Title: BNL/AGS RSVP Upgrades Project WBS 1.4
1BNL/AGS RSVP Upgrades ProjectWBS 1.4
- Rare Symmetry Violating Processes
- Preliminary Baseline Review
- Brookhaven National Laboratory
- 6-8 April 2005
- Phil Pile
BNL/AGS RSVP Upgrades Project
- AGS Complex
- RSVP AGS Project
- Technical Specifications
- Work planned and approach
- Construction costs and labor estimates
- Operations costs
- Project management
- RHIC related issues
- Final comments
3AGS/RHIC Accelerator Complex
1200 oclock
200 oclock
1000 oclock
400 oclock
800 oclock
600 oclock
- Intensity 7 ? 1013 protons/pulse
- Injector to RHIC
- lt 1 hour about every 4 hours
Fast extraction
High Intensity Source
m g-2
Pol. Proton Source
Slow extraction
4AGS Experimental Area
- The Plan
- D-Line Decommissioned
- Switchyard simplified
- A,B,C Lines run as ORs
FY2006 Experiments
V1, p m Beam Line
U Line
RHIC Transfer Line
A3 RSVP, MECO E940, m N eN
NASA Radiobiology
B -Target
B5 RSVP, K0PI0 E926, KL0 p0nn
D-Line Decommission FY2006
RHIC eCooling Test Facility (under construction)
5AGS Beam Specifications
- K0PI0 AGS Beam Specifications
- Momentum 25.5 GeV/c
- Spill length 4.9 sec
- actual spill length will be determined once rates
are known and experiment optimization is complete - Rep rate (AGS cycle time) 7.2 sec
- Intensity 100 TP/spill
- Time between bunches 40 nsec
- Beam bunch width
- 200 psec RMS (baseline)
- 260 psec RMS (without 100 MHz cavity)
- Extinction between bunches 1 x 10-3
- Beam size on target (95)
- 2 mm full width vertical,
- 4 mm horizontal
- Beam hours
- engineering run 800 hours
- requested physics run
- 12000 hours at 100 TP/spill (see Littenberg talk)
- total integrated protons for physics run 6.0
x 1020 (with 4.9 sec spill length)
6AGS Beam Specifications
- MECO AGS Beam Specifications
- Momentum 7.5 GeV/c
- Spill length 0.5 sec
- Rep rate (AGS cycle time) 1.0 sec
- Intensity
- Experiment goal Two bunches/AGS cycle
20TP/bunch - AGS base-line (achievable) 20 TP/sec
- Time between bunches 1350 nsec
- Beam bunch width lt 50 nsec full width
- Extinction between bunches 1 x 10-9
- Beam size on target 1 mm RMS (radius)
- Beam hours
- engineering run 800 hours
- physics run
- 2800 hours at 40 TP/spill (stretch goal)
- 5600 hours at 20 TP/spill (base plan)
- total integrated protons for physics run 4.0
x 1020 - Run time will depend on achievable muon flux,
actual background rates etc..
7AGS Complex
C-AD Admin
8Booster Modifications
Other BLM, PFN and RF upgrade,new cables, tray,
dipole coils and controls Environmental CAP for
Booster injection carbon blocks to protect C5
C3 HI inflector at risk with high intensity p,
active protection planned
p Injection
Only one spare F6, need another before
resumption of high intensity p operation
HI Injection
LTB collimator protects C5 C7
9AGS Modifications
New H20 electrostatic Septum (at
I20) ReliabilityAperture
100 MHz Cavity
25 MHz Cavity
BTA Upgrade (CFI) A5 upgrade New A10 modules
Other BLM, PFN and RF upgrade,new cables, tray,
dipole sextupole coils and controls Environmenta
l CAP for AGS
New F5, F10 PSs Reliability Aperture
10Switchyard and Primary Beams (present)
Switchyard rebuild/simplify
New proton beam transports
11Booster and AGS Modifications
- Why make modifications to the Booster and AGS
- To meet the RSVP experimental specifications
- To resume operations with high intensity
- To ensure compliance with laboratory
environmental protection guidelines. - RHIC Consideration
- To ensure that RSVP operations do not compromise
the - operation of RHIC
12RSVP ESHQ Requirements
- QA
- QA Plan
- Procurement and Specification Reviews
- Action Tracking System
- Management, EMS and OSH Assessments
- Operations Procedure Reviews
- Configuration Management
- Records Management
- Baseline groundwater monitoring (3 wells added)
- Baseline external radiation monitoring
- Environmental Assessment and FONSI
- Covered by AGS EA 0909
- Air and water related permits
- Commissioning/Operations
- Unreviewed Safety Issues for Radiation, Vacuum
Vessel and Cryogenic Issues (DOE) - Accelerator Safety Envelope (DOE)
- Environmental Process Evaluation
- Facility Risk Assessments
13Electrical Safety / Fire Safety / Cryogenic
Safety / Equipment Handling Issues and
- Damaged/aging AGS Ring and Booster components
- Magnets, cables and breakers need to be repaired,
replaced - Experimental safety reviews required, for
example - Equipment must meet UL or equivalent
- Experimental layout must be OSHA compliant
- Electrical safety reviews required
- Quench protection and power supplies
- Cryogenic reviews required
- ODH, controls and pressure vessels
- Critical lift reviews
14RSVP construction during RHIC operations
- Present situation during RHIC injection
- Switchyard not accessible with beam in AGS
- K0PI0 primary cave (B-line) accessible
- MECO primary cave probably ok, fault study needed
- Almost decoupled from RHIC operations
- Plans
- AGS extraction beam plug
- Will allow access in switchyard and elsewhere in
AGS SEB area - New A-line (MECO) elevated beam transport
- Will allow beam in any other beam line
- Will allow work on MECO primary beam from RF
Kicker on - New B-line (K0PI0) beam plug
- Will allow beam in any other beam line
- Will allow work on K0PI0 primary beam outside of
switchyard - This decouples RSVP construction from RHIC
operations - AGS/Booster work must, of course, be scheduled
during normal RHIC shutdown periods.
