Title: Standards Plenary
1Standards Plenary
- Standards Activity Committee
3SISO Mission Statement
SISOs mission is To provide an open forum that
promotes the interoperability and reuse of models
and simulations through the exchange of ideas,
the examination of technologies, and the
development of standards.
SISO Vision Document SISO-ADM-004-2001
The SAC provides oversight for SISO product
development activities and has primary
responsibility of overseeing the development of
these products to support interoperability and
reuse in the MS community. The SAC conducts its
development activities through a number of
Product Development Groups (PDGs), which operate
as strongly focused, task organized groups
concentrating on the development of
consensus-based standards and their related
5Current SAC Members
- Michael J. OConnor Chair
- Allison Griffin Vice Chair
- Tom Mullins Secretary
- Michelle Bevan
- Chris Bouwens
- Peggy Gravitz
- Jean-Louis Igarza
- Robert Leach CC Vice Chair
- Mike Lightner
- Reed Little
- Gene Wiehagen
- Chris Rouget
Van Lowe IST Support
6New SAC Membersas of close of the 2003 Fall SIW
- Chris Bouwens, 2004
- Peggy Gravitz, 2004
- Allison Griffin, 2004
- Jean-Louis Igarza, 2004
- Reed Little, 2004
- Adin Burroughs, 2005
- James McCall, 2005
- Chris Rouget, 2005
- Chris Wertman, 2005
- Gene Wiehagen, 2005
- CC Vice chair
- 2 appointed members
Van Lowe IST Support
7SISO Products
- Balloted Products
- Standards
- Guidance
- Non-balloted Products
- Reference
- Administrative
8SISO Balloted Products
- Standards Products are formally approved items
that reflect consensus agreements on products,
practices, or operations, as required, by
simulation industry applications. SISO Standards
are to be stable, well understood, technically
competent, and have multiple independent
interoperable implementations. In addition they
should enjoy significant public support, and be
recognizably useful in some or all parts of the
simulation community. Compliance with a SISO
Standard requires conformance with all of the
shalls in the Standard. - Guidance Products are items that can control the
development, integration, and use of common
reference data in some portion of the Modeling
and Simulation community. Guidance Products are
similar to Standards in that they describe SISO
Best and Current Practices. A recommended
development process is an example of a Guidance
9SISO Non-balloted Products
- Reference Products are sources of information
that provide a passive input to models and
simulations. Reference Products may also be an
aid to research. Reference Products include
reports prepared by Study Groups, Data
Dictionaries, Lexicons and the SIW Proceedings. - Administrative Products are developed by SISO to
guide the operations and practices of the
organization. Examples of Administrative
Products are the SISO Vision document and the
SISO Policies and Procedures.
10Value of SISO Process
- Process is well documented
- Process is faster than other standards
organizations - Process uses a web-based balloting system
11SISO Balloted Products
- Approved SISO Standards
- SISO-STD-001-2000 Realtime Platform Reference
Federation Object Model - IEEE Standards
- IEEE 1278
- IEEE 1516
12Balloted Products Development Process
- BPDP provides direction on the development of
SISO balloted products - It does not cover non-balloted products
- Builds on PP
- Provides specific SAC guidance
Every PDG does not have to reinvent the process
- The BPDP is a comprehensive document
- Input from a broad range of experts
- Current past SAC members
- HLA developers
14Six Step Process
15Step 1 Activity Approval
- Complete SISO Product Nomination (PN)
- Review PN to assess impact on SISO
- Approve Product Nomination
16Step 2 Product Development
- Appoint TAD and interim PDG Chair
- Launch development activity
