McGill and to
market sustainability - Contents calculation of carbon imprint, sections
on recycling and composting, environmental
trivia, write-ups on speaker series topics and
other areas of interest - Website would be fun and informative
19Green points program
- 12 million Canadian households invested a total
of 24 billion dollars into a collective fund
dedicated to reducing Canadas 486 Mt of green
house - Super Green Points Card Program
- Points for choosing a green purchase
- Changing existing points (9 billion unclaimed
points) - Tax credit for choosing green