15AGS/Booster WBS 1.4.1
(18.2M 25 cont)
- Four parts to this
- AGS/Booster legacy repairs and high intensity
upgrades (9.8M 22 cont) - Result of internal analysis since the Jan 04 DOE
Review - Environmental requirement - Radiation Caps (rain
barriers) on AGS and Booster is largest piece
(3.1M 22 cont) - MECO Specific Modifications (1.9M 27 cont)
- Beam inter-bunch extinction hardware
- K0PI0 Specific Modifications (5.7M 31 cont -
NSF) - Beam bunching RF cavities
- Booster-AGS upgrade (for intensity)
- Off-project CFI contribution 7.2 Canadian s
- AGS/Booster project support (0.9M 20 cont)
16Switchyard WBS 1.4.2
(2.9M 21 cont)
- Existing switchyard not in condition to support
high intensity operation for RSVP experiments - Simplification/Modernization planned
- Beam plugs to decouple construction work from
beam development - Replace obsolete equipment
- Minimize beam loss
- Achromatic beam tunes to target stations
- No beam servoing
- No ramped magnets
- No beam splitters
- No beam sharing
- No Lambertson magnets
- Less instrumentation needed
- Less maintenance
- NASA AGS facility relocation (A3 to Switchyard)
17K0PI0 WBS 1.4.3
(8.0M 27 cont)
- Primary Beam up to and including target station
Neutral Beam - Experimental area
- Project support and integration
18KOPIO Neutral Beam
D4 Sweeping Magnet
Neutral beam collimator system
Proton Beam Dump
19MECO WBS 1.4.4
(7.9M 23 cont)
- Primary Beam up to and including target station
- Superconducting Solenoid and refrigeration
infrastructure (support role see WBS 1.5) - Experimental area
- Project support and integration
20MECO Final Installation
Solenoid Power Supplies
Detector Solenoid (DS)
MECO Detectors (Removed from DS)
RF Modulated Magnet (RFMM)
Counting House
Transport Solenoids (TSu TSd)
Electronics Hut
Valve Box
A-Line Primary Proton Beam
Lambertson Magnets
Beamline Power Supplies
Beam Stop
Production Solenoid (PS) Proton Target
Proton Target Cooling System
21AGS Project Office WBS 1.4.5
(2.3M 20 cont)
- Overall schedule and integration
- Fiscal
- ESH and QA
- Reporting
22Basis of cost estimates
- Level 3 sub-system managers are responsible for
cost estimates and schedules for their work - Bottoms-up approach to cost and scheduling
- The physicist or engineer responsible for the
work estimated the cost and developed the
schedule this individual holds the Cost Book
and Project file WBS 1.4 has 10 cost books and
40 individual project files - Schedules were developed consistent with target
milestones determined by experiment needs
(tempered with reality) - Contingency was estimated using the Lockheed
formalism (levels and weights) - Costs were scrubbed at least once by peer group
C-AD engineers/physicists - Individual fully-loaded project files are linked
to a Master Project file. Costs, schedule and
personnel requirements etc presented at this
review came from this file.
23WBS 1.4 AGS Upgrades Cost Summary FY 05 s (1/2)
24WBS 1.4 AGS Upgrades Cost Summary (2/2)
25WBS 1.4 costs (FY05)
26AGS/Booster CAPS
27WBS 1.4 costs
28WBS 1.4 Work
40 FTEs per year
29WBS 1.4 Work
40 FTEs per year
30Personnel Issue
- Impact of RSVP on RHIC
- Past experience has taught us
- We can augment our C-AD work groups up to 10 to
support other activities with little disruption
to RHIC support. The additional personnel are
either used to back-fill RHIC work or to work
directly for the other activity with supervision
coming from permanent C-AD personnel.