- Elect Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, DGs
- Establish development schedule
- Produce the product or product component
- Monitor PDG activities
- Submit draft product to SAC and EXCOM for
'Approval to Ballot'
17Step 3 Product Balloting
- Send initial balloting announcement
- Establish balloting pool
- Send second balloting announcement
- Prepare product and balloting package
- Conduct ballot
- Determine ballot results
- Resolve ballot group member comments
- Conduct re-circulation ballot (if required)
- Close balloting process
- Announce ballot results
18Step 4 Product Approval
- Submit balloted product(s) and supporting
material to the SAC for review - Review balloted product(s) and supporting
material for compliance with PDG charter and SISO
Product development procedures - Approve product(s) and recommend product(s)
disposition - Forward package to the EXCOM for approval
- Accept product(s) as a SISO Product
- Notify SAC that product is ready for distribution
- Post announcement to the SISO community via the
SISO ADMIN reflector
19Step 5 Distribution and CM
- Conduct initial CM on new SISO Product (log
product and provide appropriate number according
to the SISO Product Numbering Guide) - Store approved SISO Product(s) in the SISO
Document Library - Distribute new SISO Product
- Maintain revisions as required
20Step 6 Periodic Review
- Conduct Periodic Reviews
- Determine course of action for SISO Product(s)
(Reaffirm, Revise or Withdraw) - If periodic review decision is to revise, then
identify current sponsor/proponent (after 5 years
could have changed) willing to revise if
necessary - If periodic review decision is to revise, then
revise SISO Product(s)
21Role of SAC
- Review Product Nomination
- Provide PDG guidance on process
- Answer PDG questions
22Role of PDGs
- PDGs develop the product (step 2)
- The PDG guides the product through balloting
(step 3) - The PDG presents the product to the SAC for
approval (step 4) - Any SISO member may join a PDG
- PDGs have elected officers
23Product Nomination
- The SISO Product Nomination form is available
on-line at - http//www.sisostds.org/stdsdev/tracking/ProposeAb
stract.cfm - The PN form has fields for the data required by
the PP and BPDP - Downloadable forms are also available
24Study Groups
- SISO Study Groups are chartered to answer
question of interest to the MS community - SGs can be a first step to a PDG
- Discuss requirements for a product
- Explore existing material related to the proposed
product - Create a Product Nomination
25Numbering SISO Products
- SISO has a standard for numbering products
- SISO-ADM-001-2001
year version
year the product was approved
addendum letter
part number for additional components
category number
product category STD, GUIDE, REF, ADM
Indicate optional fields
SISO Numbering Procedure SISO-ADM-001-2001
26PDG and SG Status
- Study Groups
- C4ISR Sim TRM 2
- Conceptual Modeling
- Simulation Reference Markup Language
- Transfer of Control
- Product Development Groups
- Base Object Model
- Environnemental Data Coding Specification
- Dynamic Link Compatible HLA API
- Link 16
27Potential New PDGs and SGs
- Study Groups
- Intelligent Tutor
- Medical Simulation
- DIS Extension
- Message Based RTI
- Product Development Groups
- VVA Overlay to FEDEP
28Activities for this workshop
29Priorities for MS Standards -- Panel Discussion
- Date Tuesday, 17 June 2003
- Time 1700-1900
- Location Congress Hall A
- Topics
- Panel discussions addressing mid-term modeling
and simulation standards needs - The panel discussions will be followed by
audience discussion and feedback - Results from each of the sessions will be
compiled and briefed back to SISO to advocate MS
community standards priorities to leadership in
government, industry and academia - Future Panel discussions at other MS forums
30Link 16 PDG
- Date ???
- Time ???
- Location ???
