Title: NPDES Stormwater Rules
1NPDES Stormwater Rules
- Phase 1 implemented in 1990
- Large cities (lt100,000)
- Industries
- Construction sites lt5 acres
- Phase II in 2003
- Small urban areas (1,000 people/mi2)
- Construction sites of 1 acre or larger
- 50,000 /violation/day fines
2Illicit Discharge Detection Elimination
- Identify sources of illicit discharges and how
they enter the stormdrain network before they
happen - Septic waste
- Car Wash waste water
- Pet Waste
- Industrial Discharges
- Household toxic substances
- Anything that is not stormwater
- Must also map stormwater system, develop rules
prohibitng discharges, and educate public on BMPs
3Construction Site Runoff Control
Must develop and implement an Erosion and
Sedimentation (ES) control program. Must include
an plan review program, inspection program.
4Post Construction Runoff Control
- Develop and implement strategies to insure that
development used BMPs to reduce quantity and
improve quantity of stormwater entering streams.
5Public Education Outreach
- Increase Support
- Increase Compliance
Examples school programs, storm drain
stenciling, fact sheets, civic group education,
mass media
- - Impacts of stormwater discharges on local
waterbodies - Steps to reduce stormwater pollution
6Public Participation Involvement
- Broaden public support
- Enhance expertise
Examples Public meetings, volunteer monitoring,
community clean-ups, storm drain stenciling,
rain barrel projects, pesticide disposal,
amnesty days
7NPDES - Pollution Prevention/ Good Housekeeping
- Training staff (education)
- Reducing fertilizer, pesticides, salt
- - Catch-basin cleaning
8Regulations for Developers
9 Local Ordinances - The Georgia Erosion and
Sedimentation Act of 1975- NPDES General
Permits Construction
Issued September 2005
10What About Rural Areas?
- Exempt from most Stormwater Regulations
- Exempt from GA ES Regulations
- NPDES on buildings gt1acre
- CAFO Regulations
- Clean Water Act
- Safe Dam Act
- Land Application
- Wetlands protection
- Civil liability