PLANT FORM AND FUNCTION - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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located near tips of shoots & roots in all plants ... surface area for absorption. ... stems that grow along the soil surface. Ex. Strawberries. Thorns: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Chapter 27

Fiddlehead of a fern.
  • A. Plant Tissues
  • Gymnosperms Angiosperms consist of 4 basic
    tissue types.
  • 1. Meristems
  • Regions of active cell division contain
    undifferentiated cells.
  • Apical meristems
  • located near tips of shoots roots in all plants

  • allow shoots roots to lengthen (primary growth)
  • Shoot root apical meristems give rise to 3
    types of meristems (protoderm, procambium
    ground meristem).
  • give rise to
  • protoderm ? forms dermal tissue
  • procambium ? forms vascular tissue
  • ground meristem ? forms ground tissue

  • Lateral meristems
  • located in older roots shoots of woody dicots
  • allow shoots roots to increase in diameter
    (secondary growth)
  • Intercalary meristems
  • located in bases of grass leaves
  • allow rapid regrowth

  • 2. Ground Tissue
  • Makes up the bulk of plants interior consists
    of 3 cell types.
  • Parenchyma cells
  • relatively unspecialized
  • thin primary cell walls
  • function in cellular respiration, photosynthesis
    storage of metabolic products
  • Stored products include starch, fragrant oils,
    salts, pigments, citric acid, crystals.

  • Collenchyma cells
  • unevenly thickened primary cell walls
  • function to support growing regions of plant
  • Sclerenchyma cells
  • thick secondary cell walls
  • usually dead at maturity
  • function to support non growing regions of plant
  • Two types of sclerenchyma cells
  • sclereids fibers
  • Sclereids responsible for gritty
  • texture of pears form hulls of peanuts.
  • Fibers of hemp plants are used to
  • make rope.

  • 3. Dermal Tissue
  • Single layer of tightly packed cells (epidermis)
    covering plant.
  • Dermal Specializations
  • Cuticle - waxy coating produced by epidermis of
    stems leaves
  • Functions to protect plant conserve water.

  • Stomata - pores extending through epidermis
  • Regulate gas water exchange with environment.
  • Trichomes - epidermal outgrowths
  • Root hairs increase surface area for absorption.
  • Leaf hairs slow air movement over leaf, reducing
    water loss.

  • 4. Vascular Tissue
  • Specialized conducting tissue in plants xylem
  • Xylem
  • transports water dissolved minerals from roots
    to shoots1
  • consists of tracheids vessel elements
  • dead at maturity
  • Tracheids - long, narrow cells.
  • Water moves from one cell to
  • the next through thin areas (pits).
  • Vessel elements - short, barrel-
  • shaped cells more specialized
  • than tracheids. Water moves
  • directly from one cell to the next
  • because the end walls usually
  • disintegrate. Water moves faster
  • through vessel elements because
  • of their larger diameter direct
  • water movement.

  • Phloem
  • transports organic compounds throughout plant
  • consists of sieve cells or sieve tube members
    companion cells
  • alive at maturity

Compounds found in phloem sap include
carbohydrates, hormones, alkaloids, viruses
inorganic ions. Sieve cells - long, tapering
cells usually found in gymnosperms seedless
vascular plants. Sieve tube members - specialized
cells usually found in angiosperms lose nucleus
at maturity. Companion cells - transfer
carbohydrates to/from sieve tube members.
  • B. Plant Anatomy
  • Basic parts of a flowering plant include stems,
    leaves, roots, flowers fruits.
  • 1. Stems - central axes of shoots.
  • Function to
  • support plant
  • transport nutrients/water
  • produce/store nutrients
  • Consist of nodes, internodes
  • axillary buds.
  • Flowers fruits will be discussed in chapter 28.
  • Nodes - areas of leaf attachment.
  • Internodes - portions of stem between the nodes.
  • Axillary buds - underdeveloped shoots that form
    in leaf axils. Axillary buds can elongate to
    form a branch or flower.