- Topics
- continuing work on the development a SISO
standard to define the methods to simulate a
Link-16 Network within Distributed Interactive
Simulation (DIS) and the High Level Architecture
(HLA) frameworks
31A Good Problem
- 5 1 PDGs
- 4 6 SGs
- 1 Person
Solution Get more people from your organizations
- SISO provides a proven infrastructure for
creating standards and guidance products for the
MS community - SISO Products are in wide use
- SISO members expertise and experience is a asset
in developing products - SISO has a number of new Products in development
33Go Develop Standards
Standards Activities Committee
Standards Activities Committee
35Link 16 Simulation Standard Product Development
GroupSISO-STD-002-V1.0 DRAFT
Joe Sorroche, Vice-Chair Link 16 PDG
36Link 16 Simulation StandardProduct Description
- Product Type Standard for Simulating Link 16
Tactical Datalink Networks - Description
- This product shall be a SISO standard to define
the methods to simulate a Link-16 Network within
a Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) or
High Level Architecture (HLA) framework. - The standard shall detail implementation and
usage methodologies in DIS and HLA as well as
defining the data structures - This standard shall not contradict any part of
IEEE 1278 or IEEE 1516 - This standard shall support functionality of the
SIMPLE protocol (STANAG 5602) - This standard shall be suitable for unlimited
37Link 16 Simulation StandardProduct Description
- This standard shall have three main sections and
two appendices - General Instructions (applies to DIS and HLA)
- DIS Specifics
- HLA Specifics
- Appendix A (normative) HLA BOM OMT
- Appendix B (normative) SIMPLE to DIS/HLA
38Product Status
- Began with the TDL SG product (02F-SIW-119, SIWZE
Winner!) - Solicited community comment through
email-reflector discussions and face-to-face
meetings. - Draft standard published at Spring 03 SIW
(03S-SIW-142) - Prototype implementations exist and in progress
- Northrup-Grumman, MITRE, USAF DMT, USAF DMOC,
Boeing Virtual Warfare Center
39Product Development Milestones
- Aug 02 PDG Approved
- Sept 02 Initial PDG Meeting, Election of
Officers - Dec 02 Initial PDG Technical Meeting
- Hi-Fidelity Synchronization
- Additional Appendixes (Normative and Informative)
- Dec 02 Standard Number Assigned
- Mar 03 First Official Draft of Standard
Published - Apr 03 Spring SIW Meeting
- Technical Review of Standard
- Submittal of DIS Enumerations
- May 03 Second Official Draft of Standard
Published - Jun 03 Euro SIW Meeting, Euro Technical Review
of Standard - July 03 Third Official Draft of Standard
Published - July 03 Teleconference PDG Meeting, Final
Technical Review of Standard - July 03 Balloting Groups Form
- Aug 03 Final Draft Published, Submitted to
Balloting Process - Aug 03 Assigned Reviewer Ballot
- Oct 03 Standard Approved(??)
40Link 16 PDG Leadership
- PDG Officers
- Adin Burroughs, Northrop Grumman IT
- Link 16 PDG Chair
- Joe Sorroche, TACCSF/ASRCC
- Link 16 PDG Vice Chair
- Dr. Rob Byers, Northrop Grumman IT (DMT
Standards) - Link 16 PDG Secretary
- PDG Editors
- Dr. Rob Byers
- lead editor
- Adin Burroughs
- Usage Section assistant editor
- Simple to HLA assistant editor
- Joe Sorroche
- DIS Section assistant editor
- Graham Shanks
- HLA Section assistant editor
- Neil Barrett
- Analysis Implementation Guidelines assistant
41Link 16 PDG MembershipOver 150 Reflector Members!
