Title: FIC Grants Information
1Financial and Administrative Systems Information
for NIH Foreign Grantees
Fogarty International Center (FIC) National
Institutes of Health
2Financial and Administrative System Information
for NIH Foreign Grantees
The purpose of this presentation is to provide
useful information to NIH grantees to assist with
their Financial and Administrative Systems.
- There are two main sections in this presentation
- Internal Controls
- Accounting System Financial Reporting
3Internal Controls
- Grantees need to establish internal controls to
receive and monitor NIH grant funds. Some
internal controls are listed on the following
- Foreign organizations should have a procedure in
place to ensure that grant funds sent to your
institution are deposited into a specific account
identified for grant-related expenses.
4Internal Controls, continued
- The organization should have a procedure in place
to ensure that grant funds are expended only on
allowable costs. (See Allowable Costs section in
the FIC Grants Information Resource Package).
Foreign grantee organizations should only charge
overhead costs, to administer the grant, up to
the amount awarded for FA costs. - The organization should have a procedure in place
to ensure that the principal investigator
approves all costs expended or charged to a grant
and that the principal investigator is given
periodic financial reports about expenditures.
5Internal Controls, continued
- The organization should have a procedure in place
to ensure that all Terms and Conditions on the
Notice of Grant Award (NGA), the official
notification from NIH awarding the grant, have
been reviewed. - The organization should also have a procedure in
place to ensure that any restrictions on the
Notice of Grant Award are identified and
6Internal Controls, continued
- The organization should try to ensure that there
is a separation of responsibilities in the
approval of charges to the grant and the
disbursement of grant funds. - The organization should have separation of
responsibilities in the preparation and payment
of employee salaries (i.e. payroll), and have
written procedures in place.
7Internal Controls, continued
- The organization should have an equipment policy
that ensures that equipment purchased under a NIH
grant will be used for grant-related purposes
until the grant has ended. - The organization should have timekeeping
procedures in place to ensure that personnel
charges are allocated appropriately to the
correct grant account.
8Accounting System and Financial Reporting
Grantees need to have an appropriate accounting
system to properly administer NIH grant funds.
Useful information regarding an Accounting System
and Financial Reporting is provided on the
following slides
- The organizations accounting system should have
a Chart of Accounts (list of accounts) that
provides for consistent treatment of direct costs
and facilities administrative (indirect) costs.
9Accounting System and Financial Reporting,
- The organization should have an accounting system
and procedures in place to ensure that all income
and expenses are allocated to the correct grant
account. - The organization should prepare financial
statements every year.
10Accounting System and Financial Reporting,
- If an organization expended 300,000 or more in
any previous year from the U. S. Department of
Health and Human Services (includes NIH, FDA,
CDC, HCFA, IHS and AHRQ), then the Code of
Federal Regulations (Title 45 Part 74) requires
that either a Circular A-133 audit or a financial
related audit, in accordance with Government
Auditing Standards (Yellow Book Audit), be
performed annually.
11Accounting System and Financial Reporting,
- Foreign grantees must submit annual Financial
Status Reports (FSRs) on Standard Form SF-269
that is provided in the FIC Grant Information
Resource Package. The organization should have a
procedure in place to ensure that the FSR (Form
SF-269) is submitted to NIH each year in a timely
12For More Information