Title: Jennifer L' Reck,
1A Tri-State Academic Detailing Collaborative
- Jennifer L. Reck,
- Prescription Policy Choices
2008 Intl Symposium on Pharmaceuticals In the
Home and Environment, S. Portland, Maine,
November 11, 2008
2Prescription Policy Choices
- Nonprofit, nonpartisan 501(c)(3) educational and
public policy organization focused on
prescription drug policy - Evaluate policies and programs that effectively
reduce prescription drug prices, increase access
to medications, minimize conflicts of interest
promote evidence-based prescribing
3What is Academic Detailing?
- Also known as prescriber education and outreach
- Practice of sending independent, trained
clinicians to prescribers practices in order to
present objective, comparative, evidence-based
information on prescription drugs
4Academic Detailing in Context
- Avorn coined the term in the early 80s did
initial RCTs establishing its efficacy for better
aligning prescribing practices with the
scientific evidence - The US spends more per capita on prescription
drugs than any other country - 216.7 billion in
2006 yet many patients still lack access the
US ranks poorly in health outcomes
5Academic Detailing in Context
- The industry spent 12 billion in 2006 on
marketing - Employs approximately 90,000 pharmaceutical sales
representatives, or approximately 1 for every 5
doctors - Conflict of interest concerns
6Academic Detailing Legislationin Northern New
- ME passed legislation funding academic detailing
in 2007 - VT expanded funding for its program in 2007
- NH passed legislation supporting academic
detailing in May of 2008
7Northern New England Academic Detailing Planning
- Prescription Policy Choices convened stakeholders
in ME, NH and VT for an academic detailing
planning initiative in the spring of 2008 - Informational summit to identify best practices
from existing programs - Working groups to identify potential points for
collaboration to maximize impact
8Academic Detailing Planning Initiative Funders
- Nathan Cummings Foundation
- Consumers Union
- Endowment for Health
- Maine Health Access Foundation
- The Bingham Program
- Community Catalyst / The Prescription Project
9Academic Detailing Informational Summit
- US
- Pennsylvania (since 2005, administered by
Harvards Independent Drug Information Service,
www.RxFacts.org) - Vermont (since 1999)
- South Carolina (since 2007, Medicaid / mental
health focused) - Worldwide Australia, Canada
- Though quality-focused, academic detailing has
demonstrated an ability to cut costs - Overall cost savings as high as 2 for every 1
invested in prescriber education programs
demonstrated in - RCTs (Soumerai Avorn, NEJM, 1986)
- Real-world practice (Australias program over the
past 10 years)
11Northern New England Academic Detailing Planning
- Potential points for collaboration
- identifying clinical topics for focus
- conducting literature reviews
- developing key messages and physician and patient
educational materials - training academic detailers
12Northern New England Academic Detailing Planning
- Funding models
- Manufacturer fees (ME, VT)
- pharmaceutical sales representative licensing
fees (WDC) - Pharmaceutical industry settlements (Zyprexa)
- Medicaid matching funds
13Northern New England Academic Detailing Planning
- Executive summary and full report available at
www.policychoices.org - A Template for Establishing and Administering
- Prescriber Support and Education Programs
- A Collaborative, Service-based Approach
- for Achieving Maximum Impact
14Part of a Growing National Movement
- Bills also passed in 2008 in
- New York, Massachusetts Washington, DC
- State legislation expected in 2009
- Colorado, Maryland, Wisconsin Washington
- Federal legislation Independent Drug Education
Act of 2008 (IDEA) - Would provide federal grants for educational
material development and outreach programs
15Upcoming Educational Session on Academic Detailing
- The NHMS, in conjunction with MMA and PPC, is
presenting a CME program entitled Academic
Detailing Advancing Evidence-Based Prescribing
Practices - Keynotes Dr. Marcia Angell Dr. Jerry Avorn
- November 17, 900 am-1200 pm
- Concord, New Hampshire
- Register with tduffany_at_policychoices.org
16For Further Information on Academic Detailing
- Please feel free to contact me at
- jreck_at_policychoices.org