- QinetiQ
- MsTI
- 3Com
- Simulation, Inc
- Marzen
- Plexsys
- Raytheon
- Australia Virtual Ship
- Sparta
- US Navy
- US Army
- Boeing
- Lockheed Martin
- Northrop Grumman
- Information Technology
- Integrated Systems
- Stasys
- ASTi
- General Dynamics
42Activities for this Workshop
- The Link 16 PDG will be meeting in C4ISR on
Tuesday (1530-1615) - Follow on meeting on Tuesday evening (if
required) - Reflector SAC-PDG-LINK16_at_itcenter.org
43Realtime PlatformReference (RPR) FOM 2.0 PDG
44PDG Team Members
- PDG Officers
- Chair Richard Schaffer (Lockheed Martin
Information Systems) - Secretary Douglas Wood (MÄK Technologies)
- Technical Area Director Michael OConnor (ITT
Industries) - PDG Editors
- RPR FOM Graham Shanks (AMS), Mark Rybka (Boeing)
- GRIM Jeff Fischer (AMEWAS), Ron Bertin (Boeing),
- PDG Team Member(s)
- Len Granoweter (MÄK), Reed Little (CMU SEI),
Steve Monson (Boeing), Dr. Peter Ryan (DSTO),
Steven Sheasby (Raytheon), Grant Tudor (Adacel),
Chris Turrel (DMSO), Mike Bachmann, Sean Reilly
(Anteon), and more
45Product Description
- Product Type Standard
- Description
- A Reference FOM for the Real-time, Platform-level
simulation community - Common Foundation Reference FOM
- Complete and extensible FOM providing fundamental
level of interoperability supported by multiple
communities - Based on transitioning the IEEE 1278 family of
protocols (i.e., DIS) into HLA - Consists of a FOM and a guidance document
- HLA OMT format
- Maintained in Aegis OMDT
- Distribution includes PDF, OMT, XML, .omd, .fed,
and Word revision history - Guidance, Rationale, and Interoperability Manual
(GRIM) - Microsoft Word and PDF files
46MS Community Identification
- The RPR FOM supports Realtime platform-level
simulations - Initially targeted for those simulations that
transition from DIS - Supports new federates with similar requirements
47Community Need
- DIS encompassed a broad base of existing
interoperable simulations - Established data definitions and mechanisms
- Enable gateways between DIS and HLA
- Existing DIS like FOMs either too rigid or not
complete - STOW FOM was just PDUs sent as attributes or
interactions - Platform-Reference FOM was good start but was
incomplete and needed refinement
48Compliance Testing
- GRIM establishes criteria for compliance
- General FOM Guidance and Rational
- Procedures for using object and interaction
classes - References to IEEE 1278 documents
- DMSO Federate Compliance testing establishes
first level of interoperability
49Product Maturity
- Approach
- Provide an intelligent translation of DIS to a
Reference FOM - Dont try to improve DIS beyond what comes
naturally from the use of HLA features - Initially strict adherence to DIS content to
support transition - Reference FOM concept allows extensions beyond
what is defined FOM - Eventually allow adaptation to fully embrace
capabilities of HLA and changing community
requirements - Maturity
- RPR 1.0 IEEE1278.1 -1995 Functionality
- SISO-STD-001-1999 (GRIM) and SISO-STD-001.1-1999
(RPR FOM) - RPR 2.0 IEEE1278.1a -1998 Functionality
- Completing assigned review phase
- RPR 3.0 Anticipated DIS 3.0 functionality
- Incorporate ongoing developments and extensions
- Prototypes
- Widely used in MS community for real-time
platform-level simulations - Commercial Vendors supporting RPR FOM
50Product Maturity Continued
- Impact to MS Community
- Facilitate transition of DIS implementations to
the HLA - Maintain interoperability among DIS simulations
once they are transitioned - Support interoperability of newly developed
federates with similar requirements - Facilitate interoperable simulation components
- Commercial vendor support
- Repository of simulation components
- Impact to SISO Community
- Provides focal point for standardizing real-time
platform-level interoperability issues - Impact without Product
- Stove pipe FOM solutions that fracture
interoperability - Dynamically integrating federations from ground
up is costly and time consuming - SIW Forums
- The RPR FOM is of interest to all forums
51ScheduleProduct Development Milestones
- RPR FOM Version 1.0 completed 11/19/1999
- SISO-STD-001-1999 (GRIM) and SISO-STD-001.1-1999
(RPR FOM) - Version 2.0 to be balloted this summer
- 14 draft revisions from January 2000 to present
52Dynamic Link Compatible HLA API PDG
- DMSO RTI has been the defacto standard
- C Header organization / contents
- Names (RTING/RTI-NG)
- Contents (What symbols in which DLL/SO)
- Environment Variables
- Dynamic-Link compatibility has been a goal of RTI
Vendors as theyve chased the DMSO RTI. - As DMSO transitions HLA there is no longer a
defacto standard RTI implementation - Need for a independent, reviewed standard.