Comparison of monocot dicot stems. Both
surrounded by epidermis that secretes a
cuticle has few stomata. Monocots vascular
bundles scattered throughout ground tissue
each vascular bundle somewhat resembles a
monkey face note phloem forms on outer
portions of the bundles. Dicots vascular
bundles form a ring around outer edge of stem
here again, phloem forms on outer portions of
the bundles. Pith centrally located ground
tissue. Cortex ground tissue located between
epidermis vascular tissue.
  • Modified Stems

fleshy stems
  • Stolons (runners)
  • stems that grow along the soil surface.
  • Ex. Strawberries
  • Thorns
  • outgrowths that provide protection.
  • Ex. Honey locust
  • Tendrils
  • support plants by coiling around objects.
    tendrils may also be modified leaves Ex.
    Grapevines bean plants
  • Fleshy stems
  • store large quantities of water. Ex. Cacti
    (spines of cacti are modified leaves, not stems)
  • Tubers
  • swollen regions of underground stems that store
    nutrients. Ex. Potato tubers store starch
  • Rhizomes
  • underground stems that produce roots new
    shoots. Ex. Iris ginger

  • 2. Leaves - primary photosynthetic organs of most
  • Most consist of
  • flattened blade
  • stalk-like petiole
  • central midrib
  • numerous veins
  • Leaves are shed from an abscission zone at
  • base of petiole.
  • Petiole - attaches leaf to stem.
  • Midrib - large vein
  • Veins - strands of vascular tissue
  • Separation layer forms in abscission zone
  • in response to environmental cues
  • (shortening days / cooler temps).
  • Abscission zone minimizes risk of infection
    nutrient loss when leaf is shed.

  • Leaves are classified based on form type of

Leaf Forms
? simple
? palmate compound
? pinnate compound
Leaf Venation
? netted
  • Simple leaves have flat, undivided blades.
  • Ex. Elm maple
  • Compound leaves have divided blades divisions
    are called leaflets.
  • Palmate compound leaves - leaflets all attach to
    one point at the top of the petiole, like fingers
    on a hand. Ex. Horse chestnut (5 leaflets)
    clover (3 leaflets)
  • Pinnate compound leaves - leaflets are paired
    along a central line. Ex. Mimosa, rose walnut
  • Netted venation - minor veins branch off from
    larger, prominent midveins. Ex. Most dicots
  • Parallel venation - several major parallel veins
    connected by smaller minor veins.
  • Ex. Most monocots

  • Epidermis surrounds outer portion of leaf. It
    typically secretes a cuticle contains numerous
  • - stomata of horizontal leaves concentrated
    on bottom
  • - stomata of aquatic lily pads concentrated
    on top
  • - stomata of vertical leaves evenly
  • Portion of leaf sandwiched between epidermal
    layers is called mesophyll (ground tissue,
    primarily parenchyma cells). Horizontally
    oriented leaves usually have two types of
    mesophyll cells
  • palisade mesophyll cells - column shaped cells
    specialized for light absorption contain large
    numbers of chloroplasts.
  • Spongy mesophyll cells - irregularly shaped cells
    specialized for gas exchange contain fewer
    chloroplasts than palisade cells.

  • Modified Leaves
  • Tendrils
  • Spines
  • Bracts
  • Storage leaves
  • Cotyledons
  • Insect-trapping leaves

  • Tendrils - support plants by coiling around
    objects. tendrils may also be modified stems
    Ex. Pea plants
  • Spines - leaves modified to protect plant from
    predators. Ex. Cacti
  • Bracts - floral leaves that protect developing
    flowers. Ex. Poinsettia flower.
  • Storage leaves - fleshy leaves that store
    nutrients. Ex. Onion bulbs
  • Cotyledons - embryonic leaves. (monocot seeds
    have one small cotyledon dicot seeds have two
    relatively large cotyledons). Cotyledons supply
    energy for germination in dicots (endosperm
    supplies energy for germination in monocots).
  • Insect-trapping leaves - attract, capture
    digest prey. Ex. Venus flytrap, sundew pitcher

  • 3. Roots
  • Underground part of a plant.
  • Function to
  • anchor plant
  • absorb, transport, store water and minerals
  • absorb oxygen
  • Two main types
  • taproots
  • fibrous roots

  • Tap roots - embryonic root (radicle) enlarges to
    form a major root that persists throughout life
    of the plant lateral roots develop from major
  • Tap roots are deep roots most dicots have tap
  • Fibrous roots - radicle is short-lived replaced
    by roots which form on stems (adventitious
  • Fibrous roots are shallow prevent soil erosion
    most monocots have fibrous roots.