31WBS 1.4 Work
10 of C-AD work-force
32RSVP Operations Cost
- RSVP Specific Considerations Cost basis
- Since the RHIC program does not support any
manpower for AGS experiments all experimental
area manpower support will be billed to the NSF
consisting of - a base manpower level that supports the
extraction system, switchyard transport, primary
proton transport and the primary target area
(common to both RSVP experiments) - Incremental manpower for each experiment
33RSVP Support Personnel
- The supplemental base manpower estimate is
comprised of the following - FTE
- Physicist 1
- Engineering (mechanical, electrical) 1
- Controls 0.5
- Instrumentation 1
- Vacuum systems 0.5
- Magnet systems 1.5
- Power supplies 1.5
- Utilities (power, water, AC) 2
- Extraction systems 1
- ESH, QA, Admin, training (org. burden) 0
- Shift operations 2
- Total 12
- K0PI0 specific manpower support
- Physicist, engineering 1
- RF systems (microbunch) 1
- Technicians (inst., vacuum, magnet
etc.) 2 - Total 4
34Operations Cost Basis
- RSVP Specific Considerations
- RSVP manpower is matrixed into the
Collider-Accelerator Department staff - Main control room operations is sufficient to
cover SEB operations during RHIC collision
operations except for an incremental effort to
support the SEB extraction system - RSVP support personnel will come from the present
C-AD staff together with new hires - C-AD RSVP support personnel will retain RHIC
responsibilities at a reduced level - When a conflict between RHIC and RSVP support
arises, RHIC support will win in all cases that
could impact RHIC operations - Material costs are based on actual costs of AGS
operations in support of HEP and NP fixed target
experiments (late 1990s). Full costs are
recovered if running outside RHIC operations,
otherwise the costs are incremental to RHIC
operations. - Pre-Operations are similarly handled but with
reduced costs due to reduced indirect charges
(part of construction project) and limited
operation (equipment development/testing).
35NSF Indirect Charges
- Pre-Ops Ops
- Salary 39.7 98.3
- Consultants 17.5 46.3
- DTS 12.0 38.2
- MSTC 25.7 56.0
- Subcontracts(gt25K) 13.7 21.5
- Subcontracts (gt600K) 13.7 20.8
- (only applies to first 600K)
Includes 3 full cost recovery
36Guidelines/assumptions for Example RSVP Operations
(1) AGS not available for RSVP during 1st 7 weeks
of RHIC operations and for 4 weeks/additional
beam during a given year
(2) Last week of RHIC operations is considered
running outside RHIC operations since this is
cryo warm-up week (injectors not running)
(3) AGS is available for RSVP the balance of the
time after reserving 15 weeks for shutdown work
(4) 80 full intensity hours/week are available
for RSVP experiments during RHIC Operations
(5) 120 full intensity hours/week are available
for RSVP experiments outside RHIC Operations
(6) 20 TP/sec available for MECO at 7.5 GeV/c,
linear ramp-up from 10-17.5 TP in FY12, 17.5-20
in FY14
(7) 100 TP/4.9 sec spill every 7.2 seconds
available for K0PI0, linear ramp-up from 30-75 TP
in FY11, 75-100 in FY13
(8) RHIC Cryo Operations based on "Constant
Effort" budget - 27 weeks per year
(9) Assumes K0PI0 construction ends in FY2010
followed by 8 week engineering run in FY2011
followed by physics run
(10) Assumes MECO construction ends in FY2011
followed by 8 week engineering run in FY2012
followed by physics run
37Example Operations Plan
38RSVP Project Organization (Partial)
MECO Magnet WBS 1.5 B. Smith
MECO WBS 1.3 M. Hebert
KOPIO WBS 1.2 M. Marx
AGS WBS 1.4 P. Pile/ A. Pendzick
C-AD Accelerator Div. Head T. Roser
1.4.4 MECO D. Phillips
1.4.1 AGS Booster K. Brown
1.4.2 Switchyard A. Pendzick
1.4.5 Project Office
1.4.3 K0PI0 C. Pearson
39Some Management Milestones
- AGS Upgrades Project, some milestones
- AGS/Booster
- Ready for high intensity 12/1/2009
- AGS MECO Specific
- AC Dipole and strip-line kickers ready for
commissioning 11/1/07 - AGS K0PI0 Specific
- A10 Kicker delivered to BNL 4/1/08
- 25 MHz cavity
- Ready for tests in AGS 10/1/09
- 100 MHz cavity
- Implementation decision 10/1/07
- Ready for tests in AGS 12/3/10
40Some Management Milestones
- AGS Upgrades Project, some milestones
- Switchyard
- AGS/Switchyard radiation areas separated 9/4/06
- Beam plugs installed 11/1/06
- Complete 12/3/07
- K0PI0
- Detector Pit Complete 8/20/07
- Proton Beam Line Complete 10/1/08
- Neutral Beam Line Complete 12/1/08
- Electronics Hut Ready 5/1/09
- D4 Sweeper Ready 6/1/09 (Ready for Beam)
- A-Line Ready for Beam Tests 10/1/07
- A-Line Ready for Solenoid Installation 4/1/08
- Design Review Complete for A-Target 1/15/09
- A-Line Ready for Beam to MECO target 6/1/11
41Experiment construction milestones
RSVP Beam Development Possible
K0PI0 Engr/Physics Run
42Machine construction milestones
RSVP Beam Development Possible
K0PI0 Engr/Physics Run
43WBS 1.4 Milestones
Page 43 of 60
44Management during construction
- Work is defined by yearly MOUs between the AGS
project, RSVP Project office and experiments. - Matrix RHIC personnel and new hires to support
RSVP construction - RHIC priority will be maintained
- Conflicts will be handled with goal to not
seriously impact established RSVP milestones
overtime, second shiftetc.