54Community Need
- Use an HLA Federate without modification with any
RTI. (Assuming a properly functioning RTI) - Avoid Federate source code mods for new RTI
- Avoid re-compiling against new RTI header files
- Avoid re-linking against new RTI libraries
- Benefits
- HLA Tool vendor
- Single tool version not RTI specific.
- HLA RTI vendor
- Demonstrate alternative RTI without imposing
Federate modifications - Federation Integrators
- Any HLA Tool will work with Program-specified
RTI. - Freedom to chose RTI independent of individual
Federate requirements.
55PDG Team Members
- PDG Officers
- Chair Steve Monson (The Boeing Company)
- Vice Chair Thom McLean (GTRi)
- Secretary Allison Griffin (DISTi)
- DG Editors
- Editor Steve Drake (The Boeing Company)
- Assistant Len Granowetter (MaK Technologies)
- Assistant Björn Möller (Pitch)
- Assistant Roger Wuerfel (SAIC)
- PDG/DG Team Member(s)
- Developing alternative SISO-standard APIs
- HLA 1.3
- C
- Java
- IEEE 1516
- C
- Java
Not re-balloting IEEE 1516
- 12/4/03 PDG Kick Off Meeting
- 2/11-2/12 1.3 Drafting Group Interim Meeting
- Spring 03 SIW
- Final Draft of HLA 1.3 APIs completed (C
Java) - Start work on HLA 1516 APIs
- Late Spring Begin 1.3 Balloting Process
- Late Summer 1.3 Standard Approved?
- Fall 03 SIW 1516 Final Draft ready for review
- 11/03 1516 Balloting
- Spring 04 SIW PDG Disbands
Semi-weekly telecons critical to keeping this
58Planned Approach HLA 1.3
- Develop SISO Standard alternative APIs
- C
- Java
- Start with latest DMSO RTI.
- Identify which components must be standardized
for dynamic-link compatibility - Prepare Final Draft for Spring 03 SIW
No Federate changes required to use new RTI
59HLA 1.3 C API Preview
- Drafting Group recommended changes that would
break backwards compatibility. - Remove defines in Header
- Changed RTI functions to virtual
- Prototyped an RTI Cap to permit using new RTI
without Federate modification
No Federate changes required to use new RTI
60Planned Approach IEEE 1516
- Develop SISO Standard alternative APIs
- C
- Java
- Lock Down IEEE 1516 components by Fall 03 SIW
for Ballotting
Current specification permits and encourages
vendor customization
62(No Transcript)
63(No Transcript)
64(No Transcript)
65(No Transcript)
66(No Transcript)
67EDCS PDG (Environmental Data Coding
- PDG Officers
- Chair Bob Richbourg
- Vice Chair Dale Miller
- PDG Editors
- Drafting Group Editor Bob Richbourg
- PDG Team Member(s)
- Drafting Group
- Paul Foley
- Annette Jannett
- David Jodeit
- Guy Schiavone
- Total of 84 members of the PDG (subscribers to
the EDCS PDG reflectors)
68Product Type and Description
- Product Type (Standard, Guidance, Reference,
Administrative) - The EDCS is progressing through development as an
ISO standard - The EDCS PDG has developed Reference Standards
that endorse use of the ISO standard - Product Description
- Two SIW papers have been produced by the Drafting
Group - 00F-SIW-071 Standardizing the Codification of
Environmental ObjectsThe Environmental Data
Coding Specification - Initial review of the 3d working draft ISO EDCS
- 02S-SIW-049 The Environmental Data Coding
Specification The Standard for Specification of
Environmental Objects and Properties - Updates review of EDCS (main properties, features
and usage example) based on the final ISO Working
69Community Description and Need
- MS Community
- The EDCS is a coding specification used to
codify all types of environmental data (object
classification, attributes, and measures) - The EDCS has been used by many programs to
encode objects represented in FOM - The EDCS is the coding scheme used in SEDRIS
transmittals - Community Need
- Other codification schemes (e.g., EBV, FACC, )
have significant content and / or organization
shortcomings that are overcome in the EDCS
70Maturity, Schedule and Activities
- Product Maturity
- The ISO EDCS is now a final committee draft