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  • Growth in length occurs near the roots tip.
  • Zone of cell division - contains apical meristem,
    which forms
  • root cap - protects apical meristem produces
    mucigel (a lubricant)
  • protoderm - future dermal tissue
  • ground meristem - future ground tissue
  • procambium - future vascular tissue
  • Zone of elongation - cells lengthen, pushing root
    tip through soil.
  • Zone of maturation - cells complete
    differentiation become functionally mature.
    Outer epidermal cells form root hairs.

Monocot root
Dicot root
Enlargement of dicot stele
  • Both monocot dicot roots possess
  • Epidermis (dermal) - single layer of cells that
    produce root hairs unlike epidermis of stems
    leaves, does not produce cuticle.
  • Cortex (ground) - region of root between
    epidermis stele.
  • Endodermis (ground) - innermost layer of cortex
    single layer of tightly packed cells, whose walls
    possess a band of suberin (waxy, waterproof
    material). This waxy barrier is called the
    Casparian strip (blocks movement of materials
    between endodermal cells).
  • Vascular cylinder or Stele (vascular) - includes
    pericycle (thin layer of cells beneath
    endodermis produces lateral roots), xylem
  • Monocot stele - ring of vascular bundles
    surrounds the pith (parenchyma tissue).
  • Dicot stele - phloem located between arms of
    xylem core.

  • Modified Roots
  • Storage roots
  • Pneumatophores
  • Aerial roots
  • Buttress roots
  • Prop roots

  • Storage roots - store carbohydrates (beets,
    carrots, sweet potatoes) or water (desert
  • Pneumatophores - form on plants that live in
    oxygen poor environments (swamps) allow oxygen
    to diffuse inward. Ex. Black mangrove trees
  • Aerial roots - roots that form grow in the air.
    Ex. Banyan tree, mistletoe, orchids
  • Buttress roots - large roots that form at base of
    a tree provide support. Ex. Tropical fig tree
  • Prop roots - roots that arise from the stem
    provide support. Ex. corn

  • C. Secondary Plant Growth (growth in diameter)
  • Lateral meristems (vascular cork cambia)
    increase diameter of stems roots in woody
    dicots gymnosperms.
  • 1. Vascular Cambium
  • Ring of meristematic tissue that produces
    secondary xylem phloem.

Vascular cambium will produce secondary xylem
toward the inside secondary phloem toward
the outside.
Woody stem secondary growth
  • 2. Cork Cambium
  • Ring of meristematic tissue that produces
    phelloderm cork.
  • phelloderm - parenchyma cells alive at maturity
  • cork - waxy, densely packed cells insulates,
    waterproofs, protects underlying tissues dead
    at maturity
  • Periderm cork cork cambium phelloderm
  • Cork used to stopper wine bottles comes from a
    cork oak tree that grows in the Mediterranean.

Woody stem secondary growth
Bark - everything external to the vascular
cambium (phloem, phelloderm, cork cambium
Bark periderm phloem
Woody stem secondary growth
Note oldest xylem is innermost, while oldest
phloem is outermost.
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Growth rings occur as result of differences in
available soil moisture when wood forms in
spring and summer. Spring - soil moisture is
high large diameter cells are produced, giving
wood a lighter color. Summer - soil moisture is
low small diameter cells are produced, giving
wood a darker color. Sapwood - functioning wood
(transports water dissolved minerals) located
nearest the vascular cambium. Heartwood -
nonfunctioning wood located in center of tree.
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