45Management during construction
- Cost Risk
- C-AD work is not out of the ordinary so the risk
of cost overruns is not so large. - Changing experiment requirements present cost
risks and close liaison with experiments is
essential - Cost risks will be mitigated through use of
46Management during construction
- Schedule Risk
- K0PI0 25 MHz cavity delivery from Triumf is a
possible risk - Must be installed during summer 2009 to be ready
for development run in 2010 and physics run in
2011 - Present delivery date (1 March 2009) is
preliminary estimate from Triumf must have by 1
July to commission with beam in 2010 - ? four months float.
- Close coordination between C-AD and Triumf is
planned and is a must - MECO Critical path is superconducting magnet
installation - 1 June 2011 is present date for completion with
engr/physics run in 2012 - Leaves 6 month of schedule float to 1 Jan 2012
enrg/physics run - Will mitigate with overtime/second shift
(contingency) if possible - Close liaison with experiments is critical to all
our efforts
47Management during construction
- Schedule Risk (cont)
- RHIC Programmatic needs will take priority over
RSVP construction and could lead to RSVP schedule
risk. - Mitigated by careful planning, integration of
RSVP into day-to-day C-AD activities and use of
overtime, second shift etc when called for.
48Management during construction (and operation)
- RSVP Specific Communications Meetings
- Plan to continue weekly RSVP specific meetings
(these began in July 2004), including relevant
Department personnel and representatives from the
experiments, to discuss management issues,
technical progress, schedule and cost issues
throughout the life of the project. Other
invitees include representatives from the RSVP
Project Office and the DOE Brookhaven Area
Office. - RSVP will be integrated into our normal
management meetings that are relevant to the
project, such as the work planning meetings of
the Experiment and Facilities support division
and the Accelerator Division. - This will integrate key RSVP personnel into RHIC
planning so they become a participant in the
scheduling and priority setting process
49RSVP Operations Support
- C-AD operational crews (CAS Watch) are maintained
on a 24 hr basis, 7 days a week during RHIC
operations and shutdowns to provide - Safety surveillance of C-AD experimental areas
and equipment - General support for experiment and accelerator
operations - This crew, appropriately augmented, will provide
operations support for RHIC and RSVP
- Programmatic risk for RHIC
- Low risk RHIC priority will be maintained
- High intensity operation of Booster/AGS could
lead to component failure and impact RHIC
operations - Mitigated by pre-emptive component replacement
and staying within acceptable RSVP operations
parameters. - The Jan 2004 DOE Review of RSVP Activities at
BNL had as a principal charge to review impact
of RSVP work on RHIC operations - Quote from findings
- In summary, the Committee concluded that the
RSVP experiments will have minimal impact on the
Nuclear Physics program at BNL. Plausible
solutions exist for potential higher failure
rates or longer repair times. The overall
management structure of the project was found to
be in the initial stages of development.
51Final Comments
- C-AD has had 50 years of experience with
management, construction and operation of fixed
target experiments - RSVP construction and operations will take full
advantage of this previous experience. - RSVP construction is not out of the ordinary.
52Supplemental Material
53AGS RSVP Project Office
54(No Transcript)
55Basis of cost estimates
- We have a total of 10 cost books.
- 1) RF Systems 2) Mechanical 3) Switchyard 4)
KOPIO 5) KOPIO Electrical 6) Security 7)
Instrumentation 8) Electrical 9) Controls 10)
56WBS 1.4 Materials Labor