document and should become recognized as an ISO
standard within the year - SISO products
reference and endorse use of that standard - The EDCS has been used for environmental data
codification for several years by multiple
programs - Schedule
- As the ISO standard becomes more formal
(progresses from current Committee Draft to
recognition as ISO standard) PDG activities
decrease - PDG schedule closely tied to ISO schedule
- Workshop Activities (Describe what you are
doing at this workshop.) - This Workshop Review latest round of PDG
comments on the current ISO product - Finalize EDCS PDG activities
- SG Officers
- Chair Allison Griffin
- Vice Chair Tom Hughes
- Secretary Vacant
- SG Editors
- Joe Lacetera
- Andreas Tolk
- Tom Mullins
- SG Team Member(s)
- Members of the C4ISR/Sim TRM reflector!
- Join the reflector if you are interested in this
72Product Type and Description
- Product Type Reference
- Product Description
- Phase I
- An interim report on the TRM actually Use Cases
submitted as paper 03S-SIW-028. -
- Phase II
- Draft framework for a TRM users guide.
- A final report with a further-developed C4ISR/Sim
TRM - Planned delivery of a Product Nomination for the
TRM Guidance Product.
73Community Description and Need
- MS Community
- The TRM is intended for both the MS and C4ISR
communities, including, developers and
technicians. - Community Need
- Develop a draft standard frame of reference (TRM)
for interoperability between C4ISR Systems MS
74Maturity, Schedule and Activities
- Product Maturity
- Draft TRM from 2002 Fall SIW available on SISO
site - (SISO-REF-008-2002)
- Uses cases will be presented at the 2003 Spring
SIW (03S-SIW-028) - SG II working to develop survey and list of
organizations to complete the survey. - Schedule
- Phase I on schedule - Use Cases being presented
this week. - Phase II will begin just after the 2003 Spring
SIW and deliver - Draft framework for a TRM users guide.
- Final report containing further-developed
C4ISR/Sim TRM. - Planned delivery of a Product Nomination for the
TRM Guidance Product.
75Simulation Conceptual Modeling Study Group
- Study Group Leader
- Jake Borah (PROC Forum Chair)
- Initial Study Group Member(s)
- Jean-Louis Igarza
- Susan Solick
- Simone Youngblood
- Michelle Bevan
76Product Type and Description
- Product Type
- SCM SG will produce a study group report
containing - Final reports of any study topical sub-group
- Best and most effective practices
- Recommendations to the SISO on the persistent
management of the topic - Product Description
- SCM SG will research the use of Conceptual
Modeling in MS and related information
technology domains - Make a data call for readily available empirical
evidence to create a set of best (most-effective)
practices - SCM SG will perform exploratory work into
establishment of best practices for Conceptual
Modeling - Identify and evaluate the significance of the
topic to the scope of the SISO and interests of
its members - Refine existing Conceptual Modeling terminology
- Draft a taxonomy of concepts
- Document relevant techniques and beneficial
77Community Description and Need
- MS Community Potentially Benefiting from SCM SG
- MS sponsors/users
- MS requirement managers
- MS simulation designers
- MS software developers
- MS VVA agents
- Community Need
- A set of Best Practices does not exist for
Conceptual Modeling - MS community fragmented on use of terminology
- Novice MS designers, and developers left to
develop ad hoc solutions for the transformation
of sponsor/user requirements into simulation
designs and software code -
78Schedule and Activities
- Schedule
- First Meeting, Wednesday night 1900-2100 in
Manatee B - Interim Progress Reports to Euro-SIW and Fall SIW
- Topical Committee Reports at Fall SIW
- Final SCM SG Report at Spring 04 SIW
- Workshop Activities
- This is the kickoff meeting for the SCM SG
