Title: P1251328619viXcK
1Man Made Board
Plywood Shuttering
Plywood Furniture
PLYWOOD - This is made from wood veneers with
each grain layer being at right angles to the
previous and bonded together by resin and
pressure. A number of different grades are
available 1. Marine plywood that is water
resistant.2. WBP- Weather and boil proof 3.
Boil resistant plywood.4. Interior plywood.
Blockboard Furniture
Blockboard is made from rectangular strips of
softwood glued and bonded together under high
pressure. These strips are then sandwiched
between a wood veneer, such as birch. A single
veneer on both sides is known as 3-ply. A double
veneer on both sides is called 5-ply.
Chipboard Flooring
CHIPBOARD is made up of small chips of wood
bonded together with resin and formed into sheets
by compression. This is not as strong as plywood
and blockboard but it is not expensive. Chipboard
is often covered with a plastic laminate or wood
veneer and used in furniture.
5Veneered Chipboard
Wooden Veneer
VENEERED CHIPBOARD is made up of small chips of
wood bonded together with resin and formed into
sheets by compression. This is then faced with a
thin wood or plastic laminate veneer (used in
kitchen unit manufacture). One of the main
drawbacks with this type of material is the
unfinished edges. These need to be covered with
an edging strip.
Plastic Laminate Veneer
MDF Furnishings
versatile product that is suitable for many
interior projects. It cannot be used for outside
work exposed to wet weather conditions, but is an
asset for shelving, cupboards and surfaces inside
the home. It has a fine texture that is even
throughout its length. This is due to the method
used in manufacture. Bonding wooden fibres
together under high pressure forms MDF. The
sheets are available in numerous thicknesses
including 9mm, 12mm, 15mm, 18mm
Perforated Hardboard
Hardboard Cabinet Back
Hardboard is made from wood fibres that have been
pulped. The pulp is put under pressure until the
fibres bond The standard hardboard sheet is
smooth on one side and has a textured underside,
and is available in various finishes and
thicknesses, the most common being 3.2mm.
8The End