- Re-affirming SCM SG Terms of Reference
- Building SCM SG structure
79SRML Study Group
- SG Officers
- Steve Reichenthal
- SG Editors
- PDG Team Member(s) (Provide a list of
individuals that are currently or may/should/will
be involved in the development of this product) - Marianela Garcia Lozano
- Ingo Simonis
- Paul Gustavson
80Product Type and Description
- Product Type (Standards Investigation)
- Determine the practicality of establishing a
standard means for representing simulation models
in XML, based on the Simulation Reference Markup
Language. - Define the goals, needs, business case, and
potential benefits for such a standard. - Specify interrelationships with other standards
activities such as HLA, BOM, XMSF - Determine level of interest within the SISO
community. - Identify technical opportunities, challenges.
- Product Description (Provide a brief bullet
point description of the product and components
as necessary) - Description of SRML.
- Findings regarding the goals, needs, business
case, and benefits to the community. - Findings regarding the level of interest at SISO.
- Specification of the relationship of SRML to HLA,
BOMs, XMSF, MDA, and other emerging trends, as
well as technical opportunities, challenges, and
areas for growth. - Recommendation to the SISO on the topic.
81Community Description and Need
- MS Community (Describe the MS Community that
will use and benefit from this product) - Those building, or are planning to share, reuse
or interoperate models based on XML. - Those wanting to encapsulate behavior in Rapid
Application Development tools, i.e. Base Object
Model developers and users. - Those involved in many information domains, since
SRML is general-purpose language based on XML. - Anyone wanting to embed behavior in XML.
- Community Need (Provide brief bullet point
details and discussions for the need in the
community.) - The need for the study arises from the rapidly
increasing interest and use of XML for modeling
and simulation. - The specific need for SRML is to be determined by
the study group.
82Maturity, Schedule and Activities
- Product Maturity (Provide brief bullet points
on the maturity of the product.) - The SRML product is at production maturity at
Boeing - SRML was initially put into production early in
2001 - Schedule (Major Milestones Provide brief
schedule of product development milestones.) - Conduct study between Spring 2003 SIW and Fall
2003 SIW - Draft report by June 2003
- Final Report by Sept 2003
- Workshop Activities (Describe what you are
doing at this workshop.) - Enlisting SG membership interest
- Making informal measurements of SRML interest
based on attendance at SG meeting - Providing information about SRML
- Sharing Terms of Reference with and going over
83FEDEP SISC Working Group
- WG Officers
- Chair Bob Lutz
- Vice Chair Reed Little
- Secretary Katherine Morse
- Technical Editor
- Roy Scrudder
84Product Type and Description
- Product Type Recommended Practice
- Product Description
- The purpose of FEDEP is to provide the HLA
user community with a recommended practice for
how HLA federations are developed and executed .
This document defines the processes and
procedures that should be followed by users of
the High Level Architecture (HLA) to develop and
execute federations. It is not intended to
replace low-level management and systems
engineering practices native to HLA user
organizations, but is rather intended as a
higher-level framework into which such practices
can be integrated and tailored for specific uses.
85FEDEP Product Status
- Initially developed via the SISO BPDP processes
by a SISO Product Development Group - Moved to an IEEE SISC Working Group
- Balloted within the IEEE
- Approved, as IEEE P1516.3, by the IEEE-SA
Standards Board on 20 March 2003 - The SISC FEDEP Working Group thanks the SISO for
all